
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 10: Stalker; Part 1

Ash's P.O.V:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm playing 'Mic Drop-BTS'. I turned it off and looked around. Empty, no sight of Jay. I suddenly got a buzz from my phone. I look to see a text from Jay.


Hey bestie! Hurry up and get ready. Meet me by the mall in 10.

Sent: 10:23am


What for, I'm tired!

Sent: 10:24am


Please!!!!!!!!! Just do it for me. I'll buy you lots of chocolate!!!!!!!

Sent: 10:24am


Fine. I want dark chocolate too. LOTS of it.

Sent: 10:25am


Deal... Dress sexy ;)

Sent: 10:26am

I read the text message over and over wondering what he meant by dress sexy. What was the occasion?

I get up out of my bed and slumped over to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. A whit long sleeve lace up crop top along with washed out blue ripped jeans added with flat white trainers. I put my hair into a sleek back ponytail with edges.(neither the girls in either pictures; body type thicker thouuuuu)

My outfit:

My hair:

I quickly got into the shower and got dressed. I look in the mirror to see how I look. "The curves are out there. I wonder if this too much?" I sigh before putting on my trainers. I grab my car keys and backpack and head out the door.

A Black Lamborghini Huracan.

My Car:

Before I got inside my car, I heard my phone ringing. I answer it.

"Hello?" I say while getting into my car.

"Hey Ash, where are you? I've been waiting forever!" Jay whines. I laugh it off.

"I'm on my way, I'm just starting my car." I say while smiling. I can hear shuffling and murmurs from the other side of the phone. "What was that?" I ask sternly. No response. "Jay Mishito!" I yell.

"Sorry Ash, there was a crowd around me. Just hurry up!" he demands then hangs up the phone before I even realized.

"Jay. Hey....Jay!" I yell before checking that the call was disconnected. I sigh in anger and started the ignition of my car. I slowly back out of the driveway and started heading towards the mall.

Time skip to the mall:

I walk into the mall not knowing which store Jay wants me to go to. I don't mind. I walk round and stop in Foot Locker.

I look around for Jordans. I look in the male section to find one. I wanted a specific black and red Jordans so I asked some of the employees. One of them pointed to where it was and luckily I found it. "Bingo!" I reach out for the Jordans they were my size.

I examine the pair of shoes and they were pretty legit. I nod my head in satisfaction. I check the tag price and saw that it was on sale from $175 to $110. I knew I hit jackpot. I suddenly heard distant shouting from behind me, but I paid no attention.

'Jay! You promised to go out with me. I love you!'

I keep all my focus of the shoes. The shouting got closer and closer.

'You're crazy, stay away!'

I turned around and bumped into a muscular being. We both stumbled on the floor. I look up to see Jay.

"Ash!" he exclaims, getting up from the ground looking excited. He reaches out to help me up and I gladly accepted it. "I was looking all over for you, but..." he was cut off by a shrieking female walking towards us, angry.

"Jay Mishito! How dare you not like me!" she yells eyeing him up and down while other customers in the store looked at the three of us. I was starting to get pissed. I really didn't like the attention that she was bringing towards us.

Who the fuck is this girl.

I look at her face and realize that it was the same girl from last night. I look at her examining her outfit and style.

She was wearing a hot pink crop top letting her stomach show along with a white mini skirt. I look to see her shoes and she was wearing baby pink stiletto pumps with fishnet stockings. I look up at her face was drenched in makeup. Her eyeshadow was a completely over blend of pinks and purples. She over lined her lips making it look flat and shabby. Her cheeks covered with a hug amount of highlighter and blush making her face look too fake for the rest of her body. I look down again to see her shape and all I saw was complete stick. Bone.


"I don't even know you. Why are you following me?" Jay sighs as he was hiding behind me, trembling in fear. The girl steps closer to us and that made Jay petrified and tighten his grip around my waist. I sigh in frustration. The girl looks me up and down in disgust, faking a gag.

Bitch please!

"I thought I beat the shit out of you last night. Why are you bothering Jay?" I ask in anger, knowing how loud my voice is for everyone in the store to turn their heads in my direction. I really didn't care. She looks at me in shock and I realize that I don't have time for any of this. I was so over it.

I eased Jay off my body and picked up the Jordans box that fell unto the floor and walked to the cash register. He smiles at me sheepishly as I paid for the shoes. The cashier boxed them up and gave them to me. "Thanks." I say smiling, he smiles back. I walk over back to Jay and the girl. The both looked at me astonished and speechless. I rolled my eyes.

"I really don't have time for this so can we leave?" I say while grabbing Jay's hand and I see a spread of blush across his cheeks. This is no time to act cute. We tried walking out the store, but the prissy pink bitch stopped in front of me. She held her arms out to block the exit. I let go of Jay's hand and rubbed my temples in frustration. "Listen thot, I don't have time for this. So if you would move you skinny bitch ass out of my way, the would be much appreciated." I glare at her. She starts sweating.

"First of all, my name is Britney and I'm here for Jay, we're on a date and he keeps running away from me!" she shrieked at me.

"Fuck my ears! Ash, I really don't know her. I was walking into the mall and she suddenly attacked me. I trying to find you, but I end up running from her. 당신은 바로 사랑을 날 믿어?(You believe me right, darling/jagiya?) " he says glaring at Britney. I groan in annoyance.

I shoved Britney to the ground and left the store with Jay. Him trailing behind me like a lost puppy. I walked faster than him, clutching the foot locker bag in my left hand. He walks up to catch up with me and back hugs me. I can feel his crotch on my ass. I suddenly heard a snap, like a picture being taken. I snap my head around and no one was there.


"I'm sorry..."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is weirddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd. God help me lmaooooooo. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and excited. I will try and update as frequently as possible. I hope you guys enjoy your weekend. (its Sunday for me)

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My crazy tush....
