
He Changed Me

Ash is living with her bestfriend after their parents trusted one another to make Ash and her roommate alone. They went on a date and it hit off. Later that night she catches him doing what she didn't expect. Will this affect their relationship?

Ash_TheMischevious · Teen
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13 Chs

Chapter 8: Movie Night; Part 1

Ash's P.O.V:

I quickly run into my room closing the door behind me. I jump on my bed squealing into a pillow.

"I can't believe I just did that. I sucked Jay's neck. I gave him a hickey!" I say to my smiling. Soon to realize, "What if he doesn't like it? What if he hates me for it? Holy shit!" I scream into the pillow trying to calm down and come back to my senses.

I grab my phone and slowly going through tik tok, noticing Jay's profile.

He's pretty famous.

I scroll through his videos laughing at some. I saw some that were a bit too revealing and I got pissed. Since he did onlyfans, this was how he would become popular. Each onlyfan that he made and it has over 2.3k likes and the videos that show his true personality and humor didn't have as much but enough. This made me think if these 13 year old girls on tik tok thirst for my roommate. I got even more pissed.

I turn off my phone and walk to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and to my surprise there were about 7 or 8 hickeys on my neck. I got more curious and lifted up my shirt and to my surprise, there were about 6 hickeys down my torso. I stumble back on the door making a thud.

"I have hickeys." I sigh out. I quickly run of the bathroom to Jay's room, bursting in without knocking. He looks up from his phone to face me looking at me with the 'what-the-fuck' face.

"What's wrong, jagiya?" he says walking over to me, caressing my cheek. "Is everything okay?" he asks again. I grab his hand, turning him around and pin him to the door. "Wai-" I cut him off by smashing my lips unto his. I tilt my head to the side to deepen the kiss while wrapping my arms around his neck, bringing my body closer to his. He grabs my waist and pulls me back away from him. I look at him with a pout.

"Why are we doing this so suddenly? Did something happen?" he asks looking at me with a worried expression. I point to the hickeys on my neck. He instantly covers his mouth and accidentally chuckled out a laugh. I hit his arm playfully.

"It's not funny, oppa~. You planted hickeys on all neck and body without consent." I complain. He then bursts out laughing.

He takes of his shirt off and I back up a bit, not knowing what he is gonna do. What the hell the am I thinking? I jumped on him first anyway.

"What are you doing?" I glare him. As soon as he took of his shirt a saw a shit load of hickeys. I walk up to him and started to count to hickeys on his torso. 14 hickeys...wow I went all out. Before I could say anything he picked me up to put me over his shoulder.

"Put me down Jay!" I scream out while punching his back. He started walking to the living room then stopping. "Put me down!" I say while trying to budge out of his grip. He then spanks my ass several times. I wince in pain.

"Aww, did I hurt my jagiya's ass?" He jokingly asks while hitting my ass again.

"Ow, that actually stings paboo~." I yelp before he sits me on the sofa then sitting next me. I look at him confused. He took a grab of the remote to turn on the TV to Netflix.

"What show?" he says as he scrolls through the genres.

"Horror." I say fixing my eyes on his body. He still doesn't have on a shirt. I never really pay attention to his abs, but tonight it's distracting me horrifically.


I stare at how huge and dark the hickeys were. For his light skin type, they were a dark shade of the mix and red and purple which made his muscles stand out more. Now people can back off now they know what's mine.


My eyes trail down to his abs. Six pack was seeping through as he was breathing in and out. Flexing his muscles, I can't look away.

"Ash!" Jay yells while shaking my shoulders making me stop spacing out. "We're watching 'The Possessions of Hannah Grace', looks fun right?" he says while pointing to the Tv making me see a demonic girl upside down. I flinch back a bit seeing what was on the screen.

As the movie progressed, it was about a girl having a demon in her while a priest and her father were performing an exorcist on her. The demon didn't get out fully and her father decided to get rid of the demon was to burn her alive. The burned body of Hannah Grace was brought to a morgue and a new worker was to work the night shift and put the body in captivity. Hannah Grace wasn't dead and things take an odd turn...

Jay and I were snuggled up beside each other with a blanket with the lights dimmed down. My head was on his chest and right arm was wrapped around shoulder snuggling me in close to him. My eyes started to feel heavy and the last thing I knew was me falling asleep on Jay's chest.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This chapter was a bit wonky but ehh. I couldn't help it. For reference to the Korean sayings, I use them because it helps them communicate with one another since that Jay was a Korean descent. And I was like "Yahhhhh, we plop down some BTS army shizz up in this bihhhh. Staying up til 4 in the morning to finish this chapter was not a good idead but worth it. I hope you like it. Please rate, comment and share.

Bye love youuuuuuuuuuu