
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter twelve

Gabriel sat on the grass while drinking water, he looked handsome with an equally handsome lad beside him as well. The two looked exhausting as they panted heavily.

" I wonder where our Instructor went of to ", the handsome boy beside Gabriel asked. He had lush brown hair and beautiful green eyes, he was almost on par with Gabriel in beauty but was still lacking compared to Gabriel.

Gabriel squinted his eyes slightly then turned to the boy, " I think he went to look for my sister, she hasn't been to practice for a long time "

" When did you start addressing Rose as your sister, you must have started to like her also ", the boy grinned as he nudged Gabriel.

Gabriel sighed while looking at his friend, " You're engaged to Abigail but your thinking of Rose ", he shook his head.

" You know very well that I don't love Abigail and I never will, not after what she did at my manor. She completely embarrassed me, she'd better not come to the training grounds. "

Gabriel was about to retort saying that his true sister has changed but was interrupted by a petite figure that ran towards them. Her beautiful long black hair danced in the wind and her big eyes shone but not as bright as her smile. The two were surprised to see her but the handsomest boy's expression soon turned for the worse as he scrunched up his nose. He got up and began to walk away coldly, thinking the latter will chase after him but she hadn't come up to him for a while, she wasn't very far away when he saw her.

He turned to see what might have happened and his pupils constrict. He was shocked by the scene that greeted him. Abigail was holding Gabriel's hand and the two were conversing happily. This was very shocking as the two siblings didn't meet eye to eye in the past and if any one knew these two saw this, they'd probably faint in shock. But what shocked him the most was that Abigail didn't greet him or spare him a glance even once.

She only paid attention to her brother instead of me? What's going on? The boy then walked back to the two who were conversing happily. They were sitting on the grass so he sat beside Gabriel but the two didn't care about his arrival and ignored him which annoyed him a little.

" Brother, I'm done with my work and I'm free now, how has your training been going ", she asked.

" Good, the test is holding three days from now so Luke and I have been training hard ", as soon as Gabriel mentioned that name, her gaze averted towards the handsome boy beside Gabriel, it was Lucas Esselrade, the young lord of the Esselrades manor and district and also Abigail's fiance.

They had been engaged since young in a political alliance between the Stones and Esselrades to bring the two families together. Since they were engaged, Abigail was obsessed with him and followed him round like a puppy and snapped at any girl that went close to him, even his sister.

Lucas had had enough of her and was already getting sick, he wanted to annul their engagement but the two parties must accept and the families agree. Abigail ofcourse didn't want to break off the engagement so he was helpless until he met Rose and fell for her instantly. Who wouldn't love a beautiful, sensible and delicate girl like her, compared to her Abigail was a sore thumb although she was beautiful, her attitude made it irrelevant.

Ofcourse let's not forget the incident that happened at the Esselrades manor when Abigail went to visit. As she searched for Lucas, she saw him conversing happily with rose which angered her and she soon began to scream at Rose, Lucas got upset and told her he wanted to call of their engagement in front of so many people. This caused her to throw a massive tantrum and she had to be dragged out.

This memories caused Abigail's heart to bleed in embarrassment. How could she forget something so shameful caused by this boy. She decided to ignore him and forget about their relationship. Love was a very dangerous thing that she didn't want to be associated with in this life or in the next. She has already had her fair share of men in her past life and wasn't concerned with it anymore.

As the three sat on the field, she slightly nodded to Lucas before continuing the chat with her brother. This shocked both boys, the Abigail they knew would have been all over Lucas by now but he only gave him a nod? Gabriel chuckled as Lucas face turned red in fury, confusing Abigail, she ignored him then turned to Gabriel again.

" I'll be going into town soon, just wanted to see you before I left ", she said.

" Oh ...

Gabriel was caught short by a petite delicate figure walking towards them, she had a bonnet on and a maid carried an umbrella over her head to block out the sun. It was Rose. Lucas happily went towards Rose and the two began to converse. Rose looked towards Abigail and Lucas but the sibling pair ignored her. Stunned and infuriated, she gently bit her lower lip. She came here so she could she Abigail cause a scene so she could embarrass herself.

Lucas noticed the look on her face as she looked at Abigail and his expression became gentle. He patted Rose's head and said, " Don't worry, I'm here and she won't hurt you ".

Rose then smiled at him and the two began to happily converse, " How has your training been going? ", Rose asked the two

" It's been great ", Lucas replied and Gabriel shrugged, " It's okay ".

Rose bit her lip again at Gabriel's indifferent attitude towards her. How dare he ignore her? Her smile quickly came back but Abigail and Gabriel noticed this change of expression. What a hypocrite, the siblings thought.

" I'll be leaving now brother, see you later ", Abigail said as she began to walk away.

" Where to elder sister? ", Rose asked.

" I believe that's none of your business, second sister ", Abigail smiled towards her but her expression was chilly. Rose shrugged of the coldness from her sister's voice and replied, " Mother and I are worried about your safety so... "

" I'm bringing a guard with me so you don't have to worry ", Abigail said. Rose's expression then fell causing Lucas to become angry, " Can't you tell your sister where you're going, she's very worried about you ", he said.

" I don't remember when it became your business Lucas, please stay out of it ", she then smiled at her brother and left shocking the three. Did she just lash out at Lucas and didn't throw a tantrum?? They stood for a while before Gabriel left to get some water. Rose was enraged at this point that she didn't manage to get Abigail to throw a tantrum but instead was dissed by her. Lucas felt equally frustrated, wasn't she in love with me?? What the hell happened??