
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Thirteen

Abigail, Martha and Travis had been to every corner of the commercial district by now as their carriage was filled and other hired carriages followed behind, they had spent half of the day shopping and jumping from store to store. Abigail had to have everything she needed for her next big project. A fashion brand! She carefully selected the best fabrics and silks that would suit the brand nicely, she also got several sewing machines and mechanical looms.

She had spent a total of 30,000 gold coins purchasing all this as Martha kept a record for future use. The carriages had gone a distance before stopping before a rundown jewelry shop. The shop was worn out and the paint almost fading. As they walked in, a bell rang above the door and soon a man walked out from the back door. He was a rough looking man. His dirty blond hair was untidy and his clothes wrinkled. He looked like he was in his late twenties. He was a good looking man and would be better if he cleaned himself up.

He sized up the group that had walked through the door, they looked decent but weren't expensively dressed, " What do you want, we don't have expensive materials here, we deal in crafting ".

His nonchalant behavior clearly shows that business hadn't been great lately and he didn't want to be bothered by these people at the moment. Abigail looked at the man and wondered if he was really as skilled in jewelry design and crafting like Martha had earlier informed him. Abigail had asked Martha previously to get her a list of people that were very skilled in different fields and this man happened to be an unknown talent in the jewelry business. Abigail had wondered how Martha had so much information and she told her she worked at the information bureau once as an assistant before she worked at the Duke's mansion.

Abigail then went forward and looked at the man intently, " I'm aware that you're very skilled in making jewelry am I right?? ", she asked.

The man stunned but then sneered, she isn't the first to ask him that and it won't be the last time as well. " I don't make counterfeits, it's against my morals as a Jeweller. You can leave now "

Abigail was amused by the man currently waving her away, she admired his straightforward demeanor and honesty. She was sure she wanted to work with him. She coughed slightly as she adjusted the veil she always wore when she went out to avoid people recognizing her. She then smiled and said, " I'm looking to start a jewelry brand and I'd like your talent to work for me "

The man was surprised but then frowned, " I said no counterfeits, I don't do that "

" I know and I'm completely legitimate, you can accompany me later to shop for the ores and gemstone as I'll need your pointers on picking them ", she said as she walked round the store and before the man could say a word she replied, " I'd like to buy this store as well, we could use it as a workshop and I'll buy another to sell your work, what do you think? "

The man was dumbfounded then his expression became serious as he thought about it, " Deal, 10,000 gold coins for the shop and another 1000 to hire me ", the man agreed quickly and they shook on it. She then handed him a book and 50,000 gold coins to find a suitable shop, get equipment and hire other jewellers, shop assistants and a few guards to get the shop ready.

The man was shocked to see so much money but what scared him more was the book she handed him, they had sketches of different designs for chains, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and so on. They were well detailed and were extremely stunning. He hadn't seen such beautiful designs and was really excited to start making them.

Her voice brought him back as she said, " There's going to be a time limit of two months to make a dozen of each design in that book and make only five of the three highlighted designs. The shop's design should be nice, I'll leave the advertising to Martha ". And when she was done she left the shop and went over to their next destination.

They bought another well kept and spacious shop and loaded all the equipment they had bought into it. The fashion studio was set up. As she organized the studio, Martha had invited a dozen of both Men and women, they we're professional designers and seamstresses.

After giving them a few orders and introducing the designs to them, she left the shop in the hands of the newly appointed head designer and left. She was finally done, the sky was still bright and it was late in the afternoon, she decided to visit the pastry shop to see its progress.

They arrived at the entrance and noticed a small crowd had gathered, what was happening? The shop wasn't meant to be open till the end of the week, she forced herself through the crowd and arrived at the cause. A fat middle aged man could be seen with a couple of armed men surrounding him, he was currently talking to Jack who had a grim expression on his face and his daughter hid behind him.

" You think you can open up this dump again, dream on! ", the fat man said with a mocking expression .

" I don't want any trouble and I'll report you to the guards for causing a disruption ", Jack said and he clenched his fist. He was in the process of perfecting a recipe that lady Abigail had given him when this man had barged in and started causing trouble. They had less than a week till the opening and he didn't want anything to distract him at the moment.

" What do you think the guards can do? I don't have time for this, hand me the recipes you have, who knows if you stole it from my pastry shop, I'm just seeking justice for my business ", the man proclaimed self righteously. He owned a pastry business and a chain of restaurants which was already very successful. He was once competing with Jack but suddenly had a breakthrough and his business started to fare better while Jack's declined. Even an idiot could tell there was foul play.

Abigail watched as the fat man ranted on, she could see some shelves and showcases had been damaged. Not only did this pig walk into her shop and damage property but he even claimed that her work was stolen from him. What a joke.

" Travis, beat these men till they're unrecognizable ", her voice echoed out causing everyone present to turn to her. The fat man had heard this and before he could say anything his men were set ablaze and their screams shocked everyone, it was fire magic!!

The fat stared at the men rolling on the ground as they were engulfed in flames that burnt them without damaging their clothes or anything around, this person's control of fire was obviously on a high level. His expression became pale and he said, " What business do you have in this matter "

" You came to find trouble at my shop and accuse me of stealing your ideas and recipes, isn't that to bold of you Mr Slate? "

" I was just starting facts, there was a break in at my shop last night and my recipe book was stolen and your shop is planning on a reopening by the end of the week, isn't that suspicious ", the man replied quickly as his face became smug. The new owner was just a little girl? this should be easy, he thought

Abigail seeing through his thoughts smiled, " That is still a very bold claim and what's your evidence? ". The man was shocked, of course what he said was a lie so there was obviously no evidence.

" What do you know?, you're just a child "

" A child that owns this shop, I advice you to get out of here or you might not like what happens next ", Abigail said as signalled to Travis and he extinguished the flames on the men and they ran out.

" And what do you plan on doing? ", he asked.

" Do you remember what happened with Mr. Bingley? You have an outstanding criminal record which you have paid a lot to cover up, crimes from stealing to fraud and so many other things that I believe a lot of your rivals will be interested in ", Mr Slate's expression was already as white as a sheet. How did she know so much? I have to leave this place now! And with that, the man quickly left without another word.

Abigail smiled with contempt and turned to Jack, after being informed on his progress and sending a letter to Mr Slate to compensate for the damage he caused, she left to have dinner with the two.