
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter Eleven.

After that day, Abigail stayed in her room and didn't come out, she had tons on chemistry book and fabrics around her. She'd order her food to be brought to her as she carried out her work. It had already been a week since the last incident and her tutors went in and out the room with Abigail never coming out. She didn't come for sword practice which worried Gabriel a lot but he couldn't see her as he was preparing for the test to become part of the Royal Crest, a group of elite Knights that protect the Royal family and carry out special tasks given by them. She knew and wasn't hurt that he didn't come since he was working hard to pass, she will also work hard to complete her next project.

" I'm finished!!, she screamed in delight as she held a few small notebooks similar to the ones she gave Jack previously. They had different names on them which were cosmetics, clothing, Food, jewelry and so on. She had worked very hard on these for the past one week and is ready to carry out these plans. She squealed at the thought of opening her own brand stores. She was so happy that she spinned. Martha walked in and saw her young lady smiling and turning around, she smiled loving and dropped a tray on a stool.

" Young lady, come and have breakfast, you must be hungry ", Martha said as she sat Abigail down and served her breakfast. She happily forked some eggs and put in her mouth then turned to Martha who was busy pouring tea into a cup and said, " I have good news Martha, I'm done with my work, we'll leave the manor at noon, inform Travis beforehand and prepare the bank notes as well. Were going shopping ".

Martha bowed her head and hurried out to inform Travis while Abigail finished her breakfast and went out the room. On her way to Gabriel's room, she was stopped by the butler and after a while she followed him to the Duke's study. " Your highness, the first young lady is here ", the butler introduced.

" Let her in ", the Duke, Ronald said as Abigail walked with unhurried steps into the study. She stopped in front of him and bowed

" You asked for me father "

" Yes, it's concerning your account at the bank, I was told you withdrew all the money from the account and then you abandoned it "

" Yes father, I did ", she replied indifferently.

He gritted his teeth before asking her, " Where's the money "

" Because it's my money, I've spent it all ", she replied with a nonchalant expression which angered Ronald even more.

" You spent so much money in less than a month, no wonder you were able to afford so many luxurious dresses and shoes ", he hollered staring at the clothes that Abigail was wearing which was reported to be made by a mysterious seamstress. " How dare you ".

Abigail stood before him and appeared rather calm and composed compared to the Duke, she sighed then said, " the money is mine as I had signed the papers three years ago when the account was open ", she then continued, " Second mother and Rose have also spent much more wthin a month so I don't see why I can't do the same "

The Duke was enraged and threw a teacup to the ground shattering it instantly then he pointed furiously at her, " How dare you question your second mother's spending? Unlike you, they have social gatherings and important events to attend and will always need to dress well. You don't need such so why should you order such luxurious dresses with your current behavior. Quickly give the designers name to your second mother and let them have the clothes made immediately "

She looked at this father of hers with a pitiful expression, did he have brain damage or what? She sighed, " What do you know of my current behavior? Have you seen anything I've been doing lately, you don't even know where I am unless you need me. I'd rather not say anymore, Good day father ", she then stormed out of the room with her father shouting after her.

The man sat on his chair with a sullen expression, how dare she!! He was planning on freezing her accounts only to hear they were empty and she had spent it all then she dares to question her second mother's spending and talk back at me?? He'd be sure to teach her a lesson. Just as he was about to call the butler, two men walked into his study and bowed.

" Your highness ", they greeted in unison. The Duke was currently not in the mood but waved at their greeting indicating for them to stand. They were the tutors hired by him for Abigail and Rose.

" Why have you come? Is it about my daughters lessons? ", The asked the two.

" Yes your highness, your daughter has shown remarkable growth and is now very knowledgeable ", One of the tutors said.

" He's right your highness, I'm afraid there's nothing we can teach her again but we'll still carry on with her lessons as usual to nurture such talent ", the other man commented. They then began to tell him more which made him smile.

" Rose is a really talented girl isn't she? I'm so proud of her and her capabilities with magic is astounding ", the Duke praised her.

" Y- yes, lady Rose. is also talented but... "

" We're actually referring to lady Abigail your highness ", the two said, Ronald was in the middle of praising Rose when he heard that and froze. Abigail??

" Abigail.. is this a joke ", he stood up in anger causing the two tutors to step back in fear for their lives. Why would we joke about something so serious??

" No your highness, it's very true, lady Abigail is indeed truly different even with her lack of magic, she could one day manage the district's affairs ", the man continued. The Duke sat back in shock and after a while the two bowed and left.

Just as he was getting over the shock. Gabriel's sword instructor arrived at the door and greeted. " Aren't you meant to be at practice with my son, his test is approaching ", he asked.

" Yes your highness but I came here for something important ", the man relied, " It's about lady Abigail "

" What did she do, did she disturb Gabriel or interrupt his training ", Ronald asked angrily, " Tell me ".

" No no, not at all, it's just that she joined the prince's training and has improved beyond leaps and bounds. She's truly talented your highness but she hasn't been coming to training lately and I'm worried she might not be well, please extend my greetings to the young lady ", after saying more, the instructor then left. The Duke was puzzled at the moment, what exactly happened to Abigail? When did she become so talented. He then turned to his butler to tell him more.