
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter five

She was starving? Didn't she just eat? I guess it can't be helped, she had to find something to eat!! She stood up and made her way to the kitchen but then she stopped, Were was the kitchen?? She then realized her the past owner didn't bother to look for the kitchen, she then realized how stupid she was. She had made up her mind!!

She skillfully turned to Martha who had been following her closely. The young woman was currently deep in thought, what happened to her young lady? why did she act strangely, she hadn't thrown a tantrum all day and she appears to be more mature. Even the way she walked was different. As she was thinking about this she noticed the young lady had stopped to look at her. She was suprised.

" Young lady, so you need anything?? ", Martha asked.

" Yes I do, but first please call me lady Abigail from now on ", she said as she didn't like young lady and actually preferred if she just called her Abigail but since it was not befitting 0f a lady of a noble house hold to have her servants call her by her normal name, she chose this alternative.

" A- alright lady Abigail, how can I be of service ", Martha said, whatever might have happened to her young lady, she was glad she began to behave reasonably.

" I'd like to know where the kitchen is please ", Abigail said causing another huge shock to Martha. What the heck!!

" O-ok I'll take you there. Please follow me ", she then took Abigail to the kitchen. It was already afternoon and the next meal was about to be prepared. As the cooks were about to start, a certain young lady suddenly appeared shocking everyone in the kitchen. What was this tyrant young lady doing in the kitchen???

This was the one of the places the young lady had never been to which was a haven to many workers. Once she appeared, tears threatened to flow out, how did she find us!!

Abigail on the other hand, wasn't concerned for what they were thinking and focused on the size of the kitchen, it was beautiful!! For a former chef like herself, this place was a haven for her, she was extremely happy at the moment.

" Martha get me an apron ", Abigail said

" huh? I quite don't understand you lady Abigail, what do you mean? ", Martha asked

" What else do I meam?, I intend to cook ofcourse ", Abigail declared.

" ... " , Martha

" ... ", the cooks

" ... " , servants.

She wasn't serious right?? But they soon saw she was serious when she began washing vegetables. What the heck. The young lady could cook ? Impossible, when did she learn to do such. They where soon shocked when the young actually knew what she was doing!!

At that time, Helen was waiting in her room, she was hungry and was waiting for the food to be served, what could be keeping the servants?? She then stood up and walked towards the kitchen. As she got closer, she noticed a maid walking out of the kitchen.

" You!! Come here ", Helen said and the maid soon walked over with her head down.

" Aren't the cooks done yet??, why the wait, do you want to get fired ", Helen said coldly.

" I- I'm sorry lady Helen, it's just that there's an issue in the kitchen ", the maid said.

" What issue, don't waste my time, speak!! ", Helen said, impatience evident in her voice.

" It's the first young lady "

" Abigail?? ", Helen was confused, what was Abigail doing in the kitchen? That good for nothing had never even been to the kitchen. Could she be causing trouble??

Helen was enraged, how dare that good for nothing cause trouble and delay her meal? She must teach her a lesson today. Helen quickly walked into the kitchen and just as she was about to berate Abigail, she was left speechless. The cooks gathered round a young girl at she put the finishing touches on the meal. She had prepared a total of six dishes. The cooks were surprised and had never seen such dishes before and when they asked her where she learned such, she just replied that it was her own recipe. This technically wasn't a lie since these dishes hadn't been invented yet so you could say she did invent them.

As she finished with the meal, she intended to go to the dining room but stopped when she spotted her step mother. She stared intently at the little girl before her.... who was this again?? Abigail? impossible!! Helen thought as she was dazed.

" Good afternoon second mother ", Abigail said with a sweet smile on her face, she bowed before leaving. Helen's eyes widened in shock. Did she just greet her?

She quickly pinched herself? this wasn't a dream! Suddenly she was filled with rage, how dare she!! She quickly walked ahead of the young girl and stopped her.

" How dare you tamper with the meal you wretched girl ", her step mother said angrily.

" Second mother I do not understand, I only prepared the meal, I....

" Have you ever cooked, so why would you try to poison me?? Have I ever treated you badly?? " the woman pointed with her other hand on her waist. She had platinum blonde hair and crystal red eyes similar to that of rose. She was obviously a beautiful woman and rose clearly took after her. And also answering her question, treating her badly would be an understatement.

" Poisoned??.... we're clearly going to eat from the same serving tray, I'll see you in the dining room ", Abigail then bowed before turning to leave. Helen stood rooted in the same spot before gaining her composure. Was that Abigail?

" I have to inform the Duke when he comes back ", she walked over to the dining room in haste.

When Abigail had reached the dining room, Rose was already present with Wen standing beside her. She sat on the seat next to rose with Martha also standing beside her. Rose was surprised but didn't pay the latter any mind for she didn't care where she sat and just smiled at her.

" Elder sister you're here ", she said

" Un! ", Abigail nodded her head in reply.

Helen sat opposite her daughter and was surprised Abigail had sat on the table and next to her daughter for that matter. A maid then served the food to each person on the table. Helen stared intently at Abigail as she was served the food. No matter if the food was Poisoned or not, Abigail had to take the first bite. Abigail noticed the stare and found it very uncomfortable. What was up with this old lady, was she on her period?? If Helen could her her thoughts she'd probably spew blood.

Abigail then went forward to take a bite of the food....Wow, she didn't think it'd taste this good especially because of she was not able to use her advanced methods in this period of time. As Helen saw the delighted look on abigail's face she decided to take a bite as well. Delicious, she thought as she munched happily on the meal, she didn't expect this good for nothing to actually be good at cooking!! She decided that when she becomes the official mistress of the house, she'd make this good for nothing cook for her.

Abigail oblivious to what she was thinking had other things on her mind, the rest of her family weren't at the table. Her parents absence was already a normal occurrence but she was thinking of her brother. He must be at lessons since he didn't like to eat at the table with the rest since he didn't get along with their second mother and her self in the past. He must be hungry about now. Once she finished eating she gave Martha some orders before bowing to her second mother before leaving the dining hall.

" Mother, is something wrong with Abigail, she seems to be different after her accident ", Rose said as she continued with her meal.

" I don't know either but I don't think it will last forever so don't think too much about it ", Helen waved her hands over the matter, she didn't really care for Abigail and the sooner she was gone the better it was for her daughter.

Meanwhile, Abigail appeared at the palace's training grounds where her brother was busy with his training.