
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter six

Gabriel was about done with his training when he noticed his instructor and the guards around him looking towards a particular direction. As he downed a bottle of water wondering what was up with them, he glanced towards that direction and nearly choked on water. Was that Abigail??

Abigail could be seen walking towards her brother with a huge smile on her face, waving towards him as she had a bonnet on. She looked really cute!! The guards around couldn't help but gush at how adorable she looked but they soon saw the prince's icy glare and stopped, not long after they froze in shock. Since when did this tyrant young lady look so charming?? She always had a scowl on her face and frowned a lot so they were surprised to see her smiling. It was only lady Rose who always wore this kind of smile.

Gabriel was also surprised, his sister never smiled so warmly at him before but just in case he looked around to see if she was waving at someone else. she was really waving at him! But the surprise didn't end there as she shouted to him while waving, " Big brother!! I'm here to see you ", she ran towards him with Martha behind her.

Everyone around became petrified, Who was this?? Our tyrant young lady?? She actually called our prince ' big brother '??. Could the young lady have hit her head when she fell earlier?? She was here to see him as well? This has never happened before!!

The young lord soon snapped out of it as she stood before him with a wide smile and her big eyes sparkling, she was so adorable.

" Abigail, what are you doing out of bed, your still unwell ", he said as he scanned her body for weakness.

" I'm fine brother, I was bored so I came to see you ", Abigail said happily. She wanted to have a good relationship with this brother of hers to make up for the sour relationship she had with her former siblings who sided with her father and ostracized her for being different. Though the relationship the former owner of this body had with her brother was very bad, she decided to change that.

" See me? What nonsense are you spouting, your supposed to be resting and when did you begin to care for me ", he asked blandly not believing her sudden change of character.

" brother.... ", she was surprised at first by the sudden question but then she smiled bitterly, " I know I've been unreasonable in the past but after this accident I've thought about it and decided to be better for mine and brother's sake. I want us to be very close as siblings and I hope brother would let me "

As she said this she found that tears were on her face, she was surprised. Why I'm crying, she thought, maybe it was because of the joy of having a sibling who cared for her even if he didn't show it. She was truly happy and she smiled.

Gabriel was taken a back by what she said. She wanted to be close? Siblings? He didn't know what to say especially when she began crying, he didn't know what to do. He cared for this sister very much even if she was unbearable in the past causing him to drift away from her but still watched over her from a far. He clenched his fist tightly but then he felt a gentle hand on his and when he looked up he saw her smiling at him.

" Forget it for now brother, I prepared something for you ", she said then turned towards the guards, " You guys as well ".

The guards were surprised, for us as well?? They were frightened and didn't dare go forward but then Gabriel nodded, giving them his approval, they then became teary eyed, the young miss had really changed. it was then they noticed Martha carrying two big picnic baskets by herself so they went forward to help her. As they began to eat, Abigail had already set a blanket on the grass and brought out the food she had brought for Gabriel and handed him a dish to try it out and she waited expectantly to see his reaction.

As soon as he took a bite, his eyes widened in delight and so did those of the guards around them. It was simply delicious! He decided to take a second bite to confirm but it ended up tasting even better! Did they hire a new cook, this food was absolutely to good.

Abigail noticed his delight and smiled brightly which Gabriel noticed , why was she smiling so much. " Do you like the food I made for you brother? ", she finally said causing everyone to stop eating and look at her.

" Y- you made this? ", Gabriel couldn't hold back his suprise.

" Yes I did, you don't like it? ", she asked.

" Its not that it's just that you've never cooked before so I was surprised ", he then looked towards Martha who avoided his gaze. Why didn't you hint me first, you could have warned me!

" It was really cooked by lady Abigail and you need not worry for it is safe ", she quickly said and then everyone felt relieved and they continued eating. They'd still eat even if it was Poisoned, it was just simply to good to give up.

Gabriel smiled and felt touched that his sister who he thought was yet to recover had gone through all the trouble to cook for him, " Thank you Abigail "

" Your welcome brother ", she said then he smiled at her. My brother is really handsome! She thought as her eyes shone in admiration for his beauty. She actually felt jealous, she wished she was this fine, " Brother is really handsome "

Gabriel blushed at his sister's words, " W- what are you saying, You're just as beautiful as I am "

" You don't need to be so nice to me brother, the truth hurts and I can bear it ", she said thinking her beauty couldn't match up to that of her brother.

" Haha Haha ", Gabriel chuckled, this sister of his was amusing, he decided not to argue further with her.

" Brother, can I ask for a favour?? ", she went closer to him.

" What is it Abigail?? ", he asked her. As long he could fulfill it then he'd gladly do it, he thought.

" Could I perhaps learn swordsmanship with brother?? And physical fitness as well ", she asked clasping her hands together.

"....", Gabriel.

"....", Martha.

"....", Guards.

What did this to young lady mean by that, she wants to train??? They stared at her in shock.