
Hate you in my next life

Lauren has the world at the palm of her hand, money, status and a loving submissive boyfriend but everything changes when her boyfriend Jayden is killed because of her but ofcourse, she doesn't really care and moves on with her next plaything not knowing her next would be her last. Caught up in a mysterious contract with her new found lover, she becomes eternally submissive to him and knows what real pain is for the first time knowing she can't escape him even in death.

annie_xaviet · Fantasy
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25 Chs

chapter four

" O-oh, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going earlier....

" Its ok elder sister, I was the one at fault please don't be mad ", a sweet gentle voice could be heard but for some reason Abigail felt a chill run down her spine. She looked up and saw a beautiful girl with platinum blonde hair and crystal red eyes. It was Rose, her younger half- sister!!

She was a year younger than her and was the daughter of her father's mistress, Helen. Right now, this girl looked really pitiful as her eyes became wet, why did she want to cry?? Abigail felt really weirded out by this girl and subconsciously took a step away from her.

" It's fine..... I'll be leaving know ", Abigail didn't bother with her again and decided to proceed forward unbeknownst to her half sister's startled expression.

' She didn't lash out at me?? What's going on?? ', Rose was shocked and so was Martha. What wrong with the tyrant young lady??

" W- wait....

" Huh? Is anything the matter? ", Abigail turned to look at Rose seeing the bizarre expression on her face.

" Y- you didn't lash out at me... ", Rose asked unable to comprehend her half sister's behavior.

" You want me to scream at you?? ", Abigail tilted her head in confusion before giving a faint smile. Just as she thought, she was trying to make her look bad. She had always been doing this since they were young, causing everyone to look at her like she was the bad guy. But the previous owner of the body didn't really make them think otherwise.

" N- no I- i mean I..... ", Rose had realised what she said earlier and tried to clear the misunderstanding. " It's just that I thought elder sister would be upset with me that's all ", she turned it in her favor.

Just as Abigail was to reply, a maid ran over to Rose's side, she happened to hear what rose had said and quickly comforted her, " young lady Rose, are you alright?? ", The maid the turned and glared at Abigail, " Why do you have to be such a bad child, why must you bully Young lady Rose, she's your younger sister!! "

She was ofcourse Rose's personal maid, Wen. She had always disliked Abigail and used the fact she was Rose's maid and took advantage of whenever Abigail bullied Rose to berate this tyrant young lady.

" Please don't be angry at elder sister, it was my fault "

" But Young miss, she has no right to bully you ", Wen replied.

Abigail couldn't help but shake her head at the two idiots before her. What a joke, is she supposed to get angry right now? they wanted to make her look bad? then don't blame her for not being nice in the future!

She sighed softly, " I'll be on my way then, I do hope I won't be delayed any longer? ", and with that Abigail left the three stunned. Martha quickly regained her senses and ran after Abigail once more. Her heart couldn't handle so much surprises, it just couldn't.

When the two had gone, Rose finally regained her composure and hate was evident in her eyes. Who did she think she was. How dare she ignore me. Hmph, let's see how long she can keep up this act. Rose smiled to herself and left the hallway with Wen who also had similar thoughts.

Abigail already had a headache dealing with two idiots, she decided to avoid them in future for the sake of her sanity. She quickly put these irrelevant thoughts at the back of her mind, right now she had to focus on what to do about her current predicament. The issue of suddenly being in this world, where was she exactly??

According to the previous owners memories, she was currently in the early modern era, a time known as the reform period. They were currently in the Valerian Empire, one of the the greatest empires in the Loxian continent. Her father was the current Duke of the stone region of the empire. he was one of the five dukes, the Esselrades, Lucia's, Castias, Stones and the Sparrows. The Esselrades were second in power to the royal family followed by the Stones. The question of how she got here, she still didn't know but since life had given her a second chance, she wouldn't take it for granted. She decided to improve herself and the way people see her!

Her position in the stone family was already bad enough so she decided to work on it. Firstly, the previous owner of the body not only had a bad physique but she also had bad grades and reasoning skills which caused people to look at her as a fool. She had to use her skills she learnt from the previous life.

As she walked through the manor, she saw the courtyard and her eyes shone. The different plants and flowers she saw made her feel a sense calmness, no matter how much of a bitch she was in her past life she had a lot of hobbies and likes like any other person and gardening was one of them. She quickly ran to bush of strange flowers she had never seen before and the previous owner didn't bother to learn these things during lessons. She held the flowers close and sniffed them, they smelled lovely. She mood suddenly turned sour and old memories began to resurface from her old life.

Growing up, she had several hobbies that she indulged herself in, once she starts she never finishes and moves on to the next one. She was a child genius and got into Harvard at the age of 14. She studied business courses and soon graduated. Her father hoped for her to join the family business but instead she had other plans. She studied medicine for a year before travelling to study archaeology, culinary arts, embroidery and many other skills which angered her father. He finally had it and said if she didn't work in one of his companies he'd never fund her research. She had no choice but to oblige.

Gardening happened to be one of those skills she learnt over the years and she simply adored flowers. She decided to forget these old thoughts, this was a new life and she decided to live it well. As she enjoyed the flowers, she was unaware of Martha and the other servants that passed by . They were shocked, was this the tyrant young lady? When did she start to like flowers??

" grrrr.... ", Abigail's stomach brought everyone back to their senses but they became startled once more as the saw the embarrassed expression on her face. Was this for real ???