
hasta la muerte (till death)

I couldn't forget................

kidoo12 · Others
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3 Chs


Chapter one

Tasha POV

As I was sitting I got call from my manager stating that we got an event to prepare for the anniversary of one biggest companies in the country....…sorry I'm Tasha CEO of timeless creations we deal with event planning and we got a big call one of the biggest companies in the country wants us to prepare anniversary event for them

"Babe I want to tell you something" I told my husband with excitement

"What " he said without even looking my side

"I got this call from my manager that we got an offer to prepare anniversary event for the biggest companies in the world can you imagine "I said with a smile on my face

"Wait what and you accept it after I told you to stop working "now he was looking at me

"But babe I told you this makes me happy I can't just quit I love my job and besides that company is one of my dad's property I can't just quit"

"Okay go on rich girl you can't listen to your poor husband I already told you to tell your father to leave that campany to but what did you do you humiliated me saying I can't run a business I'm not capable rubbish "he said and left me alone in the room

James has been like this two years after we got married everytime I told him about my success he got angry until I give him money or try to settle him a dinner with my dad where he can get to meet with most successful people in town

"Babe I tried to call him but it didn't work

hi guys I'm kidooh love you all for reading my story

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