
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

marcelll3214 · Movies
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20 Chs

Scummy, but i will repay you!

It has been a month since Luke took his lifechangeing medicine. Being worried to do any big moves because he was still afraid that his transformation will not last, he spend most of his time discovering the limits of his ability. (Training a day, keeps creeps away.)

Even though he was slightly worried he was in a really good mood. He never really had a chance to enjoy himself while being in his human form. Every second of it was spend concentrating on keeping his form. (I was probably fighting the effects of the curse. I thought it was strange. It was never mentioned in movies that it was so hard to stay transformed. Even that pathetic Pettigrew could stay as a rat for years.) It was reverse situation but really similiar.

This time keeping his human or animal form was effortless. He just felt slight peeing feeling while transforming, but it was very faint. That was all well and good, but the real perks came right after.

He realized that his senses did not dull even after turning fully human. His boosts to speed, strenght, agility and dexterity also stayed. It was not much, but it allowed him to move with ease. He felt like he still had his tail and it really helped his balance. This helped him to recreate the famous matrix scene. (Huaa-haiaa.) He could see at night. Not in complete darkness but still good enough. The thing he liked most from this animal side, was hand to eye coordination. He could catch a fly flying at full speed with his two fingers, Miyagi style.

But the most broken thing was still something he already knew. Animagus magic alowed him to have very watered down inventory. All things on him in human form transformed together with him into cat. But the real bug was that this worked for other things than clothes. He could wear heavy steel armor as a human but the weight dissapeared after transformation. He could have a steel pipe in his sleeve or have it on a chain around his neck and it transformed with him.

He tried to transform with every material he could find and he did not find any limits in that area. But it was not godlike ability for one simple fact. There were limits in other areas. Every item has to be touching an item that is touching him. The further away from his skin and item is, for example fifth layer of clothes, the more of his energy it seems to use.

Until around 10 cm area from his skin it does not take that much from him, but the further it goes the energy loss, while transforming, become exponentialy larger. When he had too much stuff on himself he simply could not transform with all of it. Clothes after 15 cm of layers simply did not transform. If he was for example holding a 3 meters long chain while transforming and it was not binded around his arm, it would simply not transform with him and simply fall on the ground.

(Hm, i am full fledged scientist now, people should show me some respect! But the big brain time is over for now. Time is slowly running out.) Luke finally found enough courage to believe that he is human again. It was time to move on.

(Now that i am cured what do i really want to do? I mean there was nothing else on my mind for 4 years. Can you blame me? Who cares about some dreams when you have existential crisis?) He was going down the street smelling some delicious food. (Now i can finally eat with a piece of mind in public.) He decided to order some kebab and sit at the table near the stall.

(Well now that i am officialy in another word and magic exists what i wanna do is to have adventure. I mean my first life was boring and meaningless. I tried skydiving, climbing and racing. It helped... for some time. But every time after i got home i was in the same headspace. I mean i loved reading but was that really all there was? I always wanted to be the main character going into dangerous dungeons getting power, money and woman.)

Luke was thinking really hard about what he wants his future to be.

( Well one thing at a time. I want to obliviously get into some orphanage the sooner the better. I am not sure that i am registering in Hogwards as an England citizen and if i don´t get my letter i will really be upset.)

(I want to get into Hogwards because that is the place with most action. Do i want to join Voldy? Not really, he is a di*k. Dumbledore? not really... i am too paranoid after all the evil Dumbledore fics i read. But what can i do alone? I don´t really think i am talented enough or smart enough to become super powerfull. I mean most of the mc´s from fics are already masters at oclumency and wandless magic and have more magic than Voldy at my age. Creating my own side would be extremely difficult.)

(Hahah i don´t really think there is that much i can do... Well, then i am going to do the only thing i know i can. *dramatic pause.* I am going to enjoy myself!) Luke laughing ran away under the weirded out stares of the people.

;Few hours later, evening;

While going through the crowd of people going home from work, stealing purses, Luke was thinking. (There are only 2 things i can really do before i go to orphanage. One, steal a lot of money because i will not have any oportunities later since i will be under supervision... And two, visit Harry while he is at his worst.)

Luke thought hard about what his next steps are gonna be. He can not go into Gringotts bank to change his pounds into galleons, since he does not want people to know that he knows... Another problem. Do you really think that goblins would just make deals with a child without supervision? Come on, they may hate wizards but they are still working with them. Questions like. Who are you? Where are your parents? Where did you get that money? Would follow.

Also what would he buy? Wand? They don´t sell it to kids under 11. Books? To learn what? Theory on spells? He will foget it after a week. Another thing with books is that there is a free library in Hogward´s, why waste money? Also what would he do in school if he could learn everthing himself? He was sure there was a reason teachers exists...

No Luke decided that he will focus more on his animagus spell and learn how to fight. (Learning how to fight will be extremely hard once i get into orphanage but there is nothing i can do about it.) He knew that he will not become a master but it was better than nothing.

As for meeting Harry? Well he is currently living with orcs so his life is not that easy. Say a few nice words to him, give him some food, and in the future very rich boy who lived will repay you.

*Sigh. (I am really disgusting... Meh i will help you out in killing Voldy so don´t be mad.) He gave himself another month to accomplish all of this before going into orphanage, and act his role as a normal cute kid. "Let´s do this."

;2 days later;

(Hooh, so this is where the main character lives.) Luke arrived at Privet Drive 4. (It is October 1986 so Harry should be 6 years old. He is going to school already. That will give me plenty of opportunities to play hero. This just seems too easy.)

Luke spend a whole week stalking Harry and his family. It was not as bad as fics made it out to be. There was no breaking of bones or starving until passing out. Luke did not know if punishments like tha came later in Harry´s life or they just didn´t.

But life was not all roses for Harry. He had quite a lot of chores even as a six years old. Petunia was teaching him how to do dishes and Vernon how to pick weeds in their garden. Worst physical punishemnt was spanking or pulling of the ear. Dudlly was the only one using fists, but since he was still just a fat child it did not do that much damage.

Perfect opportunity of knight saving his prince did not arrive. (Fu*king fanfics lying to me.) Luke was losing time so he decided that he will simply talk to Harry when he is out picking weeds. He already bought some cookies and lemonade for Harry. He was prepared.

Luke sneaked up behind Harry and said. "Yo." Harry jumped, shrieked, turned around and fell on his butt. Luke started laughing."Bro calm down i was just saying hi. I am not gonna hurt you." Harry calmed down a little and stared at Luke full of suspicion. "Who are you? Did you came to see Dudley? He is inside." Harry said quietly.

Luke smiled disarmingly and said. "No no, i just wanted to talk to you. I have never seen such a hardworking child like you." Harry very quietly started. "It is not like i want to be here, but my uncle said that he will not feed a leech. So i have to earn my food."

Luke shoved serious face and said. "I see, so your uncle is a cu*t..." Harry bewildered, started to smile but quickly hiden his mouth behind his hands. He knew this word. He heard his uncle say it about his potencial partner at work. Luke continued. " Are you hungry? I have some snacks with me." He brought out the pack of cookies from his pocket. "Take it!"

Harry was hesitant at first, but his hunger controled his hands against his will. "Thank you very much. They are yummy. I never had something so good in my life." Said Harry tearing up a little. "Nah don´t worry about that bro. Here have something to drink." Giving him the lemonade he sat beside him.

"My name is Luke. What is yours?" Asked Luke. "Harry." Said Harry still wolfing down cookies. "Do you wanna be friends?" Luke asked while hiding his grin. "Yes!!! You are my first friend." Harry said very fast with a big smile on his face. (All according to keikaku.) Yes making friends among kids is super easy. Just give them sweets.

Over the next few days both boys kept meeting together whenever Harry had a chance to go outside. They both kept it a secret as they knew that Harry´s caretakers would not be happy about the freak having friends.

"So Luke where do you live? I have not seen you before in our neighbourhood." Harry asked suddenly. (It is here. My ticket to leave without any hurt feelings.) Thought Luke while answering. "I actualy don´t have home or family." Harry schocked asked his friend. "What? You also don´t have mommy and daddy? Then where do you sleep? What do you eat? No where are you bringing food from?" Harry had a ton of questions. Luke let him get it out of his system before answering.

"Harry you are my friend so i don´t want to lie to you. Please don´t ask me questions like this." Said Luke slowly altering direction of the conversation. This would leave mystery about himself in Harry´s head, which would make it harder for him to forget him. "Just know that by the end of the month i will be going into orphanage."

Harry´s eyes widened and turned sad, completely abandoning all of his other questions. "How far is this orphanage? Will you be able to meet me?" Luke knew he had him. He did not want to hang out with little kid every day. That was simply boring for him and a waste of time. He wants to enjoy his life not to be shackled by kids. He looked at Harry with his oscar worthy sincere eyes and said. "I don´t know, but no matter how far it will be, i will try my best to meet you again." Luke said with power. Rightafter his eyes turned sad and he quietly said. "I just don´t know how often it will be."

Harry teared up and started crying. (Jesus i am such a di*ck. But he will be ok. I will check on him from time to time. As long as Vernon does not start breaking his bones i will leave him here and continue pretending that i am just a kid.

They spend the rest of the month together every day. Even when Harry got punished for not being home. It was worth it for him. Of course Luke repayed Dursleys for every punishment they did to Harry. Some he even did with Harry. Like peeing every day on Petunias favorite flowers or scratching Vernons car.

"Jees, don´t cry... Are you boy? or a girl? We will meet again. This is not goodbye forever." Said Luke hugging and calming down Harry. (This is harder than i thought. This little savior somehow grew on me. Like a tumor... I will make sure to visit more often.)

After saying their goodbyes Luke left. He was already thinking of how to get into orphanage. (Hummm, Police station it is.)

We are almost there. Write me more. Did i make any mistakes? Do you like where this is going? Why dont you like stuff you dont like? I am waiting.

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