
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

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20 Chs

Hey you! Whatcha gonna do?

So before we start i will change some things. I decided to make normal speech with "marker" and thoughts with (marker). I may forget to do this sometime as i am focused on writing down my thoughts mostly. So if you notice let me know.

Luke read through the whole material there was about animagi and found that... nothing new. (This stewpid book is not really saying anything new to me.) He continued to read. (Animagus has to focus on each part of the transformiation every time he transforms until it come naturaly to him.) He got pissed. "Bit*h what do you thing i was doing until now? Masturbating? Of course i was extremely focused!" He mumbled under his nose.

He carefully read through the whole thing again and found no usefull information. Just some mentions of what animagi are, and mentios of a few important ones from history. (I mean who cares about some old guy that swam from England do Norway as a fish?)

He spend half an hour going through the pages but found nothing usefull. (Of course they would not sell anything truly usefull to the public. Annoying powerhungry politicians.) Clerk came to check on him.

"So? Did you find what you were looking for?" He asked with a smile. "Yes thank you very much. As i thought animagi are super cool. Did you know that old Hemingway swam from England all the way to Norway as a fish? How cool is that?" Luke pretended to be happy. (Kids are so simple. I miss being a kid.) Thought the Clerk while wiping imaginary tear from his eye.

"Hoh i did not know that. But you should be really carefull with animagus magic boyo. I heard that some became feral beasts, ate their children and that some stayed stuck in their animal form forever." Clerk said with serious voice trying to scare Luke away from doing anything stupid. He have seen many kids geting hurt when they played with magic.

As soon as Luke heard that he knew... clerk fuc*ed up. Acting scared he asked. "R.. Really? Nobody could help them? How did they get stuck as animals? Is it some disease?" He focused the conversation on what was inmportant to him. Making it seem like this was what scared him most.

Clerk quickly backed down, realizing that he may have scared kid too much. If his mother came to complain later that her son is afraid to learn magic because of him he could get fired.

"Don´t worry these are just stories. They started because in the past one very angry wizard cursed animagus to stay in his animal form. He made that spell because he discovered that his wife was cheating on him with their dog. *Cough, I mean... please don´t tell your mom that i said that."

Luke laughed out loud. "Don´t worry mister i will not tell her anything. But you can not tell anybody that you told me. Promise?" Clerk sighed with relief. "Yes promise. Now go before your mom gets worried about you." Luke had to try to get more out of this. He had to milk this lucky situation while he could.

"Yes i am going. Just one more thing. Did they found a cure?" Clerk realized that he still did not abate the child worries. "Yes there is anticurse and a potion cure. So don´t worry that much okay kiddo?" Luke hastily asked. "But how did they discover that? I mean animals don´t talk. Did they somehow transform themsef back?" Clerk answered. "No they were cursed. They just found the closest wizard and wrote it down on the ground. Then they were helped... Now go i have bussines to run." Luke knew that he would be too annoying if he kept asking questions and did not want to get clerk suspicious.

"Kaaay see you later mister." He waved and left the store. He ran a few back alleys down and transformed into cat again. His time was almost up. For now he could change twice a day for 1 hour each time. He had to rest in between. Luke thought that it may be because his magic or body had to recharge. When he tried to push transformation a third time he got massive nosebleed and his head started spinning. But that is about to change.

(Bah, that was stresfull. But i got information that i needed. It seems like previous owner of this body got cursed by somebody. But who? Since now i am around 9 years old previous owner had to be around 4. What could be reason for a curse like that? And why am i able to transform when others could not? Is it possible that my situation is different?) Luke thought hard about the identity of his body and posible fallout this could have. (I am for sure not gonna go through any bloodline tests, Hell naw.)

Luke made decision to simply ignore this situation for now. There was nothing he could do anyway. But he will be on a lookout.

(Does that mean that somebody have seen my animagus form? Now i am really glad that i did not show myself to that suspicious guy back in Slovakia.) *Sigh. ( So what am i gonna do now? I am not gonna let people know about me being animagus so anticurse is out. But that potion though... That is the way. Since even ordinary clerk form bookshop knows about it, it can not be that rare or precious. Of course there are not many animagi so the stock can not be high but... There should be some for sale.) Hoping for the best he decided to go home for now. He needed to think things through and rest.

Luke spend the next week gathering information. He went through all of the potion selling shops but discovered that they don´t keep any such potions in stock. (You have to make and registration and order such potions, after that you have to come pick them up personaly. That is probably so that they can catch unregistered animagi. I should be more carefull. It does not seem like wizards are as stupid as i thought...)

Last place he checked was St. Mungo´s hospital. It was most secure place and truth be told Luke was a little nervous. For the last 5 days he have been observing the place and he was not dissapointed. (It is a hospital of course they have to have stock of cures for most known stuff already ready. Thank got that this potion have a long expiration date. I would not wanna cook it myslef. I bet making potions is not as easy as cooking like they make it out in so many fanfics. I remember something about needing wand to do it correctly...)

Not only do they have anti-animagus potions in their stock they even had some balls similiar to rememberball that could tell if you are cursed, under effect of some potion or dissease. All of the diagnoses had different colors. Curse is black, potion is green and the disease is yellow. This probably helps doctors a lot with their job.

Guess what! It was black when he touched it.

(Maybe i gave wizards a little too much credit.) He found where they are keeping their potions and he could not stop this weird feeling in his gut. (Really? Sleeping fat guy with a pair of keys? Get more original! Well i guess they need to have their medicine ready. What if they forget the password? I would not be surprised.) Mused Luke to himself. (Well i doubt there are that many, if any heists for potions. Security is also quite tight. If i was not in my animagus form i bet i would not even get close.)

Luke was discovered plenty of times and kicked out of the hospital. But on his last two attempts there was change. The fat guy took him downstairs near the storage into his office, fed him some milk and fell asleep. (I feel kind of bad about this now... He will get into trouble because of me. But this is for the greater good of me. I am sorry.)

After his last laments he got rid of his guilt and the heist was a go. (Nananaaaa nananaaa na na.) Luke waited untill the security guy fell asleep. After Luke was sure that fatty was asleep because of the loud snoring he transformed. (Please don´t wake up.) He took the keys and very quietly opened the storage. *CREAAAK. Heart pumping he turned around. (No way how is he still asleep?)

Security guy was still sleeping. (Fuuhhh okey lets continue. Nananaaaa nananaaa na na.) He closed the door behind him almost completely shut leaving just a small crevice. Right after he started going through the shelves. (Why do they not keep them in alphabetical order? What is this chaos?) Complaining and getting nervous because it was taking too long he sped up his searching.

(Found it! Wait something is wrong.) After thinking for a bit he realized. (Why is it so quiet?) He turned around eyes wide and saw the security guy woke up and was looking for keyes. (No way why did you wake up? You never wake up!) Luke looked around the room thinking about what he should do. (Doors can not be unlocked from the inside so hiding is a dead trap.)

He saw the security guy getting closer to the door. ( What now!?)

Pov security guy:

(Where are my keys? the boss will kill me...) Looking around he did not thought much about it. This is not the first time this happened. (Did i left them at the toilet again?) He continued looking around. (Wait are the storage doors open?) He noticed the doors and stealthily come closer to the door.

(No way did somebody break in here. *Gulp. Why now? In a few hours i would have shifted with night securita guy. I heard he has some experience.) Geting his wand out he was readying himself up for a battle to the death. *Bang. He kicked the doors open. "Don´t move, hands up, kne... HUH!?" Down on the floor he found his keys and right to the left of them was a cat. "What tha heeel. Why is there cat practicing bondage on the floor???"

Pov Luke:

Thats right Luke decided that this was the only way. He tore some of his clothes and shut his mouth with it. Then he took his shoe-laces and binded his legs and hands together. After transforming so many times he learned how to not transform all clothes on him together into the animal form. It has the same principle as when he keeps his cat fur or ears. Not only did the clothes stay but they also changed to his body size. There are limits to this but more on that later.

He was not sure if it is a known fact or if nobody has ever done that before. But he thought that his chances at succes are pretty big.

After checking the room to make sure nobody else was there the security guy came to the rescue and freed Luke. "Waah kitty i am so sorry. If i was just not sleeping this would not have happened. Don´t worry i will surely find the person responsible." Wailed the security guy. "Let me get you some more milk."

(Now i feel really sorry for the guy. *sight. I will leave him some pounds here. Hope he knows mugle currency.) He had stolen a bunch of money from muggles since he arrived in London. (Cat dexterity for the win.) As soon as he was done with the milk he took off running.

;At home, warehouse...;

(Okay so this is supposed to cure me.) He looked at the brown potion suspiciously. (Why does it has to look so dusgusting. I will drink it tomorrow when i am fully rested.) After eating some sandwiches he went to sleep.

Morning the next day.

Luke opened his eyes with a serious face. (It is time.) He transformed into his human form and drank it... Changes were immediate. He did not even get a chance to register the foul taste.

He never felt pain like this before. *Graaaaahhh... He felt like fire ants were eating him up from the inside, like his every cell was their enemy. His eyes roled back into his head and his ears felt like they were being cut off.

After 5 minutes od this torture came enormous biss and euphoria.

(It feels like i could not shit for three days and it dinally came out.) After enjoying the feeling for some time he stood up. (Why did it hurt so much? it was supposed to be painless. Something is not right.) He tought while getting in front of his mirror.

He had mirror prepared for a long time so he can look at the results. He was dreaming about finally geting rid of his cat features. But when he looked at the reflection he could not help himself but get a little angry.

"Are you fuc*ing kidding me!? Why do i look like that soyboy" Yes Luke was really frustrated with his looks. He had pretty good reason. He looked eerily simialiar to one of the most hated people on his planet. "Why do i look like Justin Biebier´s more handsome brother?" He was still trying to salvage the situation. It was in vain...

I thought why not? Just put him in there. It does not really matter how mc looks. I just want him to have aboveaverage face. You may hate him but you have to acknowledge that he has big following of woman behind him...

I am really trying to get mc into hogwards as fast as i can but. I keep getting sidetracked. It just feels like the world would be too emty to simply get him into the starting position i want him to be in.

So what are your thoughts on the chapter?

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