
Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

This is an original fic, as I couldn't find a better novel to translate so I figured why not write one myself. The world still revolves around the Harry Potter series but with original and extra plot added to it to not make things boring. P.S. This is not related to the TV series Supernatural, apart from slight inspiration for a couple of things. --------------------- "Voldermort? Who? Can't you see me fighting a literal Demon?" "Why do I have to kill all these monsters to be a wizard? I don't know it's a family tradition" "What do you mean, 'Why is Harry so buff?' How else is he supposed to fight the noseless demon?" Luke woke up in a body belonging to the youngest member of the last Winchester Family, during a 'exorcism' at that. Discovering that he had transmigrated to the Harry Potter world, dreaming of a magical future, he still couldn't fathom why there were so many inconsistencies in the plot. Not to mention his new family and his father's mysterious and weird actions, but why are there so many monsters and villains hatching a new plot every single day in this children's fiction? ---------- https://www.patreon.com/The_disciple ---------- https://www.royalroad.com/profile/481960 I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com

The_disciple · Book&Literature
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22 Chs

The Eldritch curse.

"The Winchester Chronicles," Luke after the disappointing meeting with his father went straight into his bedroom and began reading the book, "That's a bold title."

The huge book was almost akin to a collection of stories of different Winchesters throughout the era and their deeds, from what he could tell. The first chapter dated back to the year 236 and seemed to move on from there. Although the book didn't look too old, it seemed to contain much of the wizarding history from Winchester's perspective which piqued Luke's interest.

The book contained their deeds, thoughts, and even their actions, composed in a summarized manner.

The book's first chapter opens up with the story of one, Atticus Winchester, a farmer who went on to be a potion master in his later life. Atticus, a talented wizard for his time ran a Dispensary, named The Diagon Dispensary, one of the first of its kind, located on what today would be The Diagon Alley.

For Atticus, a married man with two sons things couldn't be any better, a successful business and a happily married life what else could a man need? However, destiny never favors one for long, and soon after, Atticus' life spiraled into something vial after his wife's death.

Atticus became a monster. A serial murderer, who went on to slaughter hundreds of different villages, from ordinary people to wizards alike, not in the name of justice, not even in the name of tyranny but what seemed to be nothing but pure evilness that ran deep within him.

His victims were used as sacrifices, to satisfy a greater demon, who promised him to bring his wife back to life. 

"What a cliched story..." Luke skimmed through the rest of the story of his murderous rampage and his ritual of sacrifice which were filled with unwanted gory details only focusing on details related to the so-called 'Greated Demon', until he landed on the final part of Atticus' story, which was him getting killed by the hands of his own two sons.

The Elder brother in the story died during the battle with their father, while the survivor, Titus, the younger brother was left dealing with the aftermath of the situation, making him the focus of the second chapter.

After killing his own father by stabbing him with a dagger, Titus was cursed by the greater demon who is said to have manifested in the form of dark smoke with bright red eyes piercing through the smoke, a blood curse that would prevail every generation thereafter. The blood curse, named, the Eldritch curse, tainted the Winchester blood from there on.

With twitching lips, Luke mustered the courage to read through the following words concerned about the curse that might be even affecting him. 

The curse's effects mainly could be divided into two categories, The first being Life Drain, as a punishment for the Winchester's Greed, once the wizard exhausted their magic they would then begin trading life for magic. The more they used their magic after the initial exhaustion of their raw magic, the more they would spend their lifespan until they died from it.

The second effect was Curse Amplification, a punishment for Atticus' broken deal. Unlike the previous effect, however, this curse was hard to describe, because its impact wasn't physical. The way Luke understood it was that the stronger you grew the more the curse amplified, making you more susceptible to the demon kind, pushing them further into a life of darkness and despair.

"What are you doing!" A shout came from behind him as Luke jolted awake from his concentration, turning back to look at his furious brother.

"Ethan? You nearly scared me to death... what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? Sigh..." Ethan visibly forced himself to calm taking deep breaths, "What are you doing with that book?"

"Oh, Dad gave it to me," Luke said confused as he could see Ethan, the always calm, mature, and collected man, slowly turning red by the second.

"Dad?" Ethan said gritting his teeth, "How far have you gotten?"

"I was just reading about the curse..." Luke said, "Is it real?"

Ethan bit his lips unsure of what to say, as from his perspective, his baby brother whom he had just gotten the chance to be with wasn't ready for the truth.

"I am smart enough to handle it," Luke said understanding the situation a bit, "I just want to understand the curse a bit more, since from your expression it looks like we still haven't gotten rid of it and it's real."

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Ethan crossed his arms, "I don't want you to worry about the curses as they are mostly insignificant, Magic Drain won't affect you as long as you control your magic and do not exhaust it carelessly which we will teach you to do. As long as you do so, you have nothing to worry about once you recover, as for the second curse..."

After a long pause, Ethan continued, "I don't think any Winchester alive could tell you what it means, and the ones here only interpreted the curse by their own definition. So since you've already gotten around to reading about it, just continue doing so. Maybe then you'll find the answer you're looking for..."

"I see..." Luke nodded turning his back to Ethan and started reading through the book again.

Behind him, Ethan looked at his curious younger brother for a minute, clenching his fist and his brows, he turned around and headed upstairs without missing a beat.

Luke who was unaware of the significance the book held continued reading along.

The life of Titus wasn't extraordinary thereafter, but due to him being the originator of the curse his life seemed to just be miserable from then on with everyone he ever held dear dying in front of him, leaving him helpless and miserable to the very end. 

There were several instances where Titus tried to end his life, but every time he did so he wasn't able to go on with it, since his wife was already pregnant by the time he had received the curse, not to mention his older brother's daughter who he was raising at the time.

He knew the curse wouldn't end with him and killing his only remaining family would bring forth no satisfaction, so instead he created the book, "The Winchester Chronicles" recalling the tale of his father and his fate since then, in hopes his son and any future generation would be aware of the curse and the demon who turned their life upside down.

Luke turned his head sideways, "So Titus began writing the book, and any event that followed was later added on to it."

"Magic is great..." Luke shook his head, as the book he held in his hand was more than 17 centuries older, "There doesn't seem to even be a dent or a scratch on it, let alone a mark on the pages, I wonder what kind of magic was used to protect this thing for so long."

"What it would be like to just use the same spell on clothes, would it make an invincible armor? I have got to look into the spell." Luke scratched his nose and tried to turn the page to move on to the next chapter only for it to not even budge.

"What the--" Luke put all of his strength onto the pages but it wasn't even close to making a single page turn. Just like how he had found it in the library a couple of days ago, the book was completely stuck on itself, except for the first two chapters that opened easily.

"Did that geezer forget to unlock the rest of the chapters?" Luke couldn't help but curse out loud, "What is it? Do I have to pay for these chapters now? Dammit!"

"I should go back up and have him open it up." Luke after a while of cursing decided on what he should do, "When I thought I would finally have my answers, I am left with even more questions and even a generational curse at that"


Next time in the Winchester Chronicles.... will Luke finally have his answers? Will Jacob ever realize he is ugly? And will Michael and Ethan duke it up like good old wizards? 

Find out in the next chapter!


Hey there! If you're curious about certain things in the chapters like for example "The Diagon Dispensary" and so on... you can go ahead and look it up on Harry Potter Wiki for further information. I am trying to connect a lot of the story to the original lore of Harry Potter, so many of the things could be looked up from the wiki!

Also, please remember to vote Power Stones if you like the chapter! It would feel much better knowing there are people out there reading my work.

Thank you!