
Harry Potter: The New Dark Lord Shelby

In an unexpected twist, Artel finds himself thrust into the world of Thomas Michael Shelby. But fate takes a sharp turn on Artel's eleventh birthday when an encounter with an owl shatters his reality by revealing the Harry Potter's world to him. No longer solely focused on restoring the Razor Party and the Shelby family's glory, Artel's ambitions darken. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power, he sets his sights on not just becoming a godfather, but a true Dark Lord. His journey begins with the Ring of Power from the Lord of the Rings saga, a sinister artifact that ultimately leads to the resurrection of Sauron himself. Additional Tag: Necromancer, Dark Lord ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: patreon.com/KittyLovesMilk ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.

Kitty_Loves_Milk · Movies
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123 Chs


"Did you hear the latest gossip? The school doctor's office is overflowing today, and there's a shortage of staff. Even Professor Sprout got called in to brew some potions..."

"Of course, I heard all about it, and let me tell you, there's more to the story than meets the eye. It seems the chaos is thanks to the new school doctor. Rumor has it, some students are getting a bit too creative with their injuries just to pay a visit."

"And today's Quidditch match was an absolute riot! I couldn't stop laughing. The beaters were practically volunteering to be whacked by the Bludgers... And those Gryffindor players? They were getting knocked out left and right, even by the Quaffle!"

"Oh, you should've seen the look on Professor McGonagall's face. Word has it the Gryffindor Captain lost a couple of teeth thanks to a Quaffle collision..."

Amidst the chatter and laughter during dinner, everyone was buzzing about the day's events, from the chaotic scenes in the medical room to the Quidditch mayhem. Over at the Gryffindor section, however, the mood was as somber as a funeral, the laughter from the neighboring table sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

Gryffindor girls exchanged grimaces, their thoughts masked behind tight-lipped smiles. Though their words were light, their expressions betrayed deeper sentiments.

From his seat at the head of the table, Dumbledore watched the students with twinkling eyes, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.

Nagini, casting an apologetic glance at McGonagall, then meeting Dumbledore's gaze, spoke up tentatively, "Professor, about today's events..."

"It's inconsequential. After a couple of days, the novelty will wear off, and all will be well," Dumbledore reassured Nagini, though inwardly, he was equally astonished. Nagini had broken the blood curse, transforming from a serpent to a woman, inadvertently exuding both wildness and nobility, adding a seductive allure to her presence.

"This is youth for you; what young lad hasn't committed some folly?" Dumbledore glanced at Snape, whose expression remained rigid as he turned away.

With a gentle smile, Dumbledore returned his gaze to Nagini. "Newt and Tina are due back in London tonight. I thought it might be nice for you to reunite after all these years..."

Nagini nodded. "I do miss them."

Meanwhile, Quirrell silently tended to his food, appearing disinterested but covertly absorbing every detail.

"It appears Dumbledore truly knows her, along with Newt and his wife... Nagini, both named Nagini, what an unlikely coincidence."

"What's their connection?" Quirrell pondered, finishing his potatoes and discretely requesting another dessert, eager to glean any useful information from the conversation.

"Professor Quirrell seems to have quite the appetite tonight," Snape remarked, his eyes scrutinizing Quirrell with curiosity.

Quirrell chuckled, taking a bite of pudding while masking his inner frustration. "Indeed? Well, there are new... colleagues at the school, so I'm quite content."

Snape's playful gaze lingered on Quirrell. "Still flying solo, Professor Quirrell?"

With a forced smile, Quirrell responded, inwardly cursing his luck. "Seems so. I suppose I'm married to my work, as they say."

"Ah? No... no..." Quirrell stuttered, his gaze shifting to Nagini with a hint of something unspoken dancing in his eyes, though his cheeks betrayed a slight blush.

Dumbledore observed Quirrell with a pensive expression, his mind pondering the hidden depths of the man's thoughts.

Meanwhile, Professor McGonagall wore a solemn expression as she leaned in to whisper to Snape, her tone filled with gentle reprimand, "Severus... refrain from such jests with the ladies. You owe Nagini an apology."

Caught off guard, Snape's eyes softened with regret as he turned to Nagini, offering a sincere apology, "I'm sorry. I meant no offense..."

Nagini waved off his apology with a forgiving smile, dismissing any tension with grace. Despite Snape's aloof demeanor, she sensed a warmth within him, a depth of emotion beneath the surface.

Snape's intervention broke the awkward atmosphere, prompting Quirrell to hastily excuse himself after a few nervous bites of dessert.

As Quirrell retreated, Snape's gaze lingered on his departing figure before shifting, sensing an unseen presence. Following the gaze, he met the curious eyes of Harry Potter across the Gryffindor table, a silent exchange passing between them.


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