
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

The Philosopher's Stone

The bustling Diagon Alley echoed with the lively hustle and bustle of magical folk, each weaving through the chaotic flow of the street center. As Harry and Dudley made their way towards Gringotts, a peculiar energy surrounded them.

Curiosity sparkled in Harry's eyes, yet he maintained a silent demeanor. On the contrary, Dudley bombarded Hagrid with a series of oddly specific questions, leaving the giant wizard perplexed. Hagrid, usually adept at handling magical creatures, found himself at a loss with Dudley's peculiar inquiries.

Dudley delved into topics that went beyond the ordinary, asking about the exchange ratio of British pounds and inquiring if Gringotts offered lending services, complete with queries about interest rates and annual percentages. These were unusual questions for a regular kid.

To put an end to Dudley's relentless questioning, Hagrid decided to take action. He purchased a Gringotts overview from a nearby shop, handed it to Dudley, and suggested that all the answers he sought were in there.

Ironically, Hagrid hadn't read a single word of the overview, but it did the trick, providing him with a moment of peace.

Dudley, holding the overview in his hands, furrowed his brow as he absorbed the information.

The history of Gringotts, dating back to the Iron Age, this financial institution already existed. The realization dawned on Dudley that the wizarding civilization had a history far older than he had imagined.


Ascending the stairs into Gringotts, Dudley marveled at the longevity of this magical bank. Hagrid warned the kids to be careful as they entered the impressive interior. The sight of diminutive creatures with long ears, pointy noses, and human-like palms caught Dudley's attention.

Doubtful about the goblins' capabilities, Harry questioned Hagrid. The giant reassured him, emphasizing the goblins' intelligence, efficiency, and dedication to safeguarding treasures. Gringotts' impeccable security record, free from theft or financial losses since its inception, left Harry impressed.

The trio reached a Gringotts staff member, distinguishable by his one-sided glasses, interrupting his work. The goblin glanced at the approaching group and, recognizing Harry, switched from a seemingly stern demeanor to a more polite tone. It seemed that Harry Potter was indeed a "Big Customer" at Gringotts, and the goblin eagerly inquired about the purpose of their visit on this magical day.


As Hagrid handed over the crumpled yellow envelope to the stern-looking goblin on the high platform, a sense of mystery hung in the air. The goblin's curt remark about time being money added an element of urgency to the unfolding events.

The goblin scrutinized the envelope for what seemed like an eternity before motioning for the group to proceed to their vault. Dudley and Harry followed a Gringotts staff member through the underground track, leaving Hagrid with a cryptic announcement about having something to attend to.

In the dimly lit underground chamber, Dudley and Harry approached the imposing door of Harry's parents' vault. The goblins outside kept a watchful eye, clearly emphasizing the importance and confidentiality of their mission.

As the vault door creaked closed behind them, the atmosphere shifted.

Harry stood in the dimly lit Gringotts vault, surrounded by the glinting gold gallons, silver sickles, and copper nuts that filled his parents' vault. Dudley, leaned casually against the wall, exuding an air of indifference.

Harry's focus wasn't on the vast wealth before him; instead, his expression turned serious.

Dudley, maintaining his calm demeanor, leaned against the wall as Harry began to reveal the crucial details of the letter.

"Dudley, according to the plan you made before," Harry began, "I just saw some handwriting on the surface of that letter." Dudley, attentive now, listened intently.

"Time is limited, speaking of the point, we must analyze it as soon as possible," Dudley responded calmly.

Harry strained to remember the fleeting details of the envelope. "Because the time is so short, I can only vaguely remember a few keywords," he admitted. "713 Vault... Sealed... Philosopher's Stone."

The mention of the Philosopher's Stone hung in the air, and Harry eyed Dudley suspiciously. His cousin remained silent, leaning casually against the wall, leaving an unspoken question lingering in the underground vault.

"Dudley, what should we do now?" Harry finally asked, breaking the silence that enveloped them in the heart of Gringotts.


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