
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Wandless Magic

"You're just a makeshift defective product of mine, a container that will be thrown away at any moment! And... Where did you have the audacity to question me?" Quirrell's face at the back of his head contorted into a hideous expression, his tone taking on an eerie quality.

"No... Not such a master, don't get me wrong. I am your lowly servant and always loyal to you..." Quirrell's voice wavered, but before he could finish, a piercing pain erupted in his mind. Drenched in cold sweat, he clenched his teeth, rendered speechless.

After a struggle, Quirrell managed to utter a series of words through gritted teeth, "Wait... Great master! This time I have come here, and I have not forgotten the teachings of my master. Since you want this new body, I will do my best to assist you. Whereas... I have already found out the whereabouts of the Immortal Philosopher's Stone. Borrow... With the help of their power!"

Quirrell's restless emotions subsided, and his voice turned cold, "Go, Quirrell, this is an opportunity to atone for your sins. Use in advance the 'power' that I have imparted to you, which summons the existence hidden in the shadows. A new body can be delayed, but eternal life... The power must belong to me!" Quirrell knelt on the ground, his body enveloped in black mist that seeped through the cracks in the doors and windows. His hoarse voice continued, "Yes, master, I have signaled that the 'Death Eaters' lurking in the nearby darkness will assemble at No. 1 Diagon Alley. The immortality of the Philosopher's Stone and the body you fancy will be foolproof!"


In Diagon Alley, Hagrid led a group of three down the street, with Harry gazing wide-eyed at the magical surroundings.

"Mr. Hagrid, is this what you told us about the wizarding world before? Are all the people around us wizards?" Harry inquired.

Hagrid, catching Harry's expression, casually explained, "Harry, we're at 1 Diagon Alley. Think of it as the trading center of the wizarding world. Full of magic-related items and merchants, not limited to humans. You'll see unicorns, skeletons, elves, monsters, and creatures you'd never imagine..."

Listening to Hagrid's introduction, Harry peered into a large glass window displaying a broom. Hagrid continued, noticing Dudley's contemplative look, "What's the matter, Dudley? Still worried about the previous things? I said it will be fine. Don't you find the 'magic' items around you very attractive?" Dudley glanced, intrigued by the enchanting items in the magical world.

Dudley gazed at Hagrid, expressing doubt, "Mr. Hagrid, shouldn't you wizards use wands and chant spells when releasing magic?" He was puzzled about why Professor Quirrell could lift a finger and suspend his chinchilla in mid-air.

In response to Dudley's question, Hagrid glanced at Totoro peacefully napping above Dudley's head. After a moment of contemplation, Hagrid began to explain, "Usually, wizards follow the order of using a wand and then chanting a spell when releasing magic. However, there are exceptions. Some powerful magicians have mastered spellcasting to such a high level that they can release magic with just a flick of their fingers—what we call wandless casting or spellless casting."

Dudley raised his eyebrows, curious, "Are there many people who can do that?"

Hagrid sighed, "Not many at all. Silent magic release is a rare skill. Take Professor Quirrell, for example. Despite his thin appearance, he's achieved an exceptionally high level of mastery in dark arts theory and even passed Dumbledore's exams. Don't be fooled by his looks; his magical strength is undeniably formidable."

As Dudley continued to inquire, Hagrid intervened, "Alright, Dursley, once you're at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you'll get the hang of it. Now, let's focus on purchasing the items listed in your Hogwarts admission letter."

Concerned about the expenses, Harry remarked, "Mr. Hagrid, I don't think I'll have the money for those things."

"No worries, Harry. You have... and even if not, you've got me!" Dudley, indifferent to the financial aspect, welcomed the idea of exchanging pounds for the wizarding world's currency.

Hagrid redirected their attention, saying, "Our next stop is the only bank in the wizarding world." This piqued Dudley's interest. Learning that this magical bank could exchange Muggle currency for wizard currency hinted at a connection between the real world and the wizarding world, sparking Dudley's curiosity about their intertwined existence.


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