
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs


Dudley sat sorting through a stack of materials. After organizing his research, he checked the time, got up, and changed into sneakers to head out for a morning jog.

Ever since he used the microscope in Professor Morrison's laboratory to observe the activity in the cells on Harry's lip, Dudley had been working on his experiment.

He used nano-level syringes to infect wizard cells with ordinary influenza viruses and then extracted newly generated influenza viruses with wizard activity. He classified this new virus based on biological field research as:

[Magic I (Flu) Virus]

His plan involved injecting this Magic I influenza virus into his body, anticipating some form of transformation, be it obtaining magic or something entirely unknown. Recalling his recent findings, Dudley considered the possibilities.


Dudley returned to Professor Morrison's biology laboratory.

This time, he extracted a small section of the shed skin from the zoo python, placed it in a reagent, covered it with a slide, and observed it closely under the latest electron microscope.

Unfortunately, the python's cells did not exhibit the wizard-like characteristics Dudley had hoped for.

They appeared crystalline, devoid of any signs of life or activity. Disappointed but undeterred, Dudley understood that biological experiments required relentless exploration and practice.

The next day Dudley's determination led him to take another chance. The zoo's python's ability to communicate with wizards indicated its uniqueness, given that animal brain capacity was limited.

Snakes, with their tiny brains, were even less likely to store information. With a mindset of experimentation, Dudley placed a small part of the python's shed skin into the culture medium and injected it with the newly extracted [Magic I (Flu) Virus].

Three days later, when he examined the reagent, he was shocked to find that the snake's skin, which had been the size of a fingernail, had grown by about a centimeter.

Dudley doubted his own vision, so he examined the cells once more under an electron microscope. This development posed a significant challenge to his previous understanding of genetics.

The crystallized python cells, once inactive, had come back to life. They were now functioning, dividing into new proteins.

After three days of observation, Dudley decided to embark on a new experimental program. His idea was inspired by a genetic experiment he had conducted in his previous life while pursuing a master's degree in biogenetics.

Although the details of that experiment were unpleasant and often yielded unfavorable results, it sparked an idea. Dudley had initially aimed to study insects and arthropods due to their oval embryo shape, which was easy to observe.

However, this time, he considered a bolder approach. The fundamental difference between oviparous and viviparous species intrigued him.

Drawing from his observations in genetics and biology, Dudley noted that snake pupil cells were strikingly similar to those in mouse pupils, with up to 70 percent similarity in intrinsic amino acid structure and shape.

Armed with this knowledge, he intended to find a docile mouse for a new round of experiments.


Dudley's pace quickened as he walked along Banyou Road. His small body had been conditioned by over a decade of training, and an hour of running didn't make him break a sweat.

These low-intensity aerobic exercises were helping his body adapt, and his lung capacity was improving.

For the wizard cell experiment he had in mind, Dudley had already devised a response plan. Ordinary moles, gray mice, and even regular mice exhibited a tendency towards aggression.

Biological experiments were precise, and organisms' genes often had a disposition towards certain behaviors. If he aimed to create powerful creatures, he needed to select a more docile breed that lacked extraordinary abilities.

Thinking about it, Dudley recalled the famous anime from his previous life, "My Neighbor Totoro."

Totoro had a gentle temperament, soft and fluffy fur, and a tail reminiscent of a squirrel. It wasn't a feline but a furry rodent.

There was no Totoro in this world so he settled with chinchillas.

Chinchillas are clean, quiet and attractive rodents that don't smell. They can live for 10-20 years. They're quite shy and are more appropriate as pets.

Dudley had also formulated a detailed plan on how to introduce the idea of having chinchillas as pets to his parents, Petunia and Vernon. He hoped they would accept the notion of these perpetually adorable creatures.


Dudley reached the small yard in front of his home, opened the door, and headed inside to change into fresh clothes. Petunia's voice called out, "Dudley, come down for breakfast!"

Dudley responded, changed into his clothes, and left his room to join the family in the living room.

At the dining table, the robust Vernon had squeezed into his chair, causing it to creak under his weight. "Dudley, you're back, listen to some good news." It was unusual for Vernon to speak during meals. He sat in his chair, rubbing his palms with a hint of unease.

Petunia, however, intervened, helping Dudley pull out a stool and gesturing for him to sit. Dudley settled into his seat.

With a sense of anticipation, Vernon finally spoke, "Dudley, guess what..."

"Alright, Vernon, cut to the chase. You're being mysterious this early in the morning," Petunia said, interrupting her husband's theatrical buildup. She didn't care for the suspense.

"Very well, I'll get right to it. This morning, I received a call from the editor of the Children's Biology Journal, and they informed me that they've accepted Dudley's submission."

Petunia, upon hearing Vernon's words, responded somewhat puzzled, "What's so surprising about that? Professor Morrison from the biology department said that our son, Dudley, has a remarkable talent for biology."

Vernon shook his head, "This is different. The Children's Biology Journal is quite exclusive. It's typically reserved for high school or junior high school students, and Dudley, in the sixth grade of primary school, has written an article deemed worthy of inclusion. It's the first such case in all of Britain."

Vernon delivered the news with an exaggerated expression of pride.

"Petunia, you always nag me, but I've invested a lot in the early stages, and Dudley's talent in biology has been recognized by more than just Professor Morrison. This confirms that our educational direction has been the right one."

Turning to Dudley, he added, "Dudley, anything you want, your father will do his utmost to make it happen."

Dudley observed Vernon's self-satisfied expression and reciprocated with a smile, "Just like I told you last time, I want a pet. I'd like to have chinchillas as part of our family..."


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