
Harry Potter: The Boy Who Eats[COMPLETE]

How bad can life be? For Happy Lestrange, an ordinary boy from an ordinary world, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer at three, the hospital became his permanent home. As a result, he never got to make friends, never got to play, run, swim, and worst of all—eat. His only respite to his boredom was various novels, movies, manga, and comics. But one of them stood above all others: Harry Potter. He was always interested in its lore and slowly fell in love with everything about the Wizarding World. But the thing he envied the most was not the magic but rather the Hogwarts feasts. So, with no cure in sight, at the age of 15, in a coma, he was put to eternal sleep. But that was not the end of the journey for Happy. "Speak, young child, what do you desire? Heaven, or reincarnation?" "Grandpa God, I want to go to Hogwarts and eat lots of tasty food!" "..." "Child, are you sure?" "YES!" "Young child, I bless you with luck. So go, taste the food, and experience all the mouthwatering scents! Go and eat to your heart's content." And so began the journey of the boy who eats. But, there was a surprise for Happy. One that could also be a curse if used unwisely. In a world so dark, and hurdles in his way plenty, can he overcome them and be...Happy? ___________________ WARNING: I write wholesome, Slice of Life stories where a greater and more serious plot is slowly expanded as the story goes. If that's not your thing, then you won't like this book. Peace!!! MC has the power of luck, but it's not omnipotent. People can and will scheme against him. People can come after him. But luck is supposed to ensure Happy gets the best out of all the troubles. ___________________ A/N: This is a light-hearted fic with a bigger plot being slowly introduced. I hope you like it. Join my discord for discussions: https://discord.gg/misterimmortal

MisterImmortal · Book&Literature
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107 Chs

71. Huehuehuehue…!

If you want, you can read 30 chapters in advance on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.




Due to Happy's resounding voice, a lot of students came out to see what was going on. And they all witnessed the legendary slap on a creature known to be untouchable and amortal. Creatures that even the mightiest people cower before, for it meant doom if they didn't know the right spells to tackle them with.

"H-Happy… You slapped a Dementor!" Percy Weasely, the Gryffindor Headboy, exclaimed.

The Dementor ran away after being slapped, soaring out the door. If capable of rational thought, the Dementor was likely going through the worst shame of its amortal life.

Happy shrugged. "Well, who told it to attack Hogwarts Express? All of you should complain to your parents, and tell them to write a letter to the Ministry. They control these creatures, so if anything had happened to one of us, who'd take the responsibility? These creatures are called 'soul-sucking fiends' for a reason…"

Happy, the master gaslighter, constantly sought to undermine the Ministry so he could be the lord savior of the Minister for Magic, gradually dragging them under his thumb.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco sounded from behind the crowd.

Upon hearing Draco's words, Happy swiftly made his way towards him. "Draco, it's been a long time, buddy. Come on, I'll go and sit with you all today. I met Mr. Malfoy a few times this summer… He's very smart, as I expected."

Without an invitation, Happy placed his arm on Draco's shoulder and dragged him away, making Draco show him where he was sitting.

Meanwhile, the rest stood in a state of utter shock, bewildered by the outrageousness of the situation. Heck no, seeing something like that wasn't easily acceptable. It went against common sense.

"Well, that's just Happy being Happy," Fred and George Weasely chimed and returned to their seats as the train started moving in no time.

"Why is he here?" A black-haired girl voiced her dissatisfaction with a rather ugly face.

Happy knew her, and her mean-spirited, petty personality. It was none other than Pansy Parkinson, a member of a Sacred Twenty-Eight family, and of course, a blood supremacist. For the time being.

"Ah, you must be Ms. Parkinson. Did you know, a muggle disease is called Parkinson? It's a brain disorder." Happy greeted her, taking the opportunity to mock her with his sharp wit.

Her face fell at the tease, and she began to growl, "Go away, Lestrange… You're a blood traitor! We don't associate with your kind."

Happy chuckled and took out a chocolate bar from his pocket to eat while he sat beside Draco. Surprisingly, the blonde boy wasn't making any noise, nor did his face show any repulsive expressions.

"Vincent, and Gregory…How are your fathers? I sent letters to Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle, but it doesn't seem like they received them. It was regarding my investment bank. Lord Malfoy nearly doubled his million Galleon investment this summer and already invested ten million more. I was hoping to give priority to the esteemed pureblood families first, to earn some good money—but it seems not everyone appreciates the value of gold," Happy spoke knowingly about money. After all, they were all old enough to understand the importance of wealth, and being teenagers, they were all hungry for it.

Someone wanted to buy a broom, while someone wanted to buy other magical items. Money motivated people, a truth that held in both the muggle and wizarding world.

"Father did that?" Draco exclaimed, unaware of his father's business dealings.

"He did. Draco, why don't you join my business? I can always use an extra hand, and don't you want to show your family that you can also earn and grow up?" Happy dangled the bait, especially in front of everyone, to make them feel jealous.

"I can? But I don't know anything." Draco said.

Happy smirked and gave Draco a piece of chocolate. "There's always something for everyone. Maybe, you can start working, save money and then invest it to create a fortune—returns are guaranteed."

With that, he stood up, ready to leave. "Anyway, I'll head back and get changed now. See you at school… And Pansy, be safe."

"Hmph!" She scoffed and looked away.

Laughing, Happy left the cabin and walked toward his own. Though midway, he noticed a cabin with another blonde. This one was a girl, and Happy, with no care, opened the door and asked her a question out of nowhere.

"Hey, Luna, what do you think a Crumple-Horned Snorkack would taste like?" He asked casually.

They had never spoken with each other before, and Luna was a year younger than Happy. So when he came out of nowhere and asked something so weird.

However, everyone except Luna appeared to be shocked. She looked at Happy with a smile and replied. "Taste? I don't know… I don't think I've ever read about its flavor."

"Probably like a snake or some other reptile…" Happy muttered. "Well, if you find it, let me know right away. I'll cook it. Until then, here…"

Happy handed her a bar of chocolate and shut the door before walking back to his cabin. Indeed, Happy was crazy, but it sure left a lasting impression on everyone.

Finally, he returned to his cabin and noticed Lupin was awake and talking with the trio, telling them about the creature that just attacked the train.

"Then… How did Happy slap it, Professor?" Ron asked.

"That… I don't know." Lupin replied, sounding even more confused than Ron.

Happy entered just then and began to wear his school robes. "Oh? Talking about me?"

"Happy, are you alright?" Hermione quickly asked. "Why did you go with Draco? Did he do anything to you?"

He laughed. "Why would he do anything? Everything's fine, Hermione. Anyway, we're arriving at the school soon. I'd go and change if I were you."

Happy ignored the presence of Remus Lupin. The man clearly held some animosity toward him, as evident by a mere glance, and Happy didn't consider Lupin a wise man who could separate personal feelings and professionalism. Sure, he may stand on the right side, but that didn't mean he was pure as holy water.

"How were you unaffected by the Dementor?" Lupin asked directly, unable to contain his curiosity.

Happy shrugged and sat down. "I dunno. It just happened somehow. By the way, Professor, you're the same Remus Lupin who went to school with Harry's parents, right? I heard so much about you—all your fun tales and pranks."

Lupin's eyes widened a little, and Harry became alert. "What do you mean?"

'Hah! Got you right in the trap. Don't think you can escape without owning up to all the trouble you lot caused over the years. One right does not justify your history of wrongs—the same goes for Snape. Both sides need to come clean—I'll make sure of it.'

Happy understood that, for there to be progress, there had to be some revelations and confessions. So, with a cleared throat, he blurted out, acting like a fine actor. He purposefully laughed as if he found it funny.

"Professor, I loved the time you and the rest used Levicorpus on Snape and pulled his pants down for the whole school to see! Or the time tricked him into spending a night with a Werewolf! Haha…!"


Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged looks of shock, while Lupin was devastated. Remembering those days brought about some regrets, no doubt.

"W-Who told you that?"

"Just some other people I know who went to Hogwarts at that time. It must have been so much fun, Professor. You were the Prefect, so nobody could trouble you… Hehe, I can imagine. Maybe I should try becoming a Prefect too… Then I could get away with anything. School is dangerous anyway, so what if someone breaks an arm or two." Happy sounded like he was genuinely happy, but to Lupin, those words hit him harder than a Crucio.

Harry voiced up at that moment. "Professor… Did you go to school with my parents? Can you tell me more about them?"

Happy nudged him. "Of course, Harry! He was the best friend of your father. He, your dad, Sirius, and Peter were best buddies—I've heard so much about them—The gang called Marauders."

Harry Potter's eyes widened. "You know Sirius?!"

Remus Lupin felt like crying at that instance. He hadn't expected to face such questions and revelations on his first day on the job. He couldn't bring himself to look at Harry's face and tell him everything because it would undoubtedly paint a bad picture.

"Ah! I need to go to the bathroom." Happy finished changing and exited the cabin swiftly. He had sparked the fire, and only needed to manage it from outside. If everything went well, he believed he would have a formidable fighting force by his side.

"Happy, wait!" Hermione suddenly came running behind him and stopped him beside the closed carriage exit. "What was all that?"


She seriously looked him in the eyes. "I know you well, Happy. You never speak a hundred words without mentioning food. You spoke so much just now—feels intentional."

Happy sighed and placed both his hands on the bushy-haired girl's shoulders. "Hermione, do you trust me?"

She almost jumped back when he touched her shoulder. Her face flushed, "I… I do."

"Then, trust me on this one too. People aren't wholly good or bad; they're often gray. The same goes for Professor Lupin and Professor Snape—the same was true for the rest of the Marauders. Mistakes were made in the past, and without a little push, they will never be resolved." Happy said, somewhat truthfully, but kept the details out.

She removed his hands from her shoulders but didn't let them go. "Then… What about you? What color are you?"

Happy smirked and pulled his hands back. He quickly took out a piece of candy from his pocket, unwrapped it, and pushed it into Hermione's mouth.

Then he showed her his thumb, a big, proud, radiant smile, and a winking eye. "Me? Heh—I'm the color of caramel—dark but sweet as heck!"

"Pfft!" She burst into laughter. "What was that…?"


"Embarrassment." Happy replied, turning around to escape.

But, to his bad luck.

"Huehuehuehue…!" Koko was there, looking at them and laughing like a hyena.

"Why are you laughing?" Happy confronted the cute goose with a straw hat.

Koko looked at them alternately. "Woof, Meow, Oink!"


Happy knelt down. "Buddy… What do you mean you saw everything? There was nothing to see."

There was a moment of silence, but Koko's mischievous eyes remained narrowed.


"That's it! Come here! I'll spank you!" Happy chased after him.


But Koko was one fast boy.


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Special thanks to *phong thanh nguyen* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*