
Harry Potter system in Douluo Dalu

Aman reincarnates in the Doulou dalu world in the body of a twelve year old boy named Hansen. He awakens the H. P. System and his ordinary stick martial soul turned into a magic wand from Harry Potter's world. Hansen discovers that the mother of this body was previously a servant of Zhu Zhuqing and he followed in her footsteps after her death. But the original owner of the body unfortunately died while protecting Zhu Zhuqing from an assassination attack by Zhu Zhuyun's men giving him the chance to be reborn in this world. How will Hansen change this world now that he is here with his H. P. System ? Will he be able to achieve his dreams and goals? Read on to find out. *********** Hungry for more chapters? Join my patreon to support me and read advance chapters. patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Strength clan

Soon Hansen and Tai Tan were sitting in a room face to face. Although Liu Erlong wanted to accompany them and stay by his side, but she had to go out after Hansen insisted many times.After all , what Hansen was going to do next was not fit for everyone else to witness.

" So boy, tell me about that Dark mark thing of yours in detail before we reach an agreement on our cooperation."

Tai tan said straight to the point.

" Well, what Tai Long told you is all true. But there is one more thing that I want to

warn you about . I can deactivate it anytime I want. So don't try to be oversmart with me thinking that I am only a child and take advantage of me. "

Hansen said with a smile. He has already washed up and changed his dirty clothes at this time, back to his elegant look. Although he still had to maintain the pretense of someone who is seriously injured , but it still couldn't hide his charm.

" Hmph, cunning boy. Alright then, since we are already partners, I want to experience it myself. "

Tai Tan snorted.

" No problem. But don't resist against it too much during the process or else it won't succed and it will also produce a backlash. "

Hansen smiled with a sharp glint in his eyes and cast a dark mark spell at him as he wished. After it completely covered him, it started to be absorbed in his body and soon the dark mark's tattoo appeared on his arm too.

Almost instantly Hansen also felt a mental connection with him and greeted him happily.

" How are you feeling... Tai Tan ? "

" It feels very good, my Lord. "

Tai Tan spoke devoutly.

" Hehehe, it's your good luck to be able to follow me, Tai Tan. And soon with my help, your Strength clan will become one of the strongest sect on the mainland. "

Hansen assured Tai Tan.

" I believe in you my Lord. And you can also trust our clan to help you pave your path ahed for you. "

Tai Tan nodded immediately and pledged the loyalty of the One Strength Clan and its entirety of 217 members to support Hansen and show their loyalty.

" Very well. Oh and don't call me Lord in front of outsiders, simply call me boy or Hansen like you usually do. "

Hansen instructed Tai Tan seriously.

Subsequently, Hansen discussed with Tai Tan about some future plans. But first of all, fully controlling the Strength clan was Hansen's first priority . And thanks to Tai Tan's help he didn't have to face any difficulty at all during the whole procedure. After making a random excuse, Hansen left the academy once again and accompanied the Tai Tan family trio back to their clan headquarters.

Although Liu Erlong felt a little fishy about the whole ordeal and the fact that it went so smoothly, she more worried about Hansen:s safety. But unfortunately Hansen couldn't tell her about the Darm mark at this stage, so naturally he couldn't take her with him.

After travelling continuously for about half a day at a moderate speed, they arrived at the outskirts of Heaven Dou City , in an expansive mountain range known as the "Mighty Peaks."

The Mighty Peaks are a series of towering mountains that stretch as far as the eye can see. These majestic peaks are shrouded in an aura of mystery and awe, with their snow-capped summits reaching towards the heavens. The region is abundant in natural resources, harboring lush valleys, sparkling rivers, and dense forests that dot the landscape.

At the heart of the Mighty Peaks lies the stronghold of the Strength Clan. The clan's fortress is an impressive sight to behold, carved directly into the side of the tallest mountain. Its strategic position offers a commanding view of the surrounding terrain, providing an advantageous vantage point for defensive purposes.

The entrance to the clan's stronghold is guarded by massive stone gates intricately decorated with different symbols of Vigorous Orangutan signifying strength and power. Beyond the gates, a winding path leads visitors through a series of courtyards and grand halls. The architecture of the fortress reflects the clan's deep-rooted connection to nature, with elements such as stone, wood, and earth incorporated into the design.

The interior of the stronghold is a bustling hub of activity, as members of the Strength Clan go about their daily routines. The halls are adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the clan's history and notable achievements. Training grounds can be found in various corners of the fortress, where clan members hone their physical prowess and cultivate their martial skills.

As one delves deeper into the fortress, they will discover the core of the Strength Clan's power—the Hall of Ancestors. This tall sacred chamber houses the revered statues and memorials of past clan leaders and legendary warriors. The air within the hall is thick with reverence and the echoes of ancient wisdom, serving as a constant reminder of the clan's heritage and the path they strive to follow.

Surrounding the stronghold, the land is dotted with smaller settlements and training grounds, where members of the Strength Clan reside and practice their martial arts. These settlements harmoniously blend with the natural environment, their structures blending seamlessly with the rugged terrain.

Along the way, everyone stopped to look at the figure of Hansen in confusion and guessed his identity.

" Who is this guy ? "

Someone whispered to ask his partner.

" I don't know. But since he is accompanied by Clan leader himself, then he must definitely be someone important. "

His partner replied back.

" He doesn't look very powerful to me . He seems to around our age or even younger . "

A clan member speculated.

" Shhh! Don't talk casually. If the clan leader hears it, your fate will be very miserable."

One of his friends warned him, causing him to suck in a breath of cool air.

" Hisss! "

These kind of dialogues were heard by him many times along the way, but Hansen didn't care. Anyway, these guys are going to be his loyal subordinates very soon.

Under Tai Tan's guidance, Hansen came to the meeting room of the clan and in just a few minutes, the other clan elders also arrived.

" Clan leader, is something the matter for you to call all of us here urgently? "

After everyone settled down, one of the wise looking middle aged elder asked Tai Tan.

" Yes, I asked you guys to come here for a very important reason. First of all, meet our friend Hansen, a very talented soul master. "

Tai Tan stood up from his seat and began by introducing Hansen to everyone. Seeing this everyone looked at Hansen and observed him carefully, since they also understood that today's matter must be related to this young man standing in front of them.

Hansen also smiled and nodded at them calmly. Next Tai Tan told them about the dark mark and it's powers.

" Tai Long, show them. "

Seeing their doubtful look, Tai Tan ordered Tai Long to demonstrate so that everyone can better understand.

" Yes grandpa. "

Tai Long nodded and stepped forward to first reveal his dark mark tattoo and then used apparition in front of them.

" This..... this is simply amazing. It can play a very vital role in the battle. And coupled with the other effects it has on cultivation speed, it's even more miraculous than a hundred thousand year soul bone because it can be mass produced. "

One of the elders exclaimed.

Hansen nodded in his heart. This was exactly as he expected. Next it wasn't much of a hassle, with Tai Tan present as an example, the elders didn't hesitate. Hansen used the next half hour to cast Dark mark on all the clan elders.

However Hansen didn't choose to grant special abilities to them. He wanted to keep it for the elites only so that the others can have a motivation to improve. And with the cultivation boosting effects, it wasn't really impossible.

" I think we should stop for now. As for the other clan members, we'll continue with it tomorrow. "

Hansen said after he finished with the last one in the hall. He was almost drained after the previous session since casting Dark mark not only needs soul power but mental power too.

" As you wish. "

Tai Tan said while signalling at one of the elders.

" Ah, my Lord, please follow me. I will take you to your residence. "

" Hmmm. "

Hansen nodded and followed.

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