
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 156

Although it did have some uses in modern wards, it appeared that a lot of the more spectacular and powerful magic, like his Runic Burst move, had been all forgotten with time. Which meant that once he'd learned all the ancient scripts from this class, he'd have to go exploring to some ancient tombs or something similar to pick up new Runes based skills and attacks.

It was a useful class, but it was a very boring class.

Ron and Dean joined them for lunch, talking about how they had dealt with the incredibly dangerous Mandrakes in the Herbology class, making Harry feel even worse about having missed out on what looked like a very interesting class about deadly plants in favor of what was basically an hour of old dictionary reading.

The lunch passed by very quickly, with the only interesting thing that happened was Harry having to deal with a frantic first year named Colin Creevey.

"Alright, Harry? I'm…I'm Colin Creevey," he said breathlessly, taking a tentative step forward. "I'm in Gryffindor. D'you think…would it be all right if…can I have a picture?" he said, raising the camera hopefully.

"Afraid not Colin," Harry had said instinctively and the kid had turned bright red and ran off, making Harry feel bad. And that was the end of that.

The Gryffindors had to leave early for their first DADA class, since rumors were spreading like wildfire that Lockhart had set a quiz for the first class. The Hufflepuffs were leaking the questions near the greenhouses, and no one wanted to fail a test on the first class.

"What've we got this afternoon?" asked Harry, wolfing down the last bites of his baked potatoes.

"The schedule says Defense Against the Dark Arts, but I think Professor Flitwick has arranged for the Care of Magical Creatures class," said Hermione at once.

"Why,"demanded Terry, seizing her schedule, "have you outlined all Lockhart's lessons in little hearts?"

Hermione snatched the schedule back, blushing furiously.

Soon after the lunch, the Ravenclaws headed to a spot near the Forbidden Forest, where their Care of Magical Creatures demonstration class was supposed to happen.

Professor Silvanus Kettleburn was an odd little man. Not in the least because he only had one arm and half a leg, and taught his lesson sitting on an enchanted floating chair.

"Now listen up here ye lads and lassies. Yer Professor Flitwick told me to dial it down this class, so ye'll be seeing the Giant Squid today"

Which, in Harry's honest opinion was quite odd, since he never quite would have considered a colossal aquatic mutant tentacle monster to be 'dialed down'.

The class had proceeded to listen to an hour-long lecture about how the Giant Squid had come to live in the Hogwarts Black Lake, its dietary constrictions, and how it had been domesticated enough to help first-year students who might have toppled over into the lake on their way to the castle.

They had then headed to the Black lake pier, where they were been allowed to feed the squid and pat its tentacles. For some reason, the girls had really enjoyed that part of the class.

The class dispersed soon afterward, excitedly chatting about how fun the class was, and whether or not they'd be taking it in their third years. Harry made his excuses to Hermione and Terry, and headed to Professor Kettleburn's office. The next period was Divination demonstration, and then Muggle Studies afterward, and he'd heard enough about both the classes to not be interested in them at all.

Besides, he had a quest to complete. It was time to start collecting the teachers' signatures.

Professor Kettleburn only asked two questions to Harry once he saw who else had signed his slip.

The questions were, "Ye convinced Septima to sign?" and "Are ye sure ye want to do this? It'll be adding a load of extra work through yer Hogwarts years."

To both of those questions, Harry had replied in affirmative. A brief explanation of what his project was all about, and five minutes later, he had earned his first signature and a book about the Ministry's XXX Rating to help him with his project.

His next stop was Professor McGonagall, since her signature as the Deputy Headmistress was one of the most important ones. Her office, Harry noted, had a bunch of Quidditch memorabilia, which prompted him to mentally scratch out the lines about competing with Quidditch from the summary he was going to tell her.

Thankfully, the presentation went quite well. Professor McGonagall was quite well versed in Arithmancy, and had no trouble keeping up with his own calculations at all. She checked and double checked the calculations he had done before she said anything.

"Very well Mr. Potter," she said finally, "I will allow it. But understand that the permission will only remain probationary for this year. If I see any sort of slump in your grades, then I'll revoke my permission immediately. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," Harry said, sitting stiff as a plank on his chair. McGonagall was objectively one of his favorite teachers, and her approval meant a lot to the twelve-year-old boy.

"Good. Understand this well Mr. Potter, that letting students as young as you start an extracurricular project is very unusual. I trust you to not let me down."


Skill leveled up due to repeated use!

Entrepreneurship, Lv-2 (10%)

This skill will reflect your mastery and acumen in the arts of entrepreneurship, including but not limited to pitching, creating, popularising and running an enterprise. This skill will eventually evolve to show the aspects of entrepreneurship you have mastered.


Pitch: A distillation of an idea into a summary to hook an investor and make them more likely to invest their time, money, power or effort into your project.

Percentage of Success - (15+Lv of Theatrics)%

"Thank you, Professor," Harry happily said, as Professor McGonagall gave him a small smile and signed the slip under her name.

He had been lucky enough to find both Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick in Professor Flitwick's office. They both simply heard his entire idea, looked over the Arithmancy projections he had shown Vector the previous night, complimented him for taking motivation to start on a high-level project early and signed his slip without a single word of discouragement.

"I know you can handle it Mr. Potter," Professor Sprout said, "You were second in your year in theory and first in the practical in your exams. And that's in spite that awful Stone mess that happened last year."

"Not to mention that the fact that you've somehow managed to convince both Professor Vector and Professor McGonagall speaks immensely in your favor." Professor Flitwick said, before adding, "If you do have any problems with your project, don't think twice about coming to me for help alright?"

"Of course Professor," Harry replied with a smile.

"Good. Now let's see. Who do you have left?" Professor Flitwick said, looking over his permission slip.





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