
Harry Potter System Gamer

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ---------------------------------------------- Translation ----------------------------------------------

William777 · Movies
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263 Chs

Chapter 155

"Here you can see that I am writing down a bunch of equations, all of which we'll be combining to form a new spell. There's the petrifying spell, the charm for static electricity, the common hair straightening charm, and the featherweight charm. There is a timing equation mixed in too, in order to make sure the spell will wear off after a while. You can probably already see that I'm making a charm that will affect a person's hair. The static electricity and featherweight spells are to make the required style of hair to form. And the petrifying charm is to fix the hair in that style and stop it from instantly reforming into its original form."

She then proceeded to do a bunch of calculations that were incomprehensible to most of the class, before she turned around to look at the class, and said, "Hmm…usually people set the incantation of a spell to indicate what effect the spell has, but we're just experimenting here, so why don't we call this spell…what's your name Miss?"

Hermione snapped to attention, "Granger ma'am. Hermione Granger"

The Professor nodded and added a tweak to the equation, "Very well then. We shall call this spell, Vibrissa Grangeris, a spell that requires two straight flicks and a twirl, and gives the target incredibly frizzy hair for a period of five minutes"

The class burst out into raucous laughter, and Hermione turned as red as a fresh tomato. Professor Vector smiled and demonstrated the wand movements, and soon the entire class was trying out the spell on each other, and almost everyone ended up with a frizzy new hairdo. Harry's already messy hair now flared like a black bush on his head, almost as if an owl had decided to nest in there.

"Enough!" the Professor said, after letting them fool around for a few minutes, "Settle down now. The spell will wear off in a few minutes. Now, the next demonstration, and one of the most impressive applications of the art of Arithmancy, is the numerological predictions using probability matrices."

Harry perked up in his seat. This was what he'd done with the business predictions that he had shown Vector. He was curious about how Professor Vector would demonstrate this.

The professor picked up a few pieces of chalk, and then handed them to Hermione, who was in the front row with them.

"Miss Granger, would you mind transfiguring these into dice? Ten will do," she instructed.

Hermione looked at her a bit puzzled, before she pulled out her wand and started transfiguring the chalk pieces one by one into dice. Professor Vector walked over to the blackboard, did some calculations, before she came over to him, and asked, "Mr. Potter, can I borrow your quill and a piece of paper please?"

Harry promptly handed the requested items to her, which she used to write down what looked like a random series of numbers on the paper, and showed them to the class.


"One four three two six one six one five three. A ten digit number. Ms. Granger, would you please pass those dice around to each of your classmates? Keep one for yourself. Good. Now, let me explain what we will be doing here. The dice you are holding in your hands are freshly made and brand new. Miss Granger has transfigured them for us right now. They are untouched by me and are in no way tampered or loaded. Is that understood? Good. Now, if each of you were to roll your die, and then say your numbers in the alphabetical order of your first names, we would get a unique ten digit number. And by my numerologically calculated prediction, it would be that exact number."

"You're joking! There are over a thousand possible results! There's no way you could've done that!"

"Over 60 million, actually, and we will see about that won't we Mr. Cornfoot? Everyone, roll your die" she commanded, and Harry knew the moment he saw the number on his die that she'd done it.

"Let's go through your names alphabetically, shall we?" Professor Vector said, heading back to her desk and opening up the attendance register.

"Anthony Goldstein."

"One," Anthony replied, staring at his die oddly.

"Harry Potter."


"Hermione Granger."

"Three!" she immediately said, looking incredibly excited.

"Lisa Turpin."

"Two," came Lisa Turpin's voice from the back of the class.

"Mandy Brocklehurst."


"Michael Corner."


"Padma Patil."


"Stephen Cornfoot?"


"Su Li."


"Terry Boot?"

"Three," said Terry in a disbelieving tone.


It was an exact match.

"And that," Professor Vector said, looking slightly puffed up in her victory, "is why you will soon find that a good Arithmancer is never poor. A feat like that will take you at least until your OWL year to master."

She looked Harry in the eyes, "Of course, the more talented amongst you might be able to master it much earlier than that. We'll see."

Handing his quill back to Harry, she walked back to the desk and looked each of them in the eye.

"With the power of numbers, one can predict the random, read the unreadable, and create the unthinkable. Such is the power of Arithmancy"


You just got schooled bruh! Take +2 to your Int!


Skill leveled up due to paying attention in class!

Arithmancer, Lv-5 (21%)

Allows the user to use the arts of Arithmancy to create and modify spells. Further uses include prediction of the future through high density probability matrices and being classified as a magical nerd.

"Class dismissed," the Professor said after a moment of silence, "Mr. Potter, stay back for a moment."

Harry nodded, and assured his friends that he'd catch up with them in the Runes class. Soon, the class was empty except for him and the Professor.

"Mr. Potter," she said, pulling out a small slip of paper, "I have taken the liberty of filing your project form with the Ministry Department of Magical Education. Thankfully, with your name on the cover, the form was fast-tracked pretty quickly. Unfortunately, there has been a complication."

"Complication?" Harry asked warily.

"Indeed. It appears that since you are one of the youngest people to ever have been allowed to have a personal project in a major subject, you need the permission of every single one of your teachers before your form is approved. This permission slip needs to be completely filled and submitted before tomorrow. Otherwise, your project will be rejected."

"Every single one?" Harry asked weakly.

"Every single one," she reiterated.


Quest Alert!

Convince all of the Hogwarts teachers to sign your permission slip


10,000 Exp

Legal permission to build your game


Loss of reputation amongst teachers

Failure of the 'Knock Quidditch out' quest as well


Harry sighed, and pressed yes, before turning his attention back to the professor, who had started speaking again.

"Now, don't worry too much. I've done a lot of it for you. The Divination, Muggle Studies, History of Magic, and Ancient Runes professors have already signed it on my personal assurances and requests. The rest of the signatures, however, are up to you to collect. I will need the permission slip by tonight to send it off to the Ministry, so I'd recommend that you start collecting the signatures pretty soon. Got it?"

"Yes Professor," Harry said, pocketing the permission slip.

"Good. Now off you go. You'll be late for your Runes class"

Harry nodded and thanked the Professor before he left the class walking at a brisk speed, not wanting to be late.

Hopefully, Study of Ancient Runes would be an interesting class.

Study of Ancient Runes wasn't an interesting class.

Despite its insanely useful nature, the class, at least in the beginning, was composed entirely of having to memorize ancient scripts. It was basically a language class in the beginning that people interested in researching ancient sites would have to take. Or, if they were feeling particularly crazy and wanted to compete with the goblins in the warding industry.




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