
Harry Potter: Sovereign of Dawn

Born in the same orphanage as Tom Riddle, who later becomes known as Voldemort, Bondrewd embarks on a quest for the greatest and deepest secrets of magic. He enters Hogwarts in the same year as the saviour of the wizarding world, determined to rise to the pinnacle of power by any means necessary. Bondrewd is driven by a relentless ambition to achieve brilliance and usher in a new era for the wizarding community, willing to scratch and claw his way to the top all for a new Dawn.

Cainmiddy · Movies
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14 Chs

First Encounters

29th August 1991

The morning light filtered through the dusty windows, casting a warm glow that chased away the remnants of night's darkness.

Today heralded a day of action, a flurry of activity awaited as he embarked on the task of procuring his school supplies and delving into points of interest.

First on the agenda was a visit to Carkitt Market to exchange his muggle money for wizarding currency. Thankfully, he always carried £675 on his person which would maximize his exchange rate, leaving him with ample funds for his endeavours as well as left over muggle currency.

Part of his monetary allocation would go towards postage, enabling him to send reassuring letters to his followers, alleviating any concerns about his prolonged absence.

With purpose in his stride, he descended the worn stairs, the door creaking open to reveal the quietude of the pub below. A few early-rising wizards lingered, their conversations providing valuable insights into the wizarding world during his previous visit.

Recalling Quirrel's instructions, he tapped the designated bricks, initiating the rotation of the wall as he made his way towards his first destination.

Having familiarized himself with the map the day prior, he navigated the bustling streets of Diagon Alley with ease, sparing him the need to constantly consult the parchment.

His itinerary for the day comprised visits to Gringotts Money Exchange, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, and Olivanders, each promising unique encounters and discoveries.

Navigating through the lively morning atmosphere, he couldn't help but take note of several key establishments.

Quality Quidditch Supplies stood out as an ideal venue to mingle with fellow students and glean insights into the wizarding world. Armed with basic knowledge of Quidditch, initiating conversations would be a straightforward endeavor.

Twilfitt and Tattings, on the other hand, exuded an air of exclusivity, catering to pure-blood families seeking formal attire. While not specializing in school robes, it presented an opportunity to forge connections with influential families—an avenue he deemed valuable for future plans.

Lost in contemplation, he found himself at the entrance of Carkitt Market, marked by a sign suspended between two buildings.

Unlike the vibrant Diagon Alley, Carkitt Market boasted a more industrial aesthetic, reminiscent of Leadenhall Market with its steel and glass architecture. Despite its subdued ambiance, it housed several noteworthy establishments.

Among them, the Gringotts Money Exchange stood out—a vital resource for half-blood and muggle-born students, subsidized by the Ministry. Additionally, Eternelle's Elixir of Refreshment offered a variety of concoctions, including the Draught of Peace and Elixir to Induce Euphoria, potentially valuable aids for networking or academic pursuits.

The Gringotts Money Exchange stood solemn and imposing, its grey stone façade adorned with intricate wooden embellishments framing a central window flanked by imposing doors.

One door bore the gilded inscription "Gringotts," while the other proclaimed "Money Exchange." Through the window, polished spruce accents hinted at the opulence within, while lecterns scattered around the room held scrolls attended by quills that hovered in silent vigil.

As the bell above the door chimed, signaling his entrance, Bondrewd stepped into the chamber. His refined attire and dignified bearing stood in stark contrast to the usual clientele.

The chamber was sparsely populated, save for a lone goblin seated upon a stool behind the main counter, his gaze fixed upon Bondrewd through golden spectacles.

"Name," came the goblin's bored drawl.

"Bondrewd, sir. No last name," replied Bondrewd with a courteous nod.

"You may exchange a maximum of £500 for a total of 100 galleons. Any subsequent exchanges must be applied for through the ministry, with forms available to your left."

His voice exuded a permanent air of displeasure, a testament to his inherent greed. Bondrewd had learnt from Villanelle that goblins were creatures of excess, always craving more galleons and reluctant to part with even the smallest piece.

"Thank you, sir." Bondrewd's polite demeanor remained unwavering as he retrieved several neat, clean notes from his blazer pocket, pre-wrapped with a rubber band. The presentation and care of his money seemed to earn him some semblance of goodwill from the goblin.

However, as the goblin scrutinized the notes closely producing a small bag containing 100 golden coins, any trace of goodwill seemed to dissipate. A frown marred the goblin's features as he begrudgingly handed over the sack of coins to Bondrewd's gloved hands.

"Hmph," the goblin snorted dismissively as Bondrewd made his way toward the exit, the familiar sound of a quill scratching against parchment continuing in the background as the goblin marked the exchange.

Exiting the market, Bondrewd purposefully ignored the attractions of other stores as he returned to Diagon Alley, relieved to be done with the ordeal of dealing with the goblin.

"First step, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions," he mused to himself, his mind already focused on the next task at hand.

Though Olivanders would have been his initial choice, he had learned that appearance played a crucial role in how one was perceived in the wizarding world. His current attire, while neat, was inherently muggle, a potential source of disdain among more noble wizards. To seamlessly integrate into wizarding society, he needed a proper set of garments.

The store boasted an esoteric exterior, its bright purple façade matching the rare hue of his own eyes. Mirrors and scarves adorned the central window, offering a glimpse into the elegance within. White bricks ascended from the purple shopfront, leading to a flat ceiling.

As he entered, a subtle perfume greeted him, wafting through the air with a delicate allure.

"Ah, Hogwarts, dear? We have everything you need right here — in fact, two other young men are being fitted as we speak," greeted the owner, Malkin, with an overly friendly tone.

Indeed, three other figures occupied the store. A proud blonde boy stood beside a woman, likely his mother, exuding an air of arrogance. The mother, with her black hair streaked with silver highlights, carried herself with noble grace as she adjusted her son's fitted robes.

On the other side of the store, a scrawny black-haired boy observed the interaction. His unkempt hair framed a pair of circular glasses, and his ill-fitting clothes hinted at a lack of refinement.

"Mother, it's fine," Draco Malfoy's voice rang out, unmistakable even in its annoyance. Bondrewd observed their interaction as the heir to the Malfoy family voiced his dissatisfaction.

"Hmm, it seems a little too big on the left," Narcissa Malfoy remarked, her attention consumed by the fabric as she adjusted the robes.

"Mother..." Draco's tone hinted at impatience.

"Oh, alright, alright. You stay here and finish fitting; I'll go buy your other items," Narcissa relented, offering Bondrewd a brief smile as she dodged past him into the outdoors.

"I'll be right with you," Madam Malkin assured him, her attention now fully on adjusting a robe in her hands, drawing the gaze of the other two boys toward Bondrewd.

"Don't worry about it; just follow the specifications on this note," Bondrewd said smoothly, placing a neatly written note detailing school robe size requirements on a nearby table.

Madam Malkin picked up the note as the blonde-haired boy from earlier approached.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy," the blonde boy announced proudly, extending his hand for a shake.

Bondrewd, with practiced grace, approached and accepted the handshake firmly. "Bondrewd, your reputation precedes you," he replied smoothly, subtly flattering the arrogant heir.

"My name's Harry," a quieter voice chimed in as the boy awkwardly shifted, seemingly overshadowed by Draco's presence.

The conversation unfolded, with Draco monopolizing the discussion, boasting about himself, his prowess in Quidditch, and expressing disdainful views about Muggle-borns and Hogwarts's gamekeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, whom he had encountered earlier.

Unbeknownst to Draco, Harry grew increasingly uncomfortable and even irritated by his companion's arrogant tirade, a fact not lost on Bondrewd, who observed keenly.

Bondrewd interjected occasionally, nodding in agreement or offering additional insights, skilfully playing to Draco's vanity and stroking his ego.

"And that's why Slytherin is the greatest house," Draco concluded his monologue.

"If I recall correctly, Merlin himself was a member of Slytherin," Bondrewd interjected, earning a nod of appreciation from Draco.

"Indeed, and my family has been proudly in Slytherin for generations," Draco replied, his pride evident in his voice.

As Harry stood by awkwardly, not wanting to reveal his ignorance about the magical world, Bondrewd gracefully navigated the conversation.

"I also hope to enter Slytherin," Bondrewd remarked warmly.

"It'll be hard for a mudblood, but just look for me once you get sorted," Malfoy replied in a gracious tone as Bondrewd smiled in response, his true thoughts kept hidden to all but himself.

"Thank you. It was an honour to meet you," Bondrewd responded courteously, handing coins to Madam Malkin, who had prepared his robe.

"See you at Hogwarts!" Malfoy exclaimed eagerly, treating Bondrewd as a new friend or follower, receiving a wave in response.

Feeling uncomfortable, Harry reluctantly engaged in conversation with Malfoy, the only one left in the store as Bondrewd had already departed.

Outside on the bustling street, Bondrewd paused, a gloved hand to his chin.

"Ollivanders next," he mused to himself before turning, his mind alive with anticipation for the future.

He couldn't wait to wield magic with his own wand, filling the void he had felt when casting spells years ago. The prospect of mastering magic brought him an unparalleled excitement, fuelling his determination for what lay ahead.


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