
Harry Potter: Sovereign of Dawn

Born in the same orphanage as Tom Riddle, who later becomes known as Voldemort, Bondrewd embarks on a quest for the greatest and deepest secrets of magic. He enters Hogwarts in the same year as the saviour of the wizarding world, determined to rise to the pinnacle of power by any means necessary. Bondrewd is driven by a relentless ambition to achieve brilliance and usher in a new era for the wizarding community, willing to scratch and claw his way to the top all for a new Dawn.

Cainmiddy · Movies
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14 Chs

Diagon Alley

28th August 1991

As Bondrewd stepped out into the bustling street, he couldn't help but marvel at its unique charm. The medieval architecture lent a timeless quality to the scene, with buildings standing at odd angles, their colourful facades welcoming passers-by with inviting warmth. Bright glass windows spilled light onto the cobblestone street below, casting dancing reflections in the afternoon sun.

The street was alive with activity, an eclectic mix of shops and interesting characters giving it an almost festive atmosphere. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a small voice caught Bondrewd's attention, beckoning him towards a peculiar figure with a long nose.

"Oi, first years! Get your maps here!" The creature, likely a goblin, called out eagerly, gesturing towards a stack of maps.

"Thank you, sir," He replied politely, accepting a map and tucking it into his pocket for later reference.

Glancing at the map, he spotted the name "Flourish and Blotts" with the word 'library' written beneath it in elegant script. Recognizing the importance of knowledge in navigating this unfamiliar world, it was decided that the library would be his first destination.

With a sense of purpose, he set off down the lively street, eager to explore this magical realm and learn all that it had to offer.

Navigating the bustling streets, and contemplating the wealth of knowledge he could glean from engaging with the locals, a prospect he deemed more valuable than any book.

Following the map's guidance through the labyrinthine pathways, he carefully studied each turn and landmark.

Several notable destinations piqued his interest.

"Gringotts Wizarding Bank" and "Ollivander's Wand Shop" loomed large on his itinerary, promising essential stops for a newcomer to the magical world.

As his gaze shifted, the mention of "Knockturn Alley (Restricted access)" stirred a sense of intrigue. Though he acknowledged the need for caution, the allure of uncovering clandestine dealings in the darker corners of Diagon Alley was undeniable.

Coming to a halt, he found himself standing before the storefront he sought.

Crafted from weathered stones reminiscent of Victorian London, the quaint shop exuded an old-world charm.

A gentle green door, flanked by towering windows adorned with stacks of books, beckoned him inside. Above, golden letters spelled out the name: "Flourish and Blotts."

Through the glass, a stern yet inviting figure caught his eye. The woman, dressed in regal purple robes with a striking hairstyle, greeted him with a warm smile, her demeanour mirroring the eccentricity of the magical world.

With a sense of anticipation, he stepped through the threshold, ready to embark on his journey of discovery within the hallowed halls of Flourish and Blotts.

The door creaked open as his figure stepped into the quaint bookstore, exuding confidence with every stride.

"Hello, Ma'am," he greeted warmly, flashing a charming smile. "I was wondering if I could sit and read in the shop?" His neat, tousled hair and immaculate attire lent him an air of a prim and proper student.

"Why, of course," the woman replied, her own smile brightening. "We rarely have such polite guests."

"Thank you, Mrs... I didn't quite catch the name, but I go by Bondrewd," he said, adopting a more casual tone.

"Villanelle, it's Vilanelle," she clarified with a friendly chuckle. "No problem at all, I'm always happy to help eager students."

"Do you have any recommendations? I'm just starting, so I'm a bit lost," Bondrewd admitted earnestly, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

"Of course, right this way, Mr. Bondrewd," Villanelle replied, leading him to a selection of books.

As she expertly guided him through the shelves, explaining each title with enthusiasm, books began to pile up in his gloved hands. From basic magic to history, charms, and local customs, the librarian shared her wealth of knowledge with a smile.

Minutes later, he had settled into a chair, his notebook open as he eagerly absorbed the information gleaned from the pages before him.

Behind the counter, amidst attending to other customers, Villanelle would often engage in conversation with Bondrewd or simply observe him with appreciation as he diligently took notes.

As the day stretched into evening, hours melted away like wax in a candle flame.

"Alright, that's enough reading for today. You can always come back tomorrow," Villanelle called out softly, her tone now tinged with familiarity after a day of friendly banter.

"Thanks for all the help. See you tomorrow, Villanelle," Bondrewd responded graciously, carefully returning the books to their shelves and slipping his leather-bound journal into his blazer pocket.

"Here, take this. It'll buy you a night at the Leaky Cauldron," Villanelle said with a warm smile, tossing a coin into his waiting hands.

"I can't thank you enough," Bondrewd murmured softly, his gratitude evident.

"Go on, get out of here," Villanelle teased playfully as Bondrewd exited the library, a content smile gracing his features.

With the route memorized, he retraced his steps back to the Leaky Cauldron, not even needing to consult the map.

Entering the dimly lit bar once again, he approached the counter. The room was mostly empty, save for a few patrons scattered here and there.

He courteously tapped the single silver bell resting on the worn wooden counter, its ringing sound alerting a hunched figure to shuffle forward from the shadows.

"One night, please," he stated politely, passing the money the librarian had gifted him over to the hunchbacked man behind the counter.

"Alright, sir. Follow me," replied the man, his voice croaky and his gait marked by a slight limp.

"Thank you, sir?" Bondrewd responded, falling into step behind him.

"Tom." The barkeeper snorted curtly.

"How long have you worked here?" Bondrewd inquired, curious about the man named Tom. The hunchback briefly paused, pressing his finger to his chin in contemplation.

"I've owned this place for about 15 years," Tom replied grimly, his tone betraying a hint of discontent.

Despite Tom's unassuming appearance, as the proprietor of one of the main gateways between the magical and Muggle worlds, he must have held considerable status for the Ministry to entrust him with running the bar.

Observing the clientele that frequented the establishment, Bondrewd surmised that Tom was likely wealthier than he appeared on the surface. It was not uncommon for those connected to pureblood families to maintain hidden riches.

Recalling a conversation with the librarian earlier, he remembered hearing about a pureblood named Hannah Abbott who resided at the bar, under Tom's care since her mother's passing during the Second Wizarding War.

Considering her age and lineage, it could be speculated that she might prove to be a valuable ally, potentially inheriting significant wealth and influence in the future.

Once inside his rented room, Bondrewd continued to mull over his thoughts. He contemplated the existence of other pureblood families, such as the Malfoys, who were known to be connected to the darker aspects of magic.

Though their disdain for Muggle-borns might pose a challenge, he believed in his ability to manipulate situations to his advantage. He envisioned establishing a rapport with Draco Malfoy, the heir to the Malfoy fortune, thereby gaining access to their resources and the clandestine underbelly of the wizarding world when he grew stronger.

As he settled into bed, his mind buzzing with plans and ambitions, Bondrewd knew that tomorrow would be a pivotal day. With only a few days left before his enrollment at Hogwarts, he felt the weight of the knowledge he needed to acquire and the connections he must forge.

Tomorrow promised a whirlwind of learning and exploration, vital for laying the groundwork of his future endeavors. From mastering magical spells to navigating the intricate social dynamics of the wizarding world, he understood the importance of being well-prepared.

With determination fuelling his thoughts, he let the darkness of sleep envelop him. In the quiet embrace of the night, he surrendered to the gentle pull of slumber, knowing that rest would rejuvenate him for the challenges that lay ahead.

2 chapters to make up for the lack of chapters over the past few days, in the next chapter he will meet the main character and have his first visit to Gringotts

Stay tuned also, it'd be appreciated if you could give some feedback, I always love reading comments.


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