
diagon alley

Kevin agreed and followed McGonagall after some questions. McGonagall as usual showed him the transfiguration by converting a rock into a cat and vice versa. Kevin acted surprised by it and followed McGonagall.

As they apparate he felt his world is spinning before he adjusted to it. Looks like the adaptability is working it's magic. Kevin and McGonagall first went to gringotts. Kevin followwd McGonagall closely and saw the hideous goblins.

As McGonagall moved to the manager she asked," This kid here would like to claim his legacy. Prepare an inheritance test, take fee from the vault of hogwarts", the goblin wanted you say something but shut up and took them to a room with a machine that looks very mysterious with an orb on it and a sharp object.

McGonagall took Kevin's hand and placed it on the object while Kevin exclaimed," Ow", his finger dripped a few drops of blood in the orb and then the orb changed colour from blue to red along with a parchmeng out of it.

{ Kevin Regulus Black Goldsman

Age : 11

Houses legacy :

House of Black

House of Goldsman

House of Peverall

House of Rosier

Parents : Regulus Argus Black, Isabell Nora Goldsman Roseir

Special Bloodlines : veela }

The goblin gave the sheet to McGonagall and then go to a room before taking out 4 rings and said," You're the last qualified heir to all the houses with direct bloodline. You'll receive the heir ring for now. The Lord ring will be given to you later heir. A vault will be opened on your name affiliated to all the 4 houses".

Kevin looked at the four rings that somehow magically fused together with a dumbfounded look. He took the black coloured ring and wear it on his body. A warm current appeared in his body. The ring has the function to purify his body and make him immune to poison and mind control. Allows his magic to grow exponentially.

Other properties are put on hold for now. McGonagall then took him around the diagon alley buying everything needed for school. They went to madam malkin's store and Kevin asked for special enchantments on his uniform like auto-cleanse, anti-odour, repair, temperature modulation.

Then they went to buy text books which Kevin bought until 3rd year, then they goes to buy herbs and potions ingredients along with ither things like telescope and all. After that it's time for the wand.

Kevin goes to the ollivander store and saw an old man, McGonagall also followed him into the store while the old man greeted McGonagall with her wand introduction. After that he looked at Kevin and blinked.

Kevin also looked at him while the man said," Let's get the wand for you. The wand chooses the wizard", he said before stroding to mang compartments and brought back few boxes. Different coloured wand with different shapes and lengths.

Almost all of ollivander shop has been smashed. Ollivander sighed and brought back a wand that looks very different. Unlike other wands it has a bluish hue and Kevin can feel a connection to it.

As he took the wand sparks appeared and warm wind flowed out of it. Ollivander smiled and said," Horned serpant horn wand, 10 inches, a combined core of veela and unicorn hair. A very complex yet powerful wand that supports almost all fields made by my grandfather".

Kevin looked at the wand in his hand and blinked. A wand made from the horn of water serpant. With core of unicorn tail hair and veela hair. Kevin put the wand into the hostler he bought. He went back to the orphanage and stayed there a few days and donating some funds from his heir vault.

He then came back to diagon alley and stayed there, because a few days he received a letter from gringotts saying there is a will of his father left in vault that needs to be opened exactly a few days after his son that is Kevin comes to gringotts.

As the last heir and only one in the family tree survived or not banished he solely possess all vaults. So his care also needs to taken by other family members. The will contains other details too.