
the will

Kevin is now sitting on the sofa looking at the woman opposite to him with a confused look. Her name is Andromeda tonks. Or andromeda black but the manager said she is exempted from the family line by walburga black.

The manager then brought the parchment and read it :

I, Regulus Argus Black, write this, my last will in my most sober state and conscious. This will is made by me willingly without any one forcing and I can vouch with my magic that no one forced me write it.

With my lover who is the last surviving member of the Goldsman family and also the heir to the Rosier house, we both fell in love and had a child.

If he ever makes it here as a wizard, then as the last master of black house, I declare him at this moment as the future Lord of the house and the sole owner of all of it's properties and assets.

I also would like to inform my son in our absence or death will be taken care of by my cousin, Andromeda tonks. As an apology to her for all harsh words and insults I sincerely apologize and ask her to be my son's guardian. I hereby also announce 10% of the assets and property of black house will be given to her.

A message to andromeda : cousin, please forgive me for all things in the past. Only when you're not by my side did I realise how much your support meant to me. If you're reading this I'm dead. So please take care of my last legacy, my child, my one and only son and your nephew.

I also apologize to ted tonks, my brother in law and my niece Nymphadora.

Son, sorry for not being there for you. But understand this, your mother and I loved you more than anything in the world to the point of sacrificing ourselves. Your mother isabell loved you dearly. I cherished both of you until the end. Forgive me my child.

- Regulus Argus Black

Andromeda cried after hearing Regulus is dead. She hugged Kevin and started crying holding him. Kevin also felt complicated. This explains why the system didn't say bloodlune card and named it legacy card. It seems a spell or something is blocking his magic and seal prevents the detention of his blood from the house wards.

Kevin looked a little complicated, Andromeda bring herself together and spoke," S-sorry, I became a little emotional there. I'm Andromeda, your aunt and now your guardian too it seems".

Kevin nodded while Andromeda asked with a little hesitation," How are you all these years? Where did you live? ", Kevin looked at her and said," I lived in the St. Mary orphanage until now. Sister catherine said I was found at the doorstep in a basket with a note saying my name Kevin hilton".

Andromeda looked at him pitifully and said," You're not an orphan anymore. I'm here, you have me, your uncle ted, and your pranking cousin dora. You're not alone. Dora is now a third year at hogwarts. I'll ask her take care of you".

( author's note : I changed Nymphadora tonks age purposely. You why don't you, 😉)

Kevin nodded with a smile while Andromeda smiled a little and looked sad at the death of her cousin Regulus. Kevin meanwhile blinked when she said Nymphadora tonks is only fourth year at this moment.

His emotions are a bit complicated and unknowingly his hair started to changing to all colours which made Andromeda laugh. Kevin looked at her and then at his understanding it and sighed.

Kevin smiled shyly at the teasing gaze of Andromeda while the woman took him to her house. She introduced him to ted tonks who greeted him with a smile and Kevin also greetes him politely.

Andromeda then yelled," Nymphadora tonks. Get your lazy ass up. It's 10 o clock already", a pace of steps are heard a cute girls with a fuming angry face and red hair appeared and yelled," I told you call me dora mom".

Then she looked at Kevin and asked," Who is the little guy there? ", Kevin also looked at her while Andromeda smiled and said," It's your cousin, Kevin Regulus Black, son of your uncle Regulus".

Nymphadora looked at her and asked furiously," What is the meaning of bringing him home? You do know how much that guys in the black family hated and humiliated us. They even made our lives difficult. And Regulus, I remember he insulted us and even called many things, why would you bring that burden of his son here mom, Regulus is a death eater and bad guy, can't they just take care of-".

Andromeda looked at Kevin who lowered his head sadly and his hair turned grey looking gloomy. The girl also realised what she said in her anger and looked at Kevin who is sad and stopped her words, because it's known Regulus is missing for decades.

Ted also noticed this and sighed. Dora come forward and hugged Kevin before saying," I'm sorry".