
Kevin Hilton

June 20, 1991, St. Mary orphanage :

A boy is looking at the owl in front of him with an excitement. The boy is called Kevin Hilton as he is left in a basket at the door of orphange with that name on a small note. Kevin is a reborn person.

Kevin died when he is trying to rescue his classmate and best friend from a fire accident and a pillar fell on him after he pushed his friend out of the fire. When he appeared in the white hall, he is given the choice to reincarnate.

After he agreed he is given 3 wishes under the conditions of world bearing. That is as long as his reincarnated world can bear them he can choose his cheats. A gacha pulled Harry Potter world for him and he is given a list of cheat from which he can select his cheats.

They may cost two wishes or one wish depending on the cheat. His cheats are gene metamorphosis and adaption, a knowledge bank that can scan books, lastly a system that can pull gacha based on gacha points.

He receives 1 gacha point everyday. He can pull gacha with as many points as he wants, the more accumulation the more precious the reward. The system also gives him missions. Kevin is sent into here and he wake his memories at his tenth birthday. It's been a year since then.

He now has a total of 360 tokens. Kevin took a deep breath and activated the gacha for 10 rolls :

[ congratulations of getting the profession mage ]

[ congratulations for getting the nameless wand ]

[ congratulations for getting the legacy of house Black ]

[ congratulations for getting the gold galleons *5000 ]

[ congratulations for getting occulamancy ( snape version) ]

[ congratulations for getting the knowledge on charms (1st year) ]

[ congratulations for getting legacy of house goldsman ]

[ congratulations for getting the legacy of peverall ]

[ congratulations for getting the bloodline card - veela ]

[ congratulations for getting the legacy of house Rosier ]

Kevin accepeted them all and lost consciousness. Magic and the bloodline integrated into him in a few minutes and he woke up shaking his head. Occulamancy has been drilled into his brain.

Kevin sighed and goes to mirror to see himself much more cute than he previously is. He also saw his hair colour changing and blinked. Did he just turn into a metamorphagus. Wait, metamorphagus, that means he has the blood of house black.

Again his hair coulor changed and turned into black. He played with it for sometime turning into others and laughed. As Kevin is playing with himself in hogwarts his name appeared :

Kevin Regulus Black Goldsman

McGonagall who saw the name immediately went to Dumbledore and spoke to him about the name. Dumbledore looked at his name and the letter that is written, st. Mary orphanage, London. He nodded and McGonagall took the letter.

She sighed and used floo network to travel to leaky couldron and apparate from there as direct apparition isn't valid in hogwarts. Kevin at this moment is reading a book looking at other kids playing games.

He is also secretly trying to lift multiple small pebblee with magic that are floating and falling down. McGonagall spoke to the caretaker and they arrived to see Kevin who is reading a book while looking at other kids.

McGonagall goes to Kevin while the caretaker said," Kevin, there is someone who arrived to see you. They said your father's last will is to give you admission in this school. This lady is from hogwarts, they'll provide you with everything. The Lord blessed you finally for your good life".

Kevin looked at the sister and said," Thank you sister catherine. Um, hello", he turned to McGonagall and hello nervously. House black is considered notorious at this time considering bellatrix, and her sisters along with imprisoned sirius.

Kevin looked at McGonagall who smiled at him gently and said," Mr black, I'm here to take you to your world that you originally belonged to ", Kevin acted confused and spoke," I think you mistooo someone mam, I'm Kevin hilton. Not black".

McGonagall smiled and said," It's you Kevin. You'll understand everything after we go to a certain place. The bank where your family money is kept in".