
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Friendly Interview

<p>The Great Hall, the following morning.<br/>"Hey Harry where'd you go last night?" Looking up from his breakfast Harry finds Ron staring at him expectantly. "The guys said you didn't make it back to the tower until after curfew."<br/>Harry resists the urge to shy away and looks to Hermione for support. "Er, Hermione was helping me with some homework and we kinda lost track of time."<br/>Seeing a grimace fall over Ron's face he hears Hermione speak up. "We did try and invite you but you always say the weekends aren't for homework."<br/>"Yeah thanks but no thanks, I don't know how you can stand wasting away your free time like that." Ron chokes out around a mouthful of food.<br/>"Ask us that again when you're rushing your potions essay at the last minute." Hermione replies with a grin.<br/>Before the argument can continue Harry hears a voice speak up behind him.<br/>"Good morning Mr Potter."<br/>Feeling his cheeks begin to glow Harry looks at Hermione in panic, seeing her relaxed expression he turns to face his head of house. Looking up at the usually stern face of Professor McGonagall Harry sees a gentle smile on her face and Harry has to fight to push back the memory that rises to the surface from seeing that smile.<br/>"Good morning Professor." Harry replies, trying to sound more relaxed than he feels in the presence of the woman that had so effortlessly dominated his mouth the night before.<br/>"I was hoping you could join me in my office after breakfast," His professor begins, "I simply had a few questions I wished to ask you… in private."<br/>Panicking once more Harry nods mutely. "Okay professor, I'll head straight there." Harry replies.<br/>"Take your time, there's no rush," His professor replies. "And please don't worry, I will not require your… assistance beyond answering some questions."<br/>Minerva watches Harry visibly relax as she talks, before seeing an almost crestfallen experience fall on his face. Fighting back a smile she takes pity on the boy that has quickly become her second favourite student.<br/>"At least not at this time." She finishes. Enjoying the wide smile that falls on Harry's face.<br/>"Thanks Professor, I'll make my way there soon." Harry replies with a smile.<br/>With a quick nod Minerva turns to leave the hall, taking some delight in the way Harry's eyes follow her retreat.<br/>"Careful Harry," He hears Hermione speak up. "Someone might think you have a crush."<br/>Looking back at this friend Harry sees a look of mirth on her face, visibly delighting in his nervousness.<br/>"Yeah well," Harry begins to say while glancing over at Ron, seeing his friend completely oblivious to the entire conversation Harry decides to trust his magic. "I'd like to see you suck her cock and then keep calm the day after." Harry finishes, relieved to see his closest male friend is still none the wiser.<br/>Now blushing herself, Hermione looks away as she replies. "Guess I'll have to find out for myself." She mutters loud enough for him to hear.<br/>A few minutes later Harry finishes his breakfast and says farewell to his friends, making plans to catch up with them later in the morning.<br/>Rising from the table he makes his way out the hall, passing by a smiling Katie Bell who wishes him a good morning, earning another fierce blush from Harry as he thinks about his upcoming quidditch practice. Resolving to worry more about that later he soon finds himself outside the office of Professor McGonagall.<br/>Knocking firmly he hears his professor call for him to enter.<br/>"Thank you for coming Mr Potter, please take a seat." Minerva says as her student enters the room.<br/>Taking a seat in a comfortable chair in front of her desk Harry looks back at his Professor. "No problem Professor, you said you had some… questions?" He asks.<br/>"Yes indeed," His professor begins. "First I want to assure you that this doesn't have anything to do with your actions last night, merely something I noticed after we… finished."<br/>Feeling cheeky, Harry speaks up. "You mean after you coated my entire face in cum?" He asks with a smirk. Relieved to see an amused glint in his professors eyes.<br/>"Quite," She continues. "While you and Miss Granger were so eagerly… cleaning up, I couldn't help but notice something worrying." She finishes in a more serious tone.<br/>Now concerned Harry looks back at his professor in worry.<br/>"At one point the sleeve of your shirt was raced and I noticed a worrying looking scar." She says in a gentle tone. "It wasn't until I was… reviewing my memories of the evening that I could take notice of what I saw."<br/>Rubbing his arm, Harry looks up at the professor as she continues. "After that I was also able to recall another less noticeable scar on your chest visible while your collar was pulled down."<br/>"As your head of house I have a duty to ask how these came about," Minerva speaks up gently. "As you well know the scar on your head came from a very dark curse is likely why it has yet to fade, and yet I can't imagine our quidditch games have given you marks beyond the ability of Madam Pomfrey."<br/>Realising he would have to share an explanation Harry begins to roll up his sleeve.<br/>"This was from the end of last year," He begins. "You know… With the Basilisk." He finishes with a grimace.<br/>Unable to withhold the incredulous look from her face Minerva looks back at him in shock. "You mean to tell me that scar is from the bite of a Basilisk?!" She questions, her pitch rising as she goes on.<br/>"Kinda," Harry begins. "But it's okay, Fawkes used his tears to heal me!"<br/>"That's all well and good Mr Potter, but you should still have told someone about this!" Minerva replies through thinned lips. "Madam Pomfrey should have looked over the wound immediately."<br/>"I told Professor Dumbledore," Harry began to explain. "He seemed to think it was fine though, he seemed more interested in Voldemort's diary."<br/>Feeling even more shocked Minerva looked back at her student. "Mr Potter, perhaps you can explain from the beginning…"<br/>A few minutes later Harry had finished explaining the events of the last year to his professor, even received a profuse apology after hearing Harry say Lockhart was the only professor they thought they could get to help them.<br/>With a promise to make his way to the hospital wing soon, Harry felt more relaxed once more, until his professor spoke up again.<br/>"And the other scars?" She asked.<br/>Resigned to having to explain, Harry calmly described his home life with the Dursley's prior to receiving his Hogwarts letter.<br/>Seeing the furious expression on his professors face Harry tried to reassure her.<br/>"It's been pretty good since then though, after they saw the address on the letter they moved me into my own room, and even Dudley won't try and attack me," He hurriedly explained. "Now the worst that happens is being forced to stay in the room for a few days." He finishes with a mumble.<br/>Moving around the desk Minerva places a hand on his shoulder.<br/>"You won't be going back there again." She says to him firmly.<br/>"But Professor Dumbledore said…" Harry tries to explain.<br/>"I don't care, in this matter the Headmaster was incorrect and will no longer have a say in the events," She reassures him. "Bumbling old goat." She finishes under her breath.<br/>Caught by a sudden surge of hope, Harry looks back to his Professor.<br/>"But where will I go?" He asks.<br/>With a reassuring smile Minerva gently replies. "I'm not sure yet, we'll have to track down your parents wills and see who they listed there after the Dursley's, if they were even listed to begin with."<br/>"Should there be nobody available then you shall simply stay with me during the holidays." She finishes firmly.<br/>Jumping from his seat Harry catches his professor in a hug, feeling tears form in his eyes. Realising what he's done Harry quickly lets go before sitting back down.<br/>"Sorry professor."<br/>"That's quite alright… Harry," She replies. "Besides, it's hardly the first time we've had physical contact." She finishes, directing a wink at the grateful boy.<br/>"Now before I leave to take care of this I would like to take a few of your memories of some of the… incidents," She explains. "That way we can quickly remove the Dursley's as your guardians, and we can generate sufficient evidence to see them punished in a muggle court."<br/>"You will need to meet with an Auror to give a statement and for them to sign off on the change," She continues. "However given your fame and your family name I'll be able to speak directly with Director Bones to resolve it outside of prying eyes."<br/>"Thank you," Harry begins. "I don't know how I could ever repay you…"<br/>"I'll hear none of that, a simple thank you is more than sufficient in this situation," She speaks up, his blush telling her she had read his intentions correctly. "However, I'll be sure to inform Madam Bones when I visit her how… enthusiastic you are." She finishes with another wink..<br/>Blushing once more, but pleased to hear the approval in her voice. He eagerly follows her directions on how to copy a memory, quickly filling 5 vials with enough evidence to see him free from the Dursley's for good.<br/>"Very good," She compliments. "Now I'm going to take care of this today, I'd like you to join me here first thing tomorrow morning and we can take care of the final steps."<br/>"Yes Professor!" Harry replies eagerly, almost bouncing in his seat.<br/>Chuckling, Minerva escorts him out her office before making her way to the Floo.<br/>"DMLE, Amelia Bones Office."</p>

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