
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

Friendly Interview 2

<p>The following morning, Professor McGonagall's office.<br/>"Thank you for arriving so promptly… Harry." Minerva greets with a smile.<br/>"Of course Professor, thanks again for helping me." Harry replies, with an earnest grin on his face.<br/>Chuckling, Minerva directs him to the Floo.<br/>"Have you travelled by Floo before?" She asks.<br/>"Once, with the Weasleys," He replies. "But I landed in the wrong place when I messed up the name."<br/>"You wouldn't be the first," She replies with a smile. "In this case simply take a handful of powder and repeat 'DMLE Amelia Bones Office', she's expecting us so we can go right through."<br/>Nodding Harry follows her instructions and correctly pronounces the destination.<br/>A few seconds later he finds himself falling to the ground in a large office, regaining his bearings and cursing his inability to travel by Floo, he looks around to see a sparsely decorated room with a few awards and the occasional family photo depicting and silver haired witch, and a younger red haired girl.<br/>Looking up Harry finds himself in front of the same silver haired witch wearing a dark robe accentuating a modest curves and a firm build. Looking up at her face he sees a monocle and a welcoming smile.<br/>"Mr Potter, it's wonderful to finally meet you." She says, reaching out with a hand in greeting.<br/>Picking himself from the ground Harry returns her handshake, "Nice to meet you too Director Bones," Harry replies. "You can call me Harry."<br/>"Thank you Harry, that case please feel free to call me Amelia," She replies, before seeing a nervous look cross his face. "Or simply Madam Bones if you prefer." She continues with a grin.<br/>"Thank you… Madam Bones." Harry replies, returning her smile.<br/>Hearing the Floo activate again he turns to see his Professor calmly walk out the fireplace. Grimacing at this own entrance once more he sees Madam Bones giving him a gentle smile. "Don't worry Harry, you're far from the first person to struggle to get used to Floo travel."<br/>Returning her smile, he watches as the two witches greet each other, before Amelia gestures for both to take a seat.<br/>"Now then Harry," She begins. "We have good news, as of this morning your previous… guardians were arrested and charged under the muggle law system. Their day in court will come in a few weeks, but you won't be required to attend if you don't wish."<br/>"Erm, I'd rather not if I don't have to." Harry replies.<br/>Giving him a smile she continues, "That's fine, with the evidence we have it's an open and shut case."<br/>"Now onto the other news, we've also located and unsealed your parents wills…" She says.<br/>"Unsealed Ma'am?" Harry asks.<br/>Seeing a look of distaste fall on the stern transfiguration professors face Amelia speaks up. "Yes well, we discovered your parents wills were, quite illegally, sealed by the Chief Warlock," She explains. "That would be Albus Dumbledore, and don't worry because he will facing charges related to this too."<br/>"Professor Dumbledore sealed it?" Harry asks in a quiet voice.<br/>"I'm afraid so Harry," Minerva responds gently. "But don't worry, after I took some time to explain the sheer size of his… mistakes, he became very remorseful."<br/>"In fact he even voluntarily removed himself as your Magical Guardian," She continues. "It seems over the years the Headmaster has taken too much on his plate, something he has promised to now address."<br/>"Rest assured no blame lies with you here Harry," Amelia cut in. "Now onto the will itself, there are a few rather startling points."<br/>"First it's claimed here that Sirius Black, the man you may have heard escaped Azkaban, was in fact not the man who betrayed your parents," She explains. "I tried to double check this myself, however I then discovered the man appears to have been locked away without a trail."<br/>"Because of this I've not rescinded the kiss-on-sight order, and called the Dementors back," She continues. "However despite being listed as your godfather, and at the top of the list of people to take care of you, I cannot authorise that until we're able to bring him in for questioning to prove his innocence."<br/>Shocked by this turn of events, Harry looks to his professor for support.<br/>"Don't worry Harry, I could never quite believe Sirius would betray your parents," She says. "Once we're able to talk to him I'm sure he'll be happy to be part of your life once more."<br/>"Precisely," continued Amelia. "To that end we're authorising the news to be released to the press, in the hopes that it will eventually let Sirius know it's safe to talk to us."<br/>"In the meantime your parents did list other contacts," Amelia says. "Your godmother was second, however I'm afraid she's located within the long term ward at St Mungo's." Amelia continues with a sad look on her face.<br/>"Her name is Alice Longbottom," Minerva speaks up from his right, "She's Neville's mother, both her and his father were tortured by Death Eater's shortly after Volemort fell and haven't recovered since," she explains. "I'd ask that you be gentle should you inform Neville that you now know of this."<br/>"Of course." Harry replies sombrely.<br/>"The next two names are available, and both would be more than happy to take you in Harry." Amelia cuts in gently.<br/>"Both of them?" Harry asks, confused.<br/>"Indeed, you see it seems your mother listed me as the fourth name," Amelia replies with a smile. "I worked with both of your parents during the war, and we were quite close."<br/>"So you'd really…" Harry begins to ask, feeling the hope creep into his voice.<br/>"Of course I would," Amelia replies with a smile. "I think you already know my niece Susan as well?"<br/>"From Hufflepuff?" He asks. "Yeah, she's always been nice to me."<br/>"Well in that case perhaps you'd like to stay for a week during the holidays regardless?"<br/>Giving her a wide smile Harry eagerly agrees.<br/>"As I said I was fourth, but the name above mine was also a close friend of your parents," Amelia continues. "Her name is Andromeda Tonks, she's a cousin of Sirius Black's, who like him found herself kicked out of her family, in her case for marrying a muggleborn wizard."<br/>"Her husband passed away a few years ago from a wizarding illness, however she does have a daughter who recently graduated the Auror academy with flying colours," She continues "She's also a healer at St Mungo's so she's only a little less busy than I am, however I think her home would be a good fit for you, if you're comfortable with that?"<br/>"Of course!" Harry eagerly replied. "I mean, I'd be happy with anyone other than the Dursley's."<br/>"Quite," Amelia replies with a tense smile. "In any case she is coming over here this morning to meet you, and should you agree to sign the paperwork for a temporary guardianship."<br/>Smiling widely, Harry turns to thank both witches once more, receiving kind smiles in return.<br/>"With that settled, you're excused from the lessons this morning Harry," Professor McGonagall speaks up. "And Amelia here will see you back to Hogwarts for this afternoon, in the meantime you can feel free to get to know them both and have an early lunch."<br/>"Thank you Professor." Harry replies warmly.<br/>"You're very welcome." She replies, before moving to exist through the Floo, returning back to Hogwarts.<br/>"Now Harry, Andromeda will be arriving here within the next 20 minutes. Is there anything you would like to do in the meantime?" Amelia asks Harry. Spotting a sudden flash behind his eyes and a red hint appearing on his face she begins to chuckle.<br/>"And here I was thinking Minerva was having me on." She says with a small laugh.<br/>Looking up Harry sees her giving him a knowing look.<br/>"Go ahead Harry, you can ask me anything." She says, staring at him deeply.<br/>"Madam Bones…" Harry begins nervously. "As a Wizard, may I offer…"<br/>"Yes." Amelia cuts him off, with a wide grin on her face. "Yes Mr Potter, you may indeed.".</p>

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