
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

A Less Simple Checkup

We're off to follow up on Harry's scar and a few other plot developments that will come into play both soon and in the far future. While we're here I decided to just go ahead and throw in probably the rarest pairing, and rarest situation I could think of, who knew you could sub to a witch without her even knowing?!

Check the notes at the bottom too as I'm looking for any ideas for a special upcoming chapter.

The following morning, Tonks residence

Having woken together, sore and worn out, but very pleased, Harry and Andromeda make their way off the living room couch they slept on. Still very much a mess, with the remains of cum and sweat clinging to their bodies, the pair look around to try and find their missing guest.

Walking into the kitchen the two come to a stop at the sight that greets them.

Laid face down across the kitchen table they find an unconscious, snoring Narcissa, thick ropes of cum cover her ass and run all the way to her long blonde hair, now a mess with streaks of drying cum clumping the platinum strands together. Andromeda's crumpled, cum-stained tights hang from her legs, her body spread wide to give them a clear look at her wide, gaping hole as it continues to leak thick globs of cum. The sheer extent of the stretching appearing far from natural. Her own long, flaccid length rests against the table in a pile of her own spent cum.

"What on earth…" Andromeda says, stunned at the sight before her.

"Oh, hey mum, didn't know when you sleeping beauties would finally wake up."

Turning to face the other entrance Andromeda stares at her pink haired daughter in surprise, finding her perfectly dressed in casual clothing.

"Nym? When did you get home?"

"Little after midnight, you and Harry were already conked out, but Aunt Cissy here thought she could go another round." Tonks says, walking forward and running her finger through some of the cum coating Narcissa's milky skin. "Clearly she overestimated things." Tonks says with a wink.

"Wow…" Staring at the naked, ruined body of his aunt Harry feels a pang of jealousy pass through him, before wincing at the feeling of his own body, still coated in Narcissa's cum.

"Proud of your big sis Harry?" Tonks says with a grin, earning a giggle from Harry in return.

"You're incorrigible…" Andromeda mutters, walking close to slide her fingers across her sister's soft cheeks, pulling them apart further to stare at the gaping, glazed hole. "What on earth did you do to her Nym?"

"It was her idea, she wanted a dick measuring content..." Tonks replies. "I'm not sure which one she enjoyed the most though, I even scaled back down to just 14 inches but she still passed out, then again I'm not sure what species it was at the time though..." Tonks says wistfully.

Giving her daughter a stern look Andromeda sighs before pulling her wand from the holster on her wrist. "Okay you go take a shower Harry, we have your appointment at St Mungo's in an hour and I was hoping to introduce you to your godmother while we're there," Andromeda says. "First I'm going to go tuck this slut into bed and hope she doesn't stain my sheets too much."

Levitating her sister from the room Andromeda departs upstairs.

"Sooo…" Tonks says, looking at Harry. "Rock, paper, scissors, loser licks the cum from the table?" Gesturing to the table Harry sees the thick puddle of cum left by Narcissa's cock, as well as the fallen remains from the cream that coated her body.

Laughing at the pink-haired witch Harry nods in agreement.

A quick contest later Tonks stands victorious. "Paper beats rock, sorry Harry looks like breakfast is all yours." Tonks grins.

Trying to withhold the grin from his face Harry happily leans over the table, feeling secretly glad at having lost the game.

Running his tongue against the thick cream Harry moans, the flavour of the old, drying cum still setting his body alight. Hearing a soft slapping noise Harry looks up to find Tonks now running her hand along her increasingly larger shaft.

"Don't mind me Harry, just working on desert." She says with a wink, her hand soon working up and down the now 8-inch cock.

With a grin Harry reaches down to his feet, scooping up the tights that had fallen from Narcissa's body when Andromeda left.

Throwing them towards Tonks Harry grins at the bubbly witch. "I'm not sure how close you got to those last night, but they helped me a lot."

Grinning back Tonks raises the soiled fabric to her nose, taking a deep breath she soon recoils in surprise. "What the fuck, these are mums?" She asks in surprise.

Seeing an opportunity to tease the older witch Harry smirks back. "How would you know based on smell alone?"

Blushing, Tonks fires back. "This coming from the boy who practically jumped in my panties his first night here."

Blushing in return Harry calls for a ceasefire. "Truce?"

"Deal, but only if you let me steal your panties in return."

"But I didn't…" Harry replies, before seeing an opportunity to get guilt free access. "Okay deal."

"Good, now come here and help me stroke out this nut." Tonks moans.

Abandoning the stale cum coating the table Harry leans over, eager for a fresh breakfast from the source.

An hour later, St Mungo's

Having arrived at the wizarding hospital Harry is quickly whisked into a room by Andromeda to take some tests on his scar.

"Okay, all done. It could take a while for these to finish so I'm going to leave you in the care of a friend of mine, this is Anna Davis, or Healer Davis." Andromeda says, introducing Harry to a tall, slender witch in a matching robe.

"Thanks for helping me Healer Davis." Harry says looking up at a middle-aged witch with smooth brown hair sitting in a tidy bob cut.

"Of course Harry, and please, call me Anna. In fact you might even know my daughter, Tracey… although she is a Slytherin, and I know the Snakes and Lions don't play well together." Anna says with a smile.

"T-Tracey?" Harry stutters, his face heating up in a blush.

"Well, it looks like Harry is very familiar." Andromeda teases.

Grinning down at the young wizard Anna claps her hands together in excitement. "Oh wonderful, she's always been so secretive about boys… I swear me and Isobel were convinced she and Daphne were secretly in love at this rate." Anna says. "Then again, given what I caught them doing the other night I'm still not convinced." Anna says before breaking out in a giggle.

"Ooooh, do share..." Andromeda says.

"Okay, but Harry you have to promise me you won't tell their friends about this!" Anna says sternly, before leaning down to whisper in his ear. "You can save it to tease them the next time they try to bully you instead." She says with a wink.