
Harry Potter: Novice Swordsman

For every review I will release one extra chapter Harry Potter now lives in the magical world where every woman has a wand bigger than him. Watch how he combats opponents and feel his hardship. Enjoy the journey of a double-edged wand master, There is no plot. This was written for special people who enjoy special stuff.

maxphantom · Book&Literature
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66 Chs

A Less Simple Checkup 2

"H-how did you…?"

"Oh please, my daughter is pretty easy going when she's alone, but she follows Daphne like a lost puppy. Let me guess, it was Daphne that took you first, and then brought you back to Tracey after?"

Nodding his head at the witch Harry watches her break out into a grin.

"I knew it, Daphne's been doing that for years. She hides beneath that ice queen mask but Tracey has her wrapped around her little finger."

"Okay, now you know how much of a slut my little Harry is, what were those girls up to?" Andromeda asks, eager for the gossip.

"I caught them smuggling something into the house after they got back from the Alley, being the attentive mother I am, I thought it was best to snoop." Anna says with a smirk. "Turns out the girls had snuck off to Enid's place and picked up one of those new toy molds each."

Remembering back to his shopping trip Harry blushes.

"That's how I caught them, both stark naked on the bed, each hammering home into either side of the toy." Anna says, her voice dropping lower. "Turns out they'd slipped Enid a few galleons to get her to help them merge the molds together, one side Tracey's hole, the other Daphne's."

"Wow… I think I might need to visit Enid again myself." Andromeda mutters.

"Don't worry, after I told Enid how hot it was she decided to go ahead and prepackage a couples version herself." Anna says. "I've ordered another for the girl's at Christmas, I can't wait to see their faces when they open that up Christmas morning." Anna says with a laugh.

"Okay enough gossip!" Andromeda says. "I'll finish up here and then come fine you with your godmother, are you okay taking him?"

"Of course, I'd be happy to." Anna says with a smile, before leading Harry out the room and into an elevator at the end of the hall.

"The long term ward is down this way Harry, now remember you don't need to worry about what you say or anything, we just like to talk to them when we can." Anna says. "Andromeda told me she'd explained their situation to you, but it can be a little uncomfortable at first." She says, warning Harry once more.

Stepping through the doors Harry soon finds himself in a brightly decorated room, full of soft furniture with a gentle melody playing in the background.

In the center of the room he sees a pair of seats, with a short haired, glassy eyed witch sitting in the seat to the left. Looking at his godmother Harry sees her black hair cut into a short pixie cut, with her face and body showing a very thin figure, just shy of being too skinny. Dressed in a pair of comfy pink pajamas the witch makes no reaction to their entrance.

Looking to the right Harry sees the seat empty, before he turns to see Anna also staring in confusion.

Hearing the doors open once again the pair are startled by the arrival of a frantic looking witch.

"Oh Anna, thank merlin you're here! We've got a problem, the relief witch for Alice got into an accident and couldn't make it, and some idiot intern failed to mark it down on her chart." The frantic witch exclaims.

"Oh no, but how long…?"

"A week!" The witch replies. "We noticed the flare ups this morning and had to move Frank out the room, we can't reach a replacement!"

"Is she okay?" Harry asks in concern.

"She will be soon, don't worry Harry." Anna says. "You remember what you learnt about witch's right? How our magic builds up and requires us to seek a release, often with the help of someone else."

Nodding along Harry listens.

"Well that doesn't just stop, and it's something that's very hard to suppress without damaging the mind. It was often rumoured to be the reason Bellatrix Lestrange was so deranged, and what lead to her taking part in the attack against the Longbottom's in the first place." Anna explains.

"So even though she can't ask for the release herself, you make sure she gets it so she doesn't get hurt further?"

"Exactly Harry, unfortunately it's quite a tricky thing as it often requires more than just manual stimulation to relieve a witch, otherwise we'd be able to do it ourselves for longer." Anna says. "But some healers choose to train themselves to help, and learn techniques to help form the connection needed even if the witch isn't conscious of it."

"But if no one with that training is around, what do we do?"

Turning to the still frantic witch Anna begins to plan out loud. "Do we have anyone who's started the training on staff at the moment?" She asks, sighing as the witch shakes her head in reply. "Shame, I did the opening myself but my nature wasn't compatible."

Seeing a confused look on Harry's face Anna explains. "I prefer to be dominant, a trait Tracey appears to have taken on too," She says with a smirk. "Unfortunately that makes the training as a relief witch or wizard a lot harder, as the connection in the act of relief is very submissive in itself."

"W-what if someone was submissive, but not trained?" Harry tentatively asks.

"Hmm, that could work, but they'd have to really want to be taking part in order to…" Trailing off Anna stares at Harry in surprise. "Oh I'm so silly, you'd be perfect!" Anna exclaims, finally remembering Andi's many stories of the young wizard.


"Of course, let me ask you Harry, do you even remember the last day you didn't relieve at least one witch?" Anna asks with a smirk.

Blushing Harry shakes his head in reply.

"Not to even mention that she's your godmother, so you already share a connection." She says with a smile.

Smiling back Harry speaks up. "I'll do it, if I can help I'd be happy to do it."

"And of course it's not at all out of your own interest in swallowing cum, is it Harry?" The older witch teases, taking a moment to send the other witch from the room to call off the search.

Blushing, Harry looks away embarrassed.

Ruffling his hair Anna whispers in a gentle tone. "Don't worry Harry, do you want to know a secret?" Anna says, watching as Harry nods in reply. "I met my late husband on that same relief training course, but he was just enough of a slut to pass." Anna says with a grin.

"Come on, let's go introduce you, I'm sure Alice will be happy to spend such a special time with her godson."
