
Harry Potter: new mage

Harry noticed that he was fast weirdly fast so he did a test. He went and ran 100 meters in 28 seconds when actively focused on his speed, and 47 when he ran focused on school. Which when he looked it up no 6 year should run 100 meters in 28 seconds when they haven’t trained. His speed is being boosted and he doesn’t know why. Hi so this is my first attempt at a story it’s not going to be good but I’ll try. Is you have suggestions on it I’ll try to look at them but I have school and stuff sorry if I don’t upload or look at this for weeks. If any one actually reads this.

fire_starter_8025 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Why. I. Am. Speed.

No, dear reader, you have to remember that Harry was actually really smart. In the first book somewhere, it says that Harry got repeated beatings for getting higher grades and Dudley. So he thought that some energy must be provided to him in order to increase the speed and it must not be detectable. Otherwise, we would've heard of something about it. So he started on meditation deep breath's cross legged for a couple hours, that did not work, so he tried different form of meditation he started to dance very simple dance as well. This got him results. He felt the energy move throughout his body. He felt it's lightly change his muscles (note, dear reader this is after repeated months of trying to find this energy). He learned that if he moved this energy to any part of his body, he got a X amount of boost for the amount of energy he provided, and he decided to do this for the amount of pounds he could lift.

Base stats of Harry: 10 pounds, lifting arms

One EG point: 20 pounds, lifting arms

Two EG point: 40 pounds, lifting arms

These are the only test he's managed to do so far next thing to do is test, his lower body, and then try and move the energy outside of his body.

Now this is the second chapter of the story it's a little bit longer than I thought it might be, but hope you enjoy it???