
Harry Potter: new mage

Harry noticed that he was fast weirdly fast so he did a test. He went and ran 100 meters in 28 seconds when actively focused on his speed, and 47 when he ran focused on school. Which when he looked it up no 6 year should run 100 meters in 28 seconds when they haven’t trained. His speed is being boosted and he doesn’t know why. Hi so this is my first attempt at a story it’s not going to be good but I’ll try. Is you have suggestions on it I’ll try to look at them but I have school and stuff sorry if I don’t upload or look at this for weeks. If any one actually reads this.

fire_starter_8025 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

I. AM. SPEED. ( Why am I speed )

We focus our attention away from our minds to a little kid 7 years old that is where we begin.

Harry was running he needed to Dudley was chasing him. He heard from some older students that if you focus on something you do better. Now what you need to know is Harry is actually smart so he thought ' what is speed well we move faster when we lean forward we hit the ground harder with our feet' when he finished his thoughts he suddenly felt a burst of energy in his legs and he went. " ME GO ZOOMIZ"