
Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Follow Alaric in his journey to be the strongest wizard out there by hook or by crook. This is the story of a guy who went to a different world to get power and to find new relationships in his life. Read how he fights off Voldemort in process becoming the leader of new generation of wizards and builds up his new life with his new friends, family and wife. A story of a wizard using his wisdom and power to ascend to the pinnacle of the world, who will do anything to protect his new family. This is a little slow paced and also somewhat slice of life story so keep that in mind, that focuses more on Alaric's relationship. There will be heavy changes to the original plot so be aware and also MC becomes overpowered rather quickly as the story moves forward and he won't hesitate to take some drastic measures if necessary, so he won't have a moral compass. If you want to support me and read advance chapters please visit: patreon.com/bobthewriter Main World: Harry Potter Second World: Game of Thrones Third World: ..... #harrypotter #gameofthrones Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. I don't own this story, and this work and characters are entirely fictional, any resemblance is purely coincidental, and imitation is strongly discouraged.

bobthewriter · Book&Literature
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221 Chs

Chapter 65: The Escaping Dragon

At the Friday evening banquet, Harry noticed Malfoy sneaking out of the Great Hall, holding a steak, near the Slytherin table.

Feeling suspicious, Harry found an excuse to leave the table and followed him.

However, in the corridor, he lost track of Malfoy.

"Oh no! Malfoy must have gone to Hagrid's place."

At that moment, Hagrid was eating in the Great Hall, and his hut was left unattended. If Malfoy wanted to do something before Norbert was sent away, this was the perfect opportunity.

Harry quickly called Ron and hurriedly ran towards Hagrid's hut.

When they arrived, the scene before them left them shocked.

The door to the small hut was wide open.

Malfoy was holding the steak, running towards the Forbidden Forest, and Norbert was clumsily following him, flying and hopping. They had gone quite far, leaving a mess behind.

"Hurry, catch up with them," Ron exclaimed. "We need to stop Malfoy."

Both of them drew their wands and chased after Malfoy, quickly capturing his attention.

"Why are you here, Scarhead?"

Caught by his nemesis, Malfoy looked a bit flustered and immediately quickened his pace.

"Stop, Malfoy," Harry shouted at him. "Or I won't be polite."

"Forget it! I'll let the professors see the big secret you're hiding."

Malfoy ran even faster.

Harry gritted his teeth and suddenly remembered Norbert's encounter a few weeks ago.

He raised his wand and pointed it at Malfoy.

"Locomotor Mortis!"

In the next moment, Malfoy's legs seemed to be bound together, making him unable to move.

As he was running, he immediately fell, rolling on the ground, covered in mud.

However, he still tightly held onto the steak.

Now he was in trouble, Norbert, the dragon, who had been greedy for steak for a long time, immediately seized the opportunity. This creature, almost the same size as Malfoy, pounced on him.

Seeing the ugly large creature with its sharp teeth coming closer, Malfoy panicked. He screamed and waved his wand.

A red light hit Norbert's big nose, flipping it over, but it didn't harm the dragon. In fact, even as a young dragon, its scales were enough to resist most magic, and Malfoy's magical skills were not enough to affect Norbert.

But this attack, though not harming the dragon, deeply angered it.

Struggling to get up, Norbert faced Malfoy, took a deep breath, and spewed out a flame.

As a young dragon, the flame wasn't huge, but it was enough to cause serious harm to Malfoy.

Realizing the danger when Norbert inhaled, Malfoy rolled on the ground, narrowly avoiding the dragon's breath.

The flame landed on the spot where Malfoy had just been, scorching the ground black.

Unfortunately for Malfoy, a spark landed on his cloak, but nobody noticed.

The flame didn't hit its target, but it infuriated Norbert.

Norbert struggled to get up, took a deep breath again, and exhaled another flame towards Malfoy.

Malfoy, in a desperate attempt, tried to stand up but fell again due to the Leg-Locker Curse. Norbert pounced on him.

Facing the bloodthirsty creature, Malfoy reached out and grabbed Norbert's jaw and nose. He used all his strength to push Norbert away.

The two were locked in a struggle, one trying to bite, the other trying to push away.

"Help me!" Seeing Harry and Ron approaching from a distance, Malfoy screamed as if he had found a lifeline. "Quick, help me drive it away. It's trying to kill me."

Finally, Harry and Ron caught up, witnessing the scene.

"Oh, Malfoy is finally getting what he deserves," Ron said disdainfully. "Finally, something can teach him a lesson."

But Harry disagreed.

"We have to stop Norbert, Ron," he said nervously. "If Malfoy gets hurt or dies here, Hagrid will be in big trouble."

"You're right." Ron bit his lip, looking somewhat unwilling. "If something happens to Malfoy, Hagrid will surely be sent to Azkaban."

So, each of them grabbed one of Norbert's wings, trying to pull him away from Malfoy.

Norbert was just a young dragon, clearly no match for three people. Soon, they managed to pull Norbert away from Malfoy.

At this point, Malfoy was in a sorry state, his whole body wrinkled, and blood oozing from the wounds caused by Norbert's claws.

He staggered trying to stand up but repeatedly failed.

Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation on his buttocks. It turned out Norbert's spark had ignited his cloak, and smoke was rising from his backside.

"Damn it, help me, Potter! Quickly, put out the fire!"

While Harry and Ron were trying to subdue Norbert, the enraged dragon struggled and attacked them. Its sharp claws nearly scratched them several times, and Harry and Ron's spells had no effect, only further infuriating the dragon.

Suddenly, in its frenzy, Norbert broke free from Harry and Ron's grip and turned to attack them.

Harry, prepared for this, immediately counterattacked with his wand, although it had no effect, it at least repelled Norbert.

Finally, in agony, Norbert snapped out of its madness. It glared at them fiercely, then stumbled and ran towards the Forbidden Forest.

Exhausted, Ron and Harry had no energy to chase after it. They turned to help Malfoy put out the fire, using their robes to beat the flames. It took a considerable effort to finally extinguish the fire.

However, the dragon's flames were not ordinary; they contained toxins. Without effective treatment, the burned area would continue to be intensely painful.

So, under Malfoy's continuous moans, Harry and Ron supported him to Madam Pomfrey's infirmary. The burns were somewhat deep, and he had to stay there with his buttocks stuck out for a week.

Upon understanding the cause of Malfoy's injury, Madam Pomfrey was furious, accusing them of being too reckless. She insisted that Harry and Ron stay in the infirmary for an examination to prevent poisoning.

Before they left, lying on the bed, Malfoy looked at Harry with a complicated expression and angrily said, "This time, I won't tell anyone about this since you saved me. But next time, I'll make you pay."




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