
Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood

Follow Alaric in his journey to be the strongest wizard out there by hook or by crook. This is the story of a guy who went to a different world to get power and to find new relationships in his life. Read how he fights off Voldemort in process becoming the leader of new generation of wizards and builds up his new life with his new friends, family and wife. A story of a wizard using his wisdom and power to ascend to the pinnacle of the world, who will do anything to protect his new family. This is a little slow paced and also somewhat slice of life story so keep that in mind, that focuses more on Alaric's relationship. There will be heavy changes to the original plot so be aware and also MC becomes overpowered rather quickly as the story moves forward and he won't hesitate to take some drastic measures if necessary, so he won't have a moral compass. If you want to support me and read advance chapters please visit: patreon.com/bobthewriter Main World: Harry Potter Second World: Game of Thrones Third World: ..... #harrypotter #gameofthrones Cover Image isn't mine original creator can contact me to remove it. I don't own this story, and this work and characters are entirely fictional, any resemblance is purely coincidental, and imitation is strongly discouraged.

bobthewriter · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 107: Successful Transformation

The infusion of the ether factor proceeded smoothly, and Alaric's body did not show any discomfort.

Now, he could finally attempt Animagus transformation once again.

That evening, Alaric and Professor McGonagall once again approached the Forbidden Forest.

Under Professor McGonagall's watchful eyes, Alaric began his transformation.

The familiar double heartbeat echoed in Alaric's chest.

But this time, he could truly feel a new magic emerging with each beat of his heart.

Unlike wizard magic, this magic was more dynamic and better aligned with the rules of this world.

True ether began to replace his original magic.

The transformation process went without any surprises. Diamond-like scales appeared, the body enlarged, limbs, wings, a long tail...

He, once again, turned into a dragon.

Although he was still a young dragon in size, even as a young dragon, he surpassed any magical creature in this world.

Alaric felt that his body was in an unusually good condition.

With the strong pulsation of his heart, magic flowed endlessly like a torrent.

The power throughout his body seemed inexhaustible.

Instinctively, Alaric suddenly lifted his head high and let out a resounding dragon roar.


The roar echoed through Hogwarts, resonating through the entire Forbidden Forest, announcing the presence of a dragon.

In the midst of the high-pitched roar, it carried an endless majesty.

Whether it was young wizards or creatures in the Forbidden Forest, all felt a deep fear in the roar.

It was as if they had encountered their natural enemy, being scrutinized by the top predator in the food chain.

The one who felt this fear most intensely was Professor McGonagall, standing next to Alaric.

Watching the dragon form in front of her, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped, and her mind went blank.

It was the might of a dragon, a talent possessed only by true dragons.

But Alaric himself was indifferent to all this. At this moment, he was overwhelmingly excited.

He had finally successfully transformed into a dragon.

Although he had been able to absorb dragon souls like a dragon descendant before, proving that he had mastered the power of the dragon, only by personally transforming into a dragon could he truly experience that immense power.

Stretching his wings, Alaric felt an urge to soar.

So, he tried to flap his wings.

Although it was clumsy at first, soon he could flap his wings in the right way. 

With a push of his hind legs, he effortlessly took off—knowledge that only the dragon soul of countless dragons could provide.

The feeling of soaring through the sky was different from riding a broomstick or driving his own bus.

Feeling the airflow passing over his large wings, Alaric inexplicably felt a different kind of freedom, as if the entire sky was his playground.

He flew over the Forbidden Forest, and all the creatures below, even the centaurs, trembled under his intimidation.

Finally, in the Forbidden Forest, he saw a familiar silver figure.

It was his unicorn, Lurue.

Alaric instinctively landed on the ground, wanting to see Lurue.

But after landing, he suddenly thought that he was now in the form of a dragon, and what if he frightened Lurue...

However, the pure unicorn would not mistake people based on appearances.

The moment Lurue saw Alaric, she immediately joyfully approached.

She walked to Alaric with cheerful steps and rubbed her head against his neck.

There was no sense of unfamiliarity at all.

Looking at the unicorn so intimately approaching him, Alaric suddenly felt something hitting his heart.

So, no matter what form I take, you can recognize me at a glance?

What an amazing power!

Lurue such actions really made her cute.


Alaric was stunned by his sudden thoughts. According to his original personality, he would never have such thoughts.


It must be because of the dragon transformation that I had such thoughts.

Well, yes, that's it.

After all, I am a dragon, so having such thoughts is quite normal.

Since I will transform into a dragon in the future, accepting such thoughts is not a problem.

So, let's happily accept it.

Thinking so, Alaric's gaze towards Lurue became somewhat different.

However, the innocent unicorn was unaware of any changes in her owner. She still expressed her intimate feelings towards her owner with innocence and enthusiasm.

Suddenly, a series of intense hoofbeats entered Alaric's ears.

Since transforming into a dragon, his senses had become much more acute.

After a while, a group of centaurs arrived in front of him.

They held spears and bows, their faces vigilant as they pointed towards Alaric.

Alaric noticed that their hands and legs were trembling continuously, and their tails were occasionally swaying uneasily. It was evident that the dragon's aura exerted significant pressure on them.

However, Lurue seemed completely unaffected by this pressure.

Lurue was truly amazing.


Finally, the lead centaur, Magorian, endured the pressure and spoke.

"Lurue, come over here, it's dangerous there. Get away from that dragon!"

It seemed they had come to rescue Lurue.

Being able to withstand the pressure of a dragon to save Lurue, the centaur tribe was indeed a very loyal ally.

But Lurue didn't think so.

She looked at the centaurs, then at Alaric. Upon discovering that the centaurs had aimed their weapons at her owner, she immediately became angry.

So, she stood in front of Alaric, lowered her head, aimed her horn at the centaurs, and slightly bent her limbs.

Her front hooves kept scraping the ground, as if preparing for a charge.

Now the centaurs were confused. They had clearly come to rescue Lurue, but she treated them as enemies, which was quite bewildering.

Seeing the weapons aimed at her owner, Lurue got angry.

So, she stood in front of Alaric, lowered her head, aimed her horn at the centaurs, and slightly bent her limbs. Her front hooves kept scraping the ground, as if preparing for a charge.

Now the centaurs were confused. They had clearly come to rescue Lurue, but she treated them as enemies, which was quite bewildering.

Now the centaurs were confused. They had clearly come to rescue Lurue, but she treated them as enemies, which was quite bewildering.

Seeing this, Alaric finally spoke.

In his dragon state, this was the first time Alaric attempted to speak.

"Do you not recognize who I am?"

He spoke in the centaur language.

His pronunciation was clear, his voice loud and majestic.

Hmm, no problem, Alaric confirmed that he could indeed speak in his dragon state, not just simple dragon roars. He was quite satisfied with this.

But the centaurs were stunned by this strange scene.

A dragon actually spoke - forgive them for their ignorance, they didn't know the difference between dragons and dragons.

However, Magorian, through Lurue's intimacy with this dragon and the words just now, immediately figured something out.

He cautiously asked, "Are you that powerful wizard?"

"Yes, that's me. This is my Animagus form." Alaric nodded his dragon head. "Thank you for taking care of my Lurue."

"It's really you!" Magorian awkwardly signaled his tribesmen to lower their weapons. "I'm sorry, it was my misunderstanding. Who would have thought you could transform into a dragon with Animagus?"

"It's okay. Being able to transform into a dragon, I feel fortunate myself."

After realizing it was a false alarm, the centaurs quickly left.

However, now their eyes towards Alaric were filled with awe - a wizard who could transform into a dragon was not someone to underestimate.




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