
Harry Potter: John Constantine

Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter and successfully activating the [Strongest Exorcist System] before enrolling in school. As long as he complete the exorcism, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest corresponding to the level of the evil spirit. Catching the evil spirit alive will get double rewards. As a result, Hogwarts, which was already restless, was in a state of panic. Voldemort: Bastard, isn't there only one basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? What's going on with this terrifying hell demon? ! Dumbledore: Mr. Constantine, could you please explain why there are so many demons in Hogwarts? Hermione: To hell with that damn school rule! I, Granger, want to be an exorcist! Snape: I'm warning you, Mr. Constantine! Don't let that damn succubus turn into Lily again! When the Death Eaters racked their brains and finally resurrected Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort looked at Constantine holding the [Satanic Deal Contract] with a look of pain on his face. "Mr. Constantine, to be fair, I, Tom Riddle, am at least very qualified as your exorcism tool, right?" **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes" original novel我,康斯坦丁,霍格沃茨首席驱魔 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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53 Chs

Chapter 51 It’S Just A Choice Between Hell And Heaven

This is Dumbledore. If he were the principal of another magic school, even if he didn't have the ability to solve the problem, he would definitely not be able to put all the pressure on him, a first-year freshman, in front of everyone.


When Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore and Flitwick all join forces to release the same spell.

John couldn't help but be shocked by the scene, which was like the Creator twisting all things.

He saw that all the places swept by their wands, whether it was the floor or display furniture, all quickly turned into a metallic silver and gold color.

With a move of Dumbledore's wand, a wall on one side of Slytherin's dormitory instantly cracked.


The turbulent water of the Black Lake instantly poured into the snake courtyard rest area built at the bottom of the lake.

However, with the waving of Dumbledore's wand, these currents turned into a fierce vortex in the blink of an eye, and the turbid lake water began to gradually change color.

When a refreshing sound of wine spreads.

"Goyle" instantly became furious and let out a fierce roar, and slammed his ferocious fist towards John who was in the way.

"f**k the Exorcist!"

John raised his gun with a cold face: "My name is, John Constantine, idiot!"


[Devil-Repelling Holy Flame M1887] The flames burst out and hit "Goyle"'s fist hard.

Under the control of Dumbledore, the surrounding wine vortex surrounded the two men. Although it had not been blessed by any Holy See ceremony, it was even transformed by Dumbledore using the water of the Black Lake.

However, under such an environment, it also provided John with a buff invisibly.

The recoil of [Demon-Repelling Holy Flame M1887] seemed to disappear in John's hands at this moment.

Just when "Goyle" screamed and took back his right hand that had been blasted to pieces with only one wrist left, John's gun barrel had already accurately turned the opponent's."

"Boom boom boom..."

The idea of saving special silver bullets has long been forgotten by John.

When more than 20 rounds of special silver bullets were fired wildly by him, the "Goyle" in front of him had already had his limbs broken off by him, and he lay half-lying on the ground in a decadent and miserable state.

But John hurriedly threw aside the [Devil-Repelling Holy Flame M1887] in his hand.

With a quick step, he instantly stepped on the opponent's chest.

A golden cross was pressed firmly against the opponent's forehead covered with veins like a branding iron.

"The Holy Cross commands you"

"The six-pointed star is here to command you."

"The gods command you here"

"Stay away from here"



It was like a hot iron pressing on a piece of pigskin.

The terrible burning was accompanied by an almost blinding smell of sulfur that filled the air.

John stepped on "Goyle" who had fallen to the ground and recited the exorcism incantation loudly. However, bursts of light and darkness appeared, like a ferocious demon hidden under Goyle's face.

But it struggled and twisted a few times.

Goyle, who seemed to be about to regain some consciousness, and his eyes seemed to have normal pupils, suddenly burst out into a hysterical roar at the next moment.

"The devil is here! Human beings, please kneel down and bow down!"

A horrifying roar shook John's face so much that he started to tremble, and the terrifying aura erupted by the demon in front of him was like a hurricane, knocking him off his body.


Watching the small figure being pushed directly to the ceiling, and then being pulled by a force, it suddenly hit the wall next to it.

Everyone was startled, and Dumbledore, who originally thought it might be the end, hurriedly waved his wand.

The surging wine seemed to turn into a red tornado, and suddenly hit "Goyle" who was struggling to recover.

Dumbledore was already using all his strength at this moment.

The wand in his hand was waving downwards, as if he was swinging a giant hammer violently.

"Boom boom boom!"

