
Harry Potter: Arcane

In the midst of turmoil, James and Sirius find a crashed spacecraft with a baby inside. A hologram of the baby's mother, Sera, appears, entrusting them with her son, Harkel. They perform a blood adoption ritual, naming him Harry. Lily, unconscious after a miscarriage, remains unaware. Kryptonian Harry Potter. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 5

Albus Dumbledore sat in his high-backed chair, the soft glow of candlelight casting dancing shadows across the worn wooden desk before him. His piercing blue eyes scanned the parchment spread out before him, each line detailing the exodus of several prominent wizarding families from Britain to America that took place seven years ago.

As Dumbledore pored over the parchment, his mind spun intricate webs of manipulation and control. The departure of the Potters and other influential families to America posed a threat to his plans for Wizarding Britain. With Voldemort still lurking in the shadows, albeit weakened, Dumbledore felt the need to tighten his grip on those he deemed essential to his vision of "the Greater Good."

As Dumbledore pondered on this, his thoughts drifted back to the night that changed everything.

The events of Halloween 1981, the attack on the Potters by Voldemort, and the subsequent downfall of the Dark Lord—all had set into motion a chain of events that ultimately led to the exodus of several prominent wizarding families.

Dumbledore was dismayed to learn that all the Potters had survived the attack. His meticulously laid plans, designed to orchestrate the demise of Lily and James Potter and leave young Harry orphaned, had been thwarted. The unexpected turn of events sent ripples of uncertainty through Dumbledore's carefully constructed vision of the future, forcing him to reconsider his strategies in the ongoing battle against the dark forces that threatened the wizarding world.

Adding to Dumbledore's dismay was the failure to frame Sirius Black for the betrayal of the Potters. His hopes of manipulating events to incriminate Sirius and solidify his control over Harry's future were dashed. The thwarted attempts to orchestrate Sirius' downfall only added to the growing sense of frustration and uncertainty plaguing Dumbledore's plans for the wizarding world's future.

In the aftermath of Voldemort's defeat, fear and uncertainty gripped the wizarding world. Dumbledore saw an opportunity to exploit this turmoil, intending to elevate the Potters as symbols of hope and resilience, furthering his own agenda of consolidating power and influence within the magical community.

The plan failed as the Potters, along with several other families, chose to leave Wizarding Britain, thwarting Dumbledore's attempts to keep them under his influence.

Dumbledore's mistake was in his handling of the aftermath of Voldemort's defeat. Instead of fostering unity and addressing the concerns of the families involved, he sought to capitalize on their vulnerability and fear to further his own agenda.

By attempting to put the Potters on a pedestal without considering their wishes or well-being, he alienated them and fueled their desire to seek refuge elsewhere. Additionally, his failure to address the underlying issues that prompted their departure, such as concerns about safety and trust, exacerbated tensions and ultimately led to the exodus.

Displeased with this turn of events, Dumbledore now grappled with the consequences of losing such influential families and how it may have impacted his vision for the future of the wizarding world.

Dumbledore contemplated the idea of leveraging Remus Lupin's loyalty to his cause as a means to bring the Potters and Sirius back under his influence.

Using Remus Lupin to achieve his goals had its pros and cons. On one hand, Remus's loyalty to Dumbledore could make him an effective agent in persuading the Potters and Sirius to return. His trusted status among them could facilitate communication and potentially sway their decisions.

However, there were risks involved. Exploiting Remus's loyalty may strain his relationship with the Potters and Sirius, eroding trust and causing resentment. Additionally, if Remus were to fail in his mission or if the Potters and Sirius reject Dumbledore's overtures, it could further damage their relationship with him and potentially drive them further away.

Just as Dumbledore's thoughts began to wander, the creak of the door interrupted his reverie, and Snape swept into the room with all the grace of a specter materializing from the shadows.

"Dumbledore," Snape's voice cut through the silence like a blade, sharp and cold.

"Severus," Dumbledore acknowledged, his tone calm but guarded, his eyes fixed on the dark figure standing before him, "What brings you here at this hour?"

"Headmaster," Snape responded, placing a parchment on the desk, "I have come to submit the list of potions ingredients that will be required for the coming year."

"Ah, thank you, Severus," Dumbledore replied, his tone polite but distant as he glanced at the parchment. "I trust everything is in order?"

"I need a bigger budget," Snape drawls, "Most of the students are dunderheads who have no talent in the subtle art of potioneering."

Dumbledore arched an eyebrow, masking a faint sigh. "I understand your concerns, Severus. However, we must make do with the resources we have," he responded diplomatically.

Snape's expression remained impassive, but a flicker of frustration crossed his features. "As you wish, Headmaster," he replied curtly, before turning on his heel and striding out of the office, leaving Dumbledore to ponder the brewing storm of discontent within the walls of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore's thoughts drifted to Severus Snape, a figure shrouded in complexity and ambiguity. Snape's pivotal role in Voldemort's downfall was undeniable, yet Dumbledore couldn't shake the lingering doubts that clouded his trust in the enigmatic Potions Master.

Snape's actions were driven by a complex web of emotions, including remorse for his unwitting role in revealing the prophecy and his unrequited feelings for Lily Potter. These factors had undoubtedly influenced his allegiance to Dumbledore's cause. However, Dumbledore couldn't help but harbor reservations about Snape's true motivations and loyalties, especially given the ever-shifting landscape of wizarding politics and power struggles.

As Snape had stood before him, Dumbledore couldn't shake the feeling that there were still layers to Snape's character that remained hidden, perhaps even from himself. Was Snape truly committed to the cause of defeating Voldemort, or did he harbor ulterior motives that could jeopardize their efforts? Dumbledore knew that he would have to tread carefully in his dealings with Snape, for the fate of the wizarding world might well hinge upon the true nature of the enigmatic Potions Master's allegiance.

As Dumbledore contemplated Snape's presence and the complexities of their shared history, he resolved to focus on the silver lining amidst the shadows of uncertainty. This year, Nymphadora Tonks would be receiving her Hogwarts letter, presenting an opportunity to ensure her attendance at the school. Dumbledore understood the significance of this moment, recognizing that Tonks's enrollment could pave the way for other children who had left for America, including and especially Harry Potter, to return to Hogwarts. It was a small victory, but one that carried the potential to shape the course of their future endeavors in the ongoing battle against darkness.

Dumbledore calls for a Hogwarts House Elf named Mipsy, who appears in front of him with a pop.

"Mipsy is here to serve, Professor Dumbledore," Mipsy said with a bow, her large ears flopping slightly.

"Thank you, Mipsy," Dumbledore replied with a nod. "I need you to summon Professor McGonagall to my office immediately."

Mipsy's eyes widened, and she nodded vigorously. "Yes, Professor Dumbledore! Right away, sir!" With a snap of her fingers, she disappeared with a pop, leaving Dumbledore alone in his office once more.

Several minutes later, a brisk knock echoed through the office, and Professor McGonagall entered with her usual air of efficiency. "You wanted to see me, Headmaster?" she inquired, her tone crisp and professional.

"Yes, Minerva," Dumbledore replied, his gaze shifting from the parchment before him to meet McGonagall's steely eyes. "I have a task for you regarding the upcoming school year."

"I need you to visit the Tonks family personally," Dumbledore continued, his tone grave yet determined. "Convince young Nymphadora to attend Hogwarts this year. It is of utmost importance that she joins us, not only for her own education but also for the sake of fostering ties with the families who have left Britain."

"Of course, Headmaster," Professor McGonagall responded with a nod of understanding. "I will make the necessary arrangements and visit the Tonks family at once."

Dumbledore nodded in approval, his expression thoughtful yet resolute. "Thank you, Minerva. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated."

With a determined glint in her eyes, Professor McGonagall turned on her heel and strode purposefully out of the office, ready to fulfill her mission to ensure the young Nymphadora Tonks joined the ranks of Hogwarts students for the coming year.

Upon arriving at the MACUSA office the next day, Professor McGonagall was greeted by a courteous MACUSA representative who inquired about the purpose of her visit.

"I am here on behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry," Professor McGonagall explained, her tone firm yet polite. "I have come to speak with the Tonks family regarding an important matter concerning their daughter, Nymphadora."

As the MACUSA representative relayed Professor McGonagall's request via Floo message, a man arrived shortly after to meet her.

"Good day, Professor McGonagall," Smith greeted, extending his hand. "I'm Wizarding Sheriff Smith. How may I assist you today?"

"Good day, Sheriff Smith," Professor McGonagall replied, shaking his hand firmly. "I've come on behalf of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We have an important matter to discuss regarding the Tonks family, particularly young Nymphadora Tonks."

Smith's brow furrowed in curiosity. "Ah, I see. Please, follow me to my office in Smallville via floo. We can discuss the matter there."

Both of them take the floo to his offices in Smallville, where Sheriff Smith ask the Professor to settle down in the chair across from him.

"Thank you, Sheriff Smith," McGonagall replied, taking the offered seat. "I've traveled from Hogwarts to extend an invitation to young Nymphadora Tonks to join our school."

Smith's interest piqued. "An invitation to Hogwarts? That's quite an honor," he remarked, leaning forward slightly.

"Yes, indeed," McGonagall confirmed with a nod. "We've heard of Nymphadora's magical talents and believe she would benefit greatly from a formal education at Hogwarts."

Smith considered this for a moment before speaking. "I'll be sure to relay your invitation to the Tonks family promptly," he assured her. "Is there any additional information you require from us?"

McGonagall shook her head. "No, Sheriff Smith, that will be all. However, is it possible for me to meet with the Tonks family?" she asked with a grateful smile.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall," Sheriff Smith replied, nodding in agreement. "I can arrange for you to meet with the Tonks family. They live just outside of town, on the outskirts of Smallville."

"I would appreciate that very much, Sheriff," McGonagall said, her expression grateful. "Thank you for your assistance."

With that settled, Sheriff Smith quickly made arrangements for McGonagall to visit the Tonks family. As they finalized the details, McGonagall couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

As McGonagall and Sheriff Smith arrived at the Tonks Farm, they were surprised to run into Sirius Black, who seemed taken aback by McGonagall's unexpected presence.

"Professor McGonagall, what brings you here all the way from England?" Sirius asked, his tone a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"We've come to speak with the Tonks family, Sirius," McGonagall replied, her expression serious. "Is everything alright?"

Sirius hesitated for a moment before responding. "Yes, everything's fine. Come on, I'll take you to them. The Tonks Family are over at the Potter Farm with my wife Marlene and the Longbottoms, to celebrate Dora's birthday."

McGonagall nodded, following Sirius as they made their way to the Potter Farm.

"Professor McGonagall, I have to warn you." Sirius says, "Do not, under any circumstances, call Dora by her proper first name, as she hates it."

"Thank you for the warning, Mr. Black," McGonagall responded with a nod, acknowledging Sirius's caution. She made a mental note to address Nymphadora Tonks according to her preferences when they met.

As they stepped into the Potter home, the lively sounds of laughter and chatter greeted their ears. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly baked treats, and colorful decorations adorned the room, creating a festive atmosphere.

Nymphadora Tonks, surrounded by friends and family, wore a bright smile as she opened presents and blew out candles on her birthday cake. Marlene, noticeably pregnant, beamed with joy as she mingled with the guests, her enthusiasm adding to the celebratory ambiance.

McGonagall couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and joy wash over her as she observed the scene before her. Despite the distance from Hogwarts, it was clear that the spirit of unity and camaraderie thrived among the wizarding community, even in a far-off place like Smallville, Kansas.

"Sirius, my congratulations," Minerva said warmly, offering a gentle smile. "I see your family is growing. What wonderful news."

Sirius grinned proudly, his eyes alight with happiness. "Thank you, Professor McGonagall," he replied, placing a hand affectionately on Marlene's shoulder. "We couldn't be more thrilled."

Marlene beamed upon noticing Minerva, her expression radiant despite the fatigue evident in her eyes. "It's been quite the journey, but we're looking forward to welcoming our newest addition soon," she said, her voice filled with anticipation.

Minerva nodded, her heart warmed by the scene before her. "Indeed, it's a joyous occasion," she remarked, her gaze shifting to the bustling room filled with laughter and celebration. "And what better way to mark it than with family and friends."

Lily Potter, her eyes bright with warmth and joy, approached Minerva McGonagall with a welcoming smile. "Professor McGonagall, it's wonderful to see you," she exclaimed, reaching out to clasp the older witch's hands in hers. "What brings you all the way from Hogwarts?"

Minerva returned the smile, her gaze sweeping over Lily's familiar face with fondness. "Lily, it's a pleasure as always," she replied warmly. "I've come on behalf of Hogwarts to extend an invitation to young Nymphadora Tonks to join us for the upcoming school year."

"Oh, that's fantastic news!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with forced enthusiasm. "Dora will be over the moon."

Minerva couldn't help but notice the slight hesitation in Lily's response, the forced enthusiasm that seemed to belie a deeper concern. She made a mental note to inquire further, perhaps in a more private setting, to understand the source of Lily's unease. But for now, she maintained her cheerful demeanor, choosing to focus on the positive aspect of the invitation she had delivered.

"I'm glad to hear that, Lily," Minerva replied with a reassuring smile. "It's always wonderful to see our young witches and wizards eager to embark on their magical journey at Hogwarts. I'm sure Nymphadora will thrive in our esteemed halls."

Lily nodded, offering a grateful smile in return, though the tension in her expression remained palpable. Then she walked over to where Andromeda Tonks stood, and whispered something in her ear. Andromeda looked at her meaningfully, before nodding.

Minerva couldn't help but wonder what lay behind the facade of forced enthusiasm, and resolved to delve deeper into the matter at the earliest opportunity. For now, she would simply have to wait and see how events unfolded in the coming days.

As Andromeda Tonks approached her daughter and husband, Minerva observed the exchange with keen interest, noting the serious yet determined expressions that passed between them. It was clear that whatever Lily had whispered had sparked a sense of urgency and resolve in the Tonks family.

Moments later, Andromeda, along with Ted and Nymphadora Tonks made their way over to where Minerva stood, their demeanor composed yet resolute. There was a quiet determination in their eyes as they greeted her, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the conversation that was about to take place.

"Professor McGonagall," Ted began, his voice steady as he addressed her, "we understand the importance of the opportunity Hogwarts presents for our daughter. However, we have some concerns that we would like to discuss with you."

Minerva nodded, her expression serious yet empathetic. "Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Tonks," she replied, her tone gentle yet authoritative. "Please, share your concerns with me. I assure you, I am here to listen and offer whatever assistance I can."

Ted glanced around the bustling room, his expression thoughtful as he considered Minerva's offer. "Professor McGonagall," he began, his voice low but resolute, "we appreciate your willingness to listen. However, I believe it would be best if we continued this conversation in private."

Nymphadora nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and apprehension. "Yes, Mum, Dad, and I have some concerns that we'd like to discuss with you," she added, her voice echoing her father's conviction.

Minerva nodded in understanding, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "Very well," she agreed, her tone serious yet empathetic. "Let us adjourn to your home then, where we can speak freely and address any concerns you may have."

With that, the small group made their way out of the Potter home, their steps purposeful and their hearts heavy with the weight of the conversation that lay ahead. As they walked, Minerva couldn't help but wonder what issues the Tonks family wished to discuss, and how she could best support them in navigating the challenges that lay ahead.


As Lily watched the Tonks family depart with Professor McGonagall, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of her stomach. She recognized Dumbledore's subtle maneuvering, his attempt to reel in the families who had left Britain for America, using their children as bait. Yet, despite her reservations and the underlying tension, she couldn't deny the longing in Harry's and Lana's eyes as they heard tales of James' and Sirius' adventures at Hogwarts.

Their desire to attend the prestigious school tugged at Lily's heartstrings, reminding her of the magical world that had once been their home. She knew she couldn't deny them the opportunity to explore their heritage and forge their own paths, even if it meant facing Dumbledore's influence once again.

With this very scenario in mind, Lily and James, along with Sirius and Marlene, had made the difficult decision to disclose Harry's true origins to the Tonks and the Longbottoms one year ago, just a month after Harry's seventh birthday. Understanding the potential dangers that lay ahead and the need for solidarity among their closest allies, they revealed the secret that had weighed heavily on their hearts for so long.

In a private and solemn gathering, they recounted the extraordinary tale of Harry's origins on the distant planet of Krypton and the blood adoption ritual that had forever linked him to their family. They spoke of the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead, emphasizing the importance of unity and trust in the face of adversity.

As the truth unfolded, emotions ran high, mingling with disbelief, awe, and ultimately, unwavering support. The Tonks and the Longbottoms, staunch allies and dear friends, rallied around Harry with love and determination, vowing to stand by his side no matter the obstacles they may face.

With a collective determination to protect their children from Dumbledore's manipulations while ensuring they received the education they deserved, Lily, James, Sirius, Marlene, and their allies devised a meticulous plan. Their strategy began with Nymphadora Tonks, the eldest of the children and a pivotal figure in their efforts.

Recognizing the importance of establishing a strong foundation for their cause, they entrusted Nymphadora with the task of navigating the complexities of Hogwarts while remaining vigilant against Dumbledore's influence. Armed with her wit, courage, and unwavering loyalty to her family, Nymphadora would embark on her mission with determination, paving the way for her younger counterparts to follow.

As she would venture into the halls of Hogwarts, Nymphadora would remain steadfast in her resolve, forging alliances and gathering intelligence while carefully concealing her true intentions from those who sought to control her. She would lay the groundwork for a future where their children could thrive without succumbing to the pressures of the past.

Through Nymphadora's efforts and the unwavering support of their allies, they would set in motion a chain of events that would shape the destiny of their children and pave the way for a brighter, more hopeful future.

Dumbledore thought he had all the cards, but he didn't know that they had stacked the deck.


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