
Harry Potter: Arcane

In the midst of turmoil, James and Sirius find a crashed spacecraft with a baby inside. A hologram of the baby's mother, Sera, appears, entrusting them with her son, Harkel. They perform a blood adoption ritual, naming him Harry. Lily, unconscious after a miscarriage, remains unaware. Kryptonian Harry Potter. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

Vikrant_Utekar_5653 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 3

As Lily stepped into the warmth of the house, a sense of comfort washed over her. She made her way through the familiar corridors, guided by the sound of laughter echoing from the living room.

There, she found Harry, her precious son, playing with Sirius. The sight brought a smile to her lips as she watched the two of them immersed in their playful antics. Harry's laughter filled the room, a melody of joy that lifted her spirits and eased the ache in her heart.

"Hey there, you two," Lily said, her voice soft with affection as she approached. "What mischief are you getting up to now?"

Sirius grinned mischievously, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Just teaching young Harry here the finer points of mischief-making," he replied, his tone playful.

Lily chuckled, shaking her head fondly. "Well, just make sure you don't get into too much trouble," she teased, ruffling Harry's hair affectionately.

Harry giggled, reaching up to grab Sirius's hand with chubby fingers. His bright eyes sparkled with delight as he babbled happily, his innocence a ray of sunshine in the midst of their shared grief.

As Lily watched her son and his godfather, the Floo flared, and James stepped through.

As Lily turned to greet James, she saw the frustration etched on his face, his expression tense with worry. Her heart clenched with concern as he spoke of Dumbledore's plans, his words carrying a weight of urgency and frustration.

"Dumbledore wants to put us on a pedestal," James exclaimed, his voice tinged with exasperation. "He's touting you both as the mother and son who will bring down Voldemort."

Lily's brows furrowed in disbelief at the gravity of James's words. The weight of Dumbledore's expectations hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over their already troubled lives.

Lily's voice was firm as she voiced her concerns, her gaze meeting James's with unwavering determination. "Our family can't afford to be in the spotlight," she said, her tone resolute. "Not with Harry's secret origins. We can't risk that kind of scrutiny."

James nodded in agreement, his expression grave. "You're right," he admitted, a note of frustration creeping into his voice. "We need to keep Harry safe, and that means staying out of Dumbledore's spotlight."

"We should leave Britain altogether," Sirius proposed, his voice filled with conviction. "Start fresh somewhere far away from here."

Sirius's suggestion hung in the air, a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty that surrounded them.

Lily and James exchanged glances, the weight of Sirius's words sinking in. The idea of leaving everything behind, of starting anew in a distant land, held a certain allure—a chance for them to escape the dangers that lurked in their homeland and forge a brighter future for their family.

"It's risky," James admitted, his brow furrowing with concern. "But maybe it's our best chance at keeping Harry safe."

Lily nodded in agreement, her resolve strengthening with each passing moment. "We can't stay here and wait for Voldemort to find us," she said firmly. "If leaving means protecting our son, then we'll do whatever it takes."

As James pondered the logistics of their departure, uncertainty etched across his features, Lily's gaze drifted towards the ship that had brought Harry to them—a silent witness to their family's extraordinary journey.

Just then, Sera-Vex's voice chimed in, her holographic form materializing once more before them. "I have a suggestion," she began, her voice echoing with a sense of ancient wisdom.

As Sera-Vex's holographic form hovered before them, her words carried a weight of revelation. "Harkel wasn't the only baby to escape Krypton," she revealed, her voice tinged with solemnity. "There was another—a child named Kal-El."

Lily and James exchanged astonished glances, the significance of Sera-Vex's revelation sinking in. Another child, like Harry, who had been torn from their home world and thrust into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

"Kal-El," Lily murmured, the name resonating with a sense of destiny. "Where is he now?"

As Sera-Vex's holographic form hovered before them, her words carried a weight of revelation. "Kal-El is being raised in Smallville, Kansas by Jonathan and Martha Kent," she explained, her voice tinged with solemnity.

Lily's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the name. Kal-El—a child of destiny, like her own son. The realization of their shared fate filled her with a sense of awe and wonder.

"Smallville," James echoed, his brows furrowing in thought. "It's a small town, far from the chaos of the world."

Sera-Vex nodded, her image flickering slightly. "Indeed," she replied. "The Kents are good people, kind and compassionate. They will provide Kal-El with the love and guidance he needs to fulfill his destiny."

As Lily and James absorbed this new information, a sense of peace washed over them. Though their sons were separated by vast distances, they were bound together by a shared heritage and a common destiny.

"Thank you, Sera-Vex," Lily said, her voice filled with gratitude. "For everything."

As Sera-Vex's holographic form dissipated, leaving Lily and James to ponder the revelation of Kal-El's whereabouts, James was struck by a sudden realization. "Wait," he exclaimed, a flash of understanding dawning in his eyes. "My uncle Charlus moved to Smallville after his son Henry died of Dragon Pox as a baby."

Lily's eyes widened in surprise at James's revelation. As Lily absorbed the revelation about James's uncle Charlus, Sirius interjected with further details.

"Charlus and his wife Dorea passed away a while ago," Sirius explained, his voice tinged with sadness. "But they had two daughters—Laura, who was our age, and Eleanor, who was a few years younger."

Lily and James exchanged a glance, their minds racing with the implications of Sirius's words. The connection between their family and Kal-El seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment, weaving a complex tapestry of fate and destiny.

"Do you think Laura and Eleanor know about the Kents?" Lily wondered aloud, her voice filled with curiosity.

Sirius shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "We'll only know once we get there," he replied, his tone tinged with uncertainty.

As the prospect of their journey to Smallville loomed before them, James couldn't help but ponder the idea of inviting Frank and Alice Longbottom to join them. "Do you think Frank and Alice would join us?" he mused aloud, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

As James suggested inviting Frank and Alice Longbottom to join them, Lily's thoughts flashed back to the terrifying events that had unfolded just days earlier. She vividly remembered the day after Halloween, when Bellatrix Lestrange, the Lestrange brothers, and Barty Crouch Jr had launched a vicious attack on Frank and Alice.

The attack was foiled thanks to James and Sirius, Lily recalled with a mixture of relief and gratitude, who had intervened just in time to save them.

Lily considered the suggestion, her brow furrowing in thought. "It's worth asking," she replied, a note of optimism creeping into her tone. "They've been through so much, they might welcome a change of scenery."

Sirius nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "And having Aurors with us could provide an extra layer of protection," he added, his gaze flickering with determination.

As Lily considered the idea of inviting Frank and Alice Longbottom to join them on their journey, she turned to Sirius with a thoughtful expression. "Are you planning to ask Marlene to join us as well?" she inquired, her voice filled with curiosity.

Sirius's gaze softened at the mention of Marlene, his girlfriend and Lily's best friend and fellow Unspeakable.

"I hadn't thought about it," he admitted, his tone thoughtful. "But she's been through a lot lately. A change of scenery might be good for her."

Lily nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of Marlene's presence on their journey. "She's part of our family," she affirmed, her voice warm with affection. "And she's always had our backs."

As James broached the topic of whether to reveal the whole truth about Harry to Marlene, Sirius felt a wave of conflict wash over him. On one hand, he couldn't bear the thought of hiding such a significant secret from his girlfriend. But on the other hand, he understood that it wasn't his secret to disclose.

"I don't know, Prongs," Sirius admitted, his brow furrowing with uncertainty. "Part of me feels like Marlene deserves to know the truth. But at the same time, it's not my place to decide whether to reveal Harry's origins."

Lily nodded in understanding, her expression thoughtful. "It's a delicate situation," she agreed, her voice gentle. "Perhaps we should wait until we have more information before making a decision."

With their conflicting emotions weighing heavily on their minds, James, Sirius, and Lily knew that they needed to tread carefully when it came to revealing the truth about Harry.

As Lily considered the idea of inviting Remus to join them on their journey, James interjected with a note of caution. "It might be tricky," he admitted, his brow furrowing with concern. "Moony is extremely loyal to Dumbledore, and we can't risk Dumbledore catching wind of our plans."

Sirius nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "We can't afford to take any chances," he added, his tone grave. "If Dumbledore finds out what we're up to, it could jeopardize everything."

Lily sighed, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I suppose we'll have to leave Remus out of it for now," she conceded, her voice tinged with regret. "It's not ideal, but we can't risk putting him in a difficult position."

With their plan taking shape, James delegated tasks to each member of their group. "Lily, why don't you broach the subject with Frank and Alice?" he suggested, his voice firm with resolve. "Sirius, you can have a talk with Marlene. And I'll get in touch with Laura and Eleanor to tell them of our plans."

Lily and Sirius nodded in agreement, understanding the importance of their respective roles in the process. "We'll handle it," Lily affirmed, her voice filled with determination. "And we'll make sure everyone is on board before we proceed."

As they prepared to reach out to their friends and allies, James, Lily, and Sirius knew that their journey to Smallville would require careful planning and coordination. But with each member of their group playing their part, they were confident that they would be able to overcome any challenges that lay ahead.

The next day, Lily paid a visit to Alice and Frank Longbottom, a sense of warmth and determination guiding her steps. As she entered their home, a smile spread across her face at the sight of Alice and Frank, their presence a beacon of strength and resilience.

Bringing baby Harry along, Lily's heart swelled with affection as she watched him interact with Baby Neville, their laughter filling the room with joy. "It's good for them to spend time together," she remarked, her voice filled with fondness as she observed the two babies playing.

Alice and Frank's eyes sparkled with delight as they watched the two infants, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. "It warms my heart to see them so happy," Alice remarked, her voice tinged with affection.

Lily's heart ached with concern as she turned her attention from the children to Alice and Frank. "How are you both recovering from what happened?" she asked gently, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Alice's expression softened, gratitude shining in her eyes. "It's been a difficult journey, but we're taking it one day at a time," she replied, her voice tinged with resilience. "Having each other has been our greatest source of strength."

Frank nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting the same determination. "We're getting there," he added, a note of determination in his voice. "With the support of our friends and loved ones, we'll find our way through."

As the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, Lily found herself gathering her courage to broach the subject she had come to discuss. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Alice and Frank, her gaze steady with determination.

"There's something important I need to discuss with you both," Lily began, her voice steady despite the flutter of nerves in her chest. "It's about our future, and the challenges we may face in the days to come."

Alice and Frank exchanged curious glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of anticipation and concern. "What is it, Lily?" Alice asked, her voice gentle with understanding.

With a sense of resolve, Lily took a moment to gather her thoughts before speaking. "James, Sirius, and I have been making plans," she explained, her words measured yet filled with sincerity. "Plans to ensure the safety and well-being of our families, in light of the dangers that surround us."

As she shared the details of their plan to relocate to Smallville, Kansas, Lily watched as Alice and Frank listened intently, their expressions shifting from surprise to contemplation.

As Lily continued to explain the situation, her voice carried a note of urgency and concern. "Dumbledore intends to put the Potter family under the spotlight for our role in Voldemort's end," she revealed, her words laced with apprehension. "But I don't want Harry growing up in that lifestyle."

Her words hung in the air, the weight of their implications settling heavily upon them. Alice and Frank exchanged knowing glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It's not the kind of life we want for our children," Frank remarked, his tone reflective. "We want them to grow up in safety and peace, far from the shadows of the past."

Alice nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mixture of determination and resolve. "Frank's mother, Augusta, might choose to stay in Britain," she explained, her voice tinged with sadness. "But we've made our decision. We'll come with the Potters."

Her words echoed with the certainty of their commitment to their friends and the shared journey ahead. As they stood together, united in their resolve, Lily felt a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support and friendship.


At the McKinnon house, Sirius found himself engaged in a similar conversation with Marlene and her family, the weight of their decision heavy upon them. As they gathered in the warmth of the living room, Sirius spoke with honesty and conviction about the challenges they faced and the choices they needed to make.

"Marlene, your safety and well-being are my top priority," Sirius began, his voice filled with sincerity. "And I can't bear the thought of you being caught up in the dangers that surround us."

Marlene's eyes shone with understanding, her hand reaching out to grasp Sirius's with unwavering support. "I'll stand by your side, Sirius," she affirmed, her voice steady with resolve. "Whatever comes our way, we'll face it together."

As Marlene's family listened intently to their conversation, Sirius knew that their decision to leave Britain behind was not one to be taken lightly.

As Lily and Sirius sat together, discussing the events of the day and the decisions they had made, James suddenly appeared through the Floo network, his expression alive with excitement and anticipation.

"I managed to get hold of Eleanor," he announced, his voice filled with relief and triumph. "And there's more—Laura and her husband passed away over a year ago, leaving their daughter Lana in Eleanor's care. So she's more than happy to have more people to help care for Lana."

Lily and Sirius exchanged relieved glances, gratitude shining in their eyes. With Eleanor's support and Lana to care for, their group was one step closer to realizing their goal of relocating to Smallville, Kansas, and starting anew.

With renewed determination, they knew that their journey ahead would be challenging, but they also knew that they had each other, united by their bond of friendship and their shared vision for the future. And as they prepared to face the unknown together, they found solace in the knowledge that they were stronger together than they could ever be apart.

As the days passed, the group worked tirelessly to get their affairs in order, preparing for the journey ahead. With Sirius's help, Andromeda Tonks and her family joined their cause, adding to the strength of their numbers.

Together, they navigated the complexities of their lives, tying up loose ends and making arrangements for their departure. Marlene's family faced the additional challenge of managing their business interests across Europe, requiring extra time to settle their affairs before joining the others in Smallville.

Despite the hurdles they faced, their determination remained unwavering. With each passing day, they drew closer to their goal of starting anew in a place where they could find safety, peace, and the opportunity for a brighter future.

Gathered together at the Longbottom Manor, the group stood ready to embark on their journey to Smallville. With the portkey in hand, they shared a mixture of excitement and apprehension, eager to begin their new lives in a place of safety and opportunity.

As they activated the portkey, the familiar sensation of magical transportation swept over them, carrying them across the vast distances to their destination. Arriving at the Potter Farm in Smallville, they were greeted by Eleanor, who had made careful arrangements to accommodate their arrival.

Eleanor's foresight and planning had secured adjacent farms for their families, ensuring plenty of space and resources for their new beginnings. As they settled into their new surroundings, surrounded by the rolling fields and open skies of Smallville, they felt a sense of peace and possibility wash over them.

"Hey there, Ellie!" James greeted his cousin with a grin as they embraced.

Eleanor chuckled, gently pulling away from the hug. "Actually, James, I prefer to be called 'Nell'," she replied with a playful glint in her eye.

James raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Nell it is then," he said with a laugh. "But don't blame me if I slip up now and then."

As they exchanged banter, little did they know that their reunion in Smallville would mark the beginning of a series of events that would challenge them in ways they never imagined. And as they stood together, catching up on lost time, they were about to embark on an adventure that would test the bonds of family, friendship, and loyalty in ways they could never have anticipated.


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