
Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves

What if Harry was prince of a race of Elves long thought to have been extinct? Only said Elves are not quite as dead as the people of Tamriel had thought. Rather, the Ayleids have been cursed and bound to servitude for centuries, but that curse will soon be broken when the Ayleids find their king. How will Nirn and Earth handle the second coming of the Ayleid Empire with Harry Potter as their king? I don't own Harry Potter nor The Elder Scrolls Online WARNING: HARRY X MERIDIA! (Light/Good Harry! Intelligent/Cunning Harry! Powerful/Godlike Harry!)

Darth_Revan95 · Others
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4 Chs

First Task

Harry was training with a young Auror named Nymphadora (Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora!) Tonks on the unassisted flight at the recommendation of Albus. 'Dora also happened to be Sirius' cousin through Andromeda Tonks nee Black, and was also a Metamorphmagus who was a little on the klutzy side.

Harry had just finished practicing spells with Meridia, and was now learning how to fly without the support of a broom. The result was Harry flying around the Room of Requirement in a pillar of white smoke, the signature form of Apparition used for Order of the Phoenix members.

"Congrats on learning how to use unsupported flight, Harry! You're a damn natural, ya know?" 'Dora congratulated as Harry landed on his feet.

"Thanks, 'Dora. So what's next on the agenda?" Harry asked, but before anyone could reply, Albus came through.

"Harry, the Champions are needed down at the pitch for the task." He informed.

"Well, I guess you're gonna have to go into the First Task with the spells you have." Sirius said as Harry began to leave the room to join his fellow Champions. As he wasn't going to go into this tournament as a Hogwarts Champion, Harry decided to wear golden Meridian armor with a Meridian sword strapped to his waist, and a shield on his back.

"That's probably all I'll really need." Harry acknowledged with confidence as he left the room.

~Scene Change~

Harry made it down to the tent in the Quidditch Pitch, and saw everyone looking nervous... for good reason, Harry supposed. He joined the group just in time for the adults to come rushing in. "Welcome, everyone. I suppose you're all wondering what we have in store for you for the First Task?" Crouch Sr asked, but received no answer. "The First Task involves Dragons! You must each collect a golden egg that contains a clue for the Second Task." He informed as he handed a bag to Fleur. "Ladies first." Fleur then pulled out a smaller version of Common Welsh Green with the number 2 around its neck.

Cedric pulled out a Swedish Short-Snout with the number 1, while Krum had a Chinese Fireball with the number 3, so that left Harry as number 4 with the Hungarian Horntail. Wonderful. He had to go up against Viingyoljud.

So Harry then started pacing around as he waited his turn, hearing the crowd cheering as each Champion was introduced, and the cheering only got wilder as time went on. Finally, after waiting for a long time, it was Harry's turn, and he immediately noted that his introduction yielded no fanfare, which he knew was a moment of silence for the dead. Oh, if they only knew that Harry was now beyond the ability of being killed.

Harry looked Viingyoljud in the eyes, and bowed in respect, to which, the nesting queen returned the gesture. The simple gesture left everyone who wasn't in the know bewildered.

Harry then grabbed his shield off his back, and used his Templar magic to create a semi-formed dome of light as he blocked just in time as Viingyoljud Shouted "Yol Tor Shul!" followed by a stream of fire leaving her maw, followed by a collective gathering of gasps from everyone in the crowd.

When the bout of fire ended, it revealed Harry to be completely unharmed. He then put the shield back on his back before he unsheathed his wand, and pointed it at the chains, and intoned. "Relashio!" This unshackled Viingyoljud, but before she could react, Harry flew off into a pillar of white smoke, leaving the crowd awed.

Viingyoljud soon pursued Harry now that she was free of her chains, and chased the flying boy all over Hogwarts, trying to get him with her Fire Breath Shout, but Harry kept alluding her, occasionally using his Templar magic to block the Fire Breath. Eventually, Harry got enough distance away, that he was able to circle back, and grabbed the egg before Viingyoljud could return. He quickly snatched the egg, and landed inside the medical tent, the crowd cheering all the while.

~Scene Change~

Harry, Hermione, and Meridia, made their way to the encampment where the Dragons were held. They saw Morahfaas was in a state of depression, and Harry could guess why. He overheard that Krum had accidentally made Morahfaas crush her eggs after shooting her with a Conjunctivitis Curse. He slowly approached the grieving mother while the others watched. "I'm sorry for what happened, Morahfaas." He said to the grieving mother before he laid the crushed remains before her and Shouted. "Slen Tiid Vo!" And slowly the eggs started coming back together until not even a single scratch remained, causing the mother to stare wide-eyed.

"Thank you, Zeymah! Thank you so much! My babies! I have my babies back!" Morahfaas wept with joy. "I owe you a great debt, Zeymah."

Harry gave her a kind smile, happy to reunite a mother with her clutch of eggs. "Don't worry about it, Briinah. I'm just happy I could undo the damage done." Harry assured with a smile, causing Morahfaas to smile in turn.

"You truly are a paragon of virtue, my Zeymah." Morahfaas cried as she nuzzled her eggs, causing the other Dragoness' to smile at the scene that played out before them. Morahfaas then looked up from her eggs to look at Harry. "I have decided to become one of your familiars. It is the least I can do to repay the debt." She proclaimed, shocking the boy.

"You want to be one of my familiars?" He asked, earning a nod from the Dragoness.

"My hatchlings are more valuable than all the treasures of this world and Nirn combined. I cannot possibly begin repay this debt I owe you, so I will serve you until my dying breath... my Thuri." Morahfaas said, causing Harry's breath to hitch in his throat. He understood what that word meant.

Hermione, noticing Harry's reaction, was curious about what the Dragoness was talking about now that had her best friend reacting like that. "What is it, Harry? What's wrong?" She asked.

"During my time learning the Dragon language, I learned that the Dragons always follow the most powerful of their kind. They call them Thuri, or Overlords in the human tongue. By addressing me as Thuri, Morahfaas is basically declaring me as her Overlord." Harry explained, causing Hermione's eyes to widen in shock.

"Admittedly, this can be useful in your war against Voldemort. To have Dragons acknowledge your power, they will follow you to Oblivion and back. And given how Dragons possess their own unique magic, this will certainly be a great boon against your foes." Meridia mused, her analytical mind going into overdrive with war tactics.

Harry then turned his attention back to the Chinese Fireball. "Are you sure that's what you want, Morahfaas?" He asked kindly.

"It is, Zeymah. I would become your Familiar. Please, my Zeymah, I need this." Morahfaas begged.

"If that's what you want, then who am I to deny you?" Harry asked with a smile which was returned.

Morahfaas then proceeded to gently bite Harry on his shoulder, and focused her magic to form the Familiar bond. Once that was done, a radiant light enveloped them, finishing the bond. "It is done, Zeymah. I am now one of your Familiars. I would bestow you a gift for allowing me this privilege." Morahfaas stated as she broke off one of her horns and gave it to Harry.

"You can fashion this into a war horn that uses tonal sound to incapacitate other Dragons. These horns are called Dragonhorns. They have the ability to temporarily ground Dragons who are in flight." Morahfaas explained to Harry's amazement.

"Damn! That's useful" He stated as he examined the horn before he freed the Dragoness from her cage. He was broken from his thoughts when Charlie Weasley walked up to him.

"Congrats on the first task! Your little show was kick-ass!" He praised, earning a blush from Harry.

"Thanks, Charlie. Hey, I just made a Familiar Bond with Morahfaas after restoring her eggs. Mind if I sign a form for the Ministry so I won't get into trouble? Ya know, for having a XXXXX class?" Harry asked as he lifted up a perfectly fixed egg.

"Really? The Fireball let you bond with her? That's amazing! And I can't thank you enough for fixing her eggs. She was really distraught when we brought her back. As for the forms, I can have some written up by the end of the day. All it'll take is a quick trip to Gringotts, and once you sign the forms, you can submit them to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. You'll also have to have a license to keep XXXXX classes. I'd suggest taking your NEWTS for Care of Magical Creatures just make sure you know how to take care of them." Charlie suggested.

"Thanks, Charlie. I owe you one. I don't exactly want to get into trouble with the Ministry for having a Dragon Familiar, so your suggestion will help me loads." Harry stated.

"Think nothing of it, Harry. By the way, how DID you fix the Fireball's eggs?" Charlie asked curiously.

"I used a Time-Reversal Shout. Dragons have their own unique brand of magic, and, despite what others may believe, they're incredibly smart. They can communicate in the mortal tongue, but they have their own language which goes hand-in-hand with their magic. Shouts are always made up of three Words of Power. The one I used on the eggs are "Slen Tiid Vo" which translates to "Flesh, Time, Undo". Technically it's not Necromancy, it's just manipulating time to restore life instead of creating false life." Harry explained.

"Fascinating! Well, again, I want to thank you for what you've done for... Morahfaas, you called her?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, that's her name. Anyways, I better go and tell Albus this interesting turn of events. I'm sure he'll be greatly amused." Harry stated with a fond eyeroll.

Charlie chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure he will be. Anyways, I'll have those forms for ya later, but for now, you can take Morahfaas out to the grounds, so long as she behaves herself." He said as the group went their separate ways for now, Harry leading Morahfaas to the grounds with the restored eggs in an expanded satchel.

~Scene Break~

Harry's prediction about Albus' amusement didn't lead him astray. As soon as he explained the situation, Albus, Fawkes, and even the damned Sorting Hat started laughing their asses off. Harry may have looked annoyed, but the slight twitch of his lip gave him away. Albus finally got some modicum of control over himself. "Only YOU, Harry. Only YOU could possibly bond with a Phoenix AND a Dragon." He managed to wheeze out as he wiped a stray tear from his eye.

"Yes, well. It was unexpected, but I welcome this turn of events. Meridia thinks I can use the Dragons in the next war against Voldemort." Harry stated.

"A very wise decision, Harry. They see you as their Overlord. You are the last Dragonborn, and they will fight side-by-side with you until their dying breath. To have Dragons as allies already turns the tide of war to our favor." Albus mused.

"Meridia is also getting her Auroran servants to fight with us, so that gives us more to work with." Harry added, earning a nod from the wizened headmaster.

"Meridia certainly doesn't leave anything to chance. She's very thorough in everything she does. She does not take kindly to undead in ANY form, and she views Tom as an affront to humanity. Has she spoken to you about... Dawnbreaker yet?" He asked.

"She hasn't, but I have a feeling she WILL soon." Harry replied.

"Good. We need every bit of help we can get, and Dawnbreaker is a very useful tool to have, especially in regards to Tom's Horcruxes." Albus stated.

"Dawnbreak being an extension of Meridia's divine essence will most certainly destroy the Horcruxes with ease. I'll talk to her about it sometime this week." Harry assured.

"Good, now that that's out of the way. I wish to inform you that the Triwizard Tournament always has a Yule Ball in which the champions must start off. I trust you have dress robes for this occasion?" Albus asked.

"Yes, sir. And I've already asked Meridia to go with me. She said yes." Harry stated with a lopsided grin, which caused Albus to smile knowingly with a twinkle in his eyes.

"That's good to hear, my dear boy. I hope you have a pleasant time at the ball." Albus said.

"I think I will. Thanks to Andromeda teaching me how to dance for such occasions, I'd like to think I'm proficient at it." Harry stated as he stood up from his seat.

"It would behoove you to be as you ARE the future king of a race of Elves, and future consort of a Daedric Prince." Albus stated, eliciting a chuckle from the boy.

"Yes. I promise that I'll give my fair and radiant lady a good time. She certainly needs one. I don't think she's ever loosened up and enjoyed herself before. Well, I guess I'll see you later, Albus." Harry bade with a respectful bow before turning to leave.

"Goodnight, Harry." Albus returned, watching the raven-haired youth walk out of his office with a smile on his face. Once Harry left, Albus turned to face his Phoenix Familiar. "I think the future is in good hands, Fawkes." He said, earning an optimistic trill from said Phoenix. "Harry is such a kind-hearted young lad, but he's also strict and fair. He stands up for those who are oppressed, and fights the corruption and the wicked. He is our best hope to bring the Wizarding World into a new era." He finished as tears of pride fell down his cheeks. Suddenly, the future didn't look so bleak as he had first imagined. He knew that when it was his time to move onto his next great adventure, that Harry would take his rightful place as Champion of the Light. Yes, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore could die happy, knowing the future was looking brighter than it ever had, and his legacy would be passed onto one who was more than worthy.

(A/N: And cut! That's Chapter 3! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but I finally did it. I apologize if the first task wasn't as long or exciting as you hoped it would be. Let me know what you guys thought about it in the comments, and let me know what you would like to see out of this fanfiction. On a separate note, I had an idea in my head awhile back of making another HP/ES fanfiction where Harry is a Khajiit since I love the Khajiit race so much. If you guys would be interested in that, I could try to write it. I'd need some ideas on it though. So, again, let me know in the comments, and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Ciao!)