
Harry Potter and the Return of the Wild Elves

What if Harry was prince of a race of Elves long thought to have been extinct? Only said Elves are not quite as dead as the people of Tamriel had thought. Rather, the Ayleids have been cursed and bound to servitude for centuries, but that curse will soon be broken when the Ayleids find their king. How will Nirn and Earth handle the second coming of the Ayleid Empire with Harry Potter as their king? I don't own Harry Potter nor The Elder Scrolls Online WARNING: HARRY X MERIDIA! (Light/Good Harry! Intelligent/Cunning Harry! Powerful/Godlike Harry!)

Darth_Revan95 · Others
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4 Chs

Dragons and Dovahkiin

Harry, Hermione, and Meridia were out in the Forbidden Forest, and to the shock of Harry and Hermione, they saw Dragons in cages, burning everything within reach, while the Dragon Handlers were trying in vain to stop the enraged Dragons from burning their camp... until one with spikes covering most of her body stopped, and sniffed the air before turning her head towards the unseen trio. "Sisters! The Dovahkiin is here! Our Zeymah has come to us!" She exclaimed, much to the shock of the Dragon Handlers. "Step forward, Zeymah. We mean you no harm." She assured.

After getting a nod from Meridia, Harry and Hermione stepped out of their hiding spot, and bowed before the Dragoness. "Drem Yol Lok, my Briinah." Harry greeted, pleasing the Dragons.

"He knows our tongue! And he's respectful. So unlike that pahlok joor, Miraak." The Common Welsh Green stated, earning a nod from her sisters.

"Allow us to introduce ourselves. I am Viingyoljud, and these are my Briinah, Monahrath is the Swedish Short-Snout, Laaspeytdrem is the Common Welsh Green, and Morahfaas is the Chinese Fireball."

"This one smells of elves, and yet he appears like the other joor that we have seen. How can this be?" The Chinese Fireball in question asked in disbelief.

"Ah. That's actually a fascinating thing. You see, Harry is the last King of the Wild Elves. His human features are but an illusion but it will break come his next birthday, which is also the same day he will be claiming the throne of Delodiil." Meridia explained.

"Hmm... You are the Merid-Nunda. Fin Vahdin Do Kun, The Lady of Light. That would explain why our Zeymah is glowing with your radiant energies." The Viingyoljud stated. "You have made him into your immortal Purified." She noted.

"He retains his free will if that's reassuring." Meridia assured, causing the Dragoness to hum.

"Indeed. It is bad enough that Durnehviir made a pact with the guardians of the Soul Cairn, and has become an undead thing. But for a Dovah to become a mindless minion of a Daedric Prince is an insult to our kind. We the Dov are proud and prideful creatures. To be enslaved is to wound our pride." Viingyoljud hissed venomously.

"I understand, but Harry's a special case, regardless of having the Dragon blood. I don't want him to resent me if I took away his free will." Meridia said as she crossed her arms.

"Come closer, Zeymah. I have have a gift that I would share with you. Alduin possess a Thu'um that can resurrect his fallen allies. This is not one of those Alok-Dilon Shouts, for this Shout restores life instead of creating false life, so this Shout should be approved of by the Magne-Ge that stands by your side." Viingyoljud said as she blew Fire Breath at a nearby stone wall. What had previously been just a blank wall, now had three Words of Power. "Go to it, Dovahkiin. Understand the Words of Power. Let it fill your very bones." She ordered as Harry walked over and learned the Words of Power "Slen Tiid Vo" or Flesh Time Undo in the human tongue. "Use this Shout on your allies, and they will be resurrected... however, this Shout has its limitations. It cannot be used on Dragons that have had their souls devoured." Viingyoljud added before unlocking the Shout for him.

"That's useful... even if it has the one limitation." Harry stated.

"Indeed. You might need such a Thu'um in the near future." Viingyoljud said, elusively. As a queen, Viingyoljud had the gift of foresight, and had foreseen Morahfaas' eggs getting smashed by the idiot Bulgarian during this farce. If her Zeymah decided to use it to revive the eggs, then it would would put him in a good light with the violent Dragoness.

"Thank you, your highness. I shall use this Shout responsibly." Harry assured as he and his group bowed before walking away.

~Scene Change~

Harry was standing in the center of a semi-circle, surrounded by the other three Champions with his hands behind his back. Said Champions were flabbergasted by what Harry had told them. "Dragons!?!" Fleur Delacour asked in disbelief.

"Yep. One for each of us. I doubt we'd have to fight them, though." Harry assured. Gods, he hoped he didn't have to fight any of the Dragons, but with the Shout that Viingyoljud gave him, he knew that something was bound to happen that would require him to use such a Shout.

"And why would we believe you?" Krum asked.

"Harry's a great guy. He's kind, generous, and self-sacrificing. He deserved a better year than his second year." Cedric said with a somber expression. This aroused Fleur's curiosity.

"What happened in his second year?" She asked.

"Salazar Slytherin's Basilisk got loose in the school, and started petrifying students." Harry replied, eliciting a gasp of shock from the blonde Veela, and Krum to raise an eyebrow. "And guess who got blamed for it." He added as he pointed at himself. "Lucky thing I killed the damn thing with Godric Gryffindor's sword. Got my arm punctured by one of its fangs though." He added as he rolled up his sleeve but there wasn't a wound on his arm from where the fang caught him. "The puncture hole is gone though. A result of Meridia Purifying me, which is why I'm glowing the way I am." He added, gesturing towards said Goddess who was now standing next to him.

"Is that why you're glowing? And why you no longer wear glasses? I've been wondering for weeks." Cedric asked.

"Yep. The Purification not only purged me of Basilisk venom and Phoenix tears, but also healed any injuries or wounds I might have had." Harry replied, being careful to make no mention of the Horcrux that was also purged.

"Anyways. I just thought you guys should know just in case you didn't already know about it. This will give you time to prepare for it." He added.

"Well, I'll definitely heed you this time. Something I wished I could've done 2 years ago." Cedric said, earning a shrug from the raven-haired boy.

"If you'll excuse me, I must train, and I believe that the rest of us must likewise do." Harry bowed to the others before leaving with Meridia.

"So? How did it go?" She asked.

"Better than I thought it would go. At least they believe me... something I sadly cannot say about the other students." Harry replied, crossing his arms in annoyance. "So, what's on the training schedule for today?" He asked.

"We'll be practicing with your spears and a spell called Radiant Glory. Radiant Glory is a ray of holy fire that damages your enemies, while it simultaneously heals you." Meridia replied.

"Sounds good. That Radiant Glory spell will save my arse, big time." Harry mused.

"Indeed, it will." Meridia agreed.

"I honestly hope that we won't have to fight the Dragons. I really don't want to. Not after they were so kind to us." Harry mused.

"Actually, you'll have to get a golden egg from their nests. Each egg contains a clue for the next task. But even though those Dragons are now your friends, they won't simply hand the eggs over without a fight." Meridia replied before contemplating something. "Which is why, we will forego the spear training, and teach you how to use unassisted flight. Most of the members of Albus' Order of the Phoenix are capable of such feat, and even Riddle and his Death Eaters can do this. The difference is the factions that they are affiliated with. Since the Order is Light oriented, they can transform into a vapor of Light, while the Death Eaters turn into black vapors." She informed.

"Now that's a badass way of flying." Harry commented, looking awed by the idea of unassisted flight. He hoped it would be far better than using a broom.

"Indeed. Such an ingenious way of flying on your world. I'll have to learn this ability for myself." Meridia agreed. With that, they walked off to go to the Room of Requirement for training until the day of the First Task. Harry was actually looking forward to the abilities that he would soon be learning, and honestly hoped he could master them by the time the First Task comes around.

(A/N: And cut! That's chapter 2 redone. I hope you guys enjoyed it better than the first version. Sorry it took me a bit to get it done, but I was trying to think of how I could improve it. A word of warning, I've decided that Harry will not reconcile with Ron because I have my own reasons for not liking him... and I'm sure quite a bit of people know just WHY Ron's deplorable, but I won't get into that. Anyways, now that I've corrected my mistake with chapter 2, I can finally move onto chapter 3, so I'll see you in the next chapter. Ciao!)