
Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Wizard

So, a boy finds himself in the World of Wizards as a baby. He is part of a Wizard family, however, soon he realizes that his life won't be all sunshine. ****************************************************************************************************** Everything belongs to JKR, I am just here to add some twists and turns to satisfy my fantasies. Yeah, this is just Wish-Fulfillment.

Novachrono_Agares · Book&Literature
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Chapter – 2 Meta Ability & Distortions

Author's Note:

_unknown_0 Thanks for the reminder, I had forgotten this piece of information. Keeping this in mind, I have changed the name of the house-elf, from Winky to Holly.

Oh, and while it was not mentioned in the previous chapter, Theodore's Mother's name is Angelina. Angelina's further background may be explored in later chapters, for now, this is it.

That's all I wanted to say, now enjoy the chapter.



Angelina POV

'Sigh… this is getting more and more out of hand.' I couldn't help but think as I looked at the sleeping form of my son. It was still afternoon and not the time Theo would generally fall asleep, but I had no other choice left but to put him to sleep with a sleeping charm.

The reason for the said action? Theo lost control of his physical form because of emotional excitement as his physical features continued to change every second. Hair colour, skin texture, height and whatnot.

'Accidental Magic… can it be this powerful?' I had to wonder. The first time Theo showed signs of accidental magic, was on the day I told him about 'you-know-who' and 'the-boy-who-lived', I didn't expect that information to affect his emotions to such a degree that accidental magic would be triggered distorting his physical features.

What's more… accidental magic in the form of physical transformation? This is new to me. Anything of this sort never happened to me back when I was a child, and I don't think others have experienced such a manner of accidental magic either.

I wonder if this is simple accidental magic… or if something else is in play here. It appears that I need to do some research.

3 days later

"This is it… it has to be…" Having read hundreds of books in the last three days, I finally found what I was looking for, and reached a conclusion, "So, it turns out that my son is a Metamorphmagus… Well, this is an unexpected surprise!"

Metamorphmagus are extremely rare in the Wizarding World. And finding out that her very own son is a Metamorphmagus, Angelina had to say that she is quite excited and happy about it.

'Given that Theo is a Metamorphmagus, the accidental magic that he displays under emotional excitement is physical transformation… which means as long as he learns to control his physical form, there should be no problem, but… I don't have much understanding of a Metamorphmagus. How am I supposed to teach him?' I thought with a troubled expression as I decided, "I suppose I have no other choice…"

Uncontrollable physical transformation can be dangerous, and it can leave behind trauma on her son, therefore, Angelina wasn't willing to take any chances.



"Master An, what does Holly need to do?" asked Holly, a little too eager to do something.

"I am going out for a while, I shall be back before dinner, take care of Theo in the meantime." leaving behind such an instruction, I exited the library.

It's time to buy some books about Metamorphmagus.

A few days later, 3rd Person's POV

"… So, here we conclude that Metamorphmagus is a witch or wizard with the rare magical ability to change their physical appearance through sheer will alone, without the need of Polyjuice Potion or a transfiguration spell, like most of the Wizarding population."

"Umm… mum… what is a Polyjuice Potion?" asked Theo curiously.

It's not that Theo is unaware of what Polyjuice Potion is, he has had enough time to recall whatever he knew about this world and jot it down in a diary, but the thing is… his knowledge is quite superficial and is limited to what he saw in the movies. Therefore, it's no harm to review his knowledge from the perspective of an aboriginal of this world. Hence the question.

"Hm? Oh… right of course." An–short for Angelina–mentally chided herself for foolishly comparing terms that her son wouldn't know of, and went on to explain, "Polyjuice Potion is a complex and time-consuming concoction. It allows a person to take the physical appearance of another person. Height, weight, age, gender, voice, and defects… it copies almost everything. But there is a limitation of Polyjuice Potion, one cannot change their species or acquire physical characteristics of a different species as that would backfire.

Transfiguration is somewhat different in this regard… With enough mastery over the said field of magic, one can certainly change their appearance as per their desire, however, certain characteristics for instance… 'voice' of a person cannot be copied. Of course, transfiguration has its other advantages… as it can help a person acquire physical forms that are generally impossible. Using transfiguration, acquiring the physical characteristics of different species is possible, granted the user has enough understanding of the transfiguration magic and the said species."

"Oh… I get it. Using Polyjuice Potion I can become just like you Mum; however, I won't be able to become like… err… like a Dragon maybe? But… if I were to use Transfiguration Magic, then it's possible to become like a dragon." Truth be told, instead of a dragon, Theodore wanted to mention a house-elf or a goblin, but considering his mother's prejudice against these creatures he did not mention these species at such a time.

After all, why would a pure-blood wizard ever want to transform into a House Elf or a goblin?

"Hmm… not exactly correct, but I suppose that will do for now." Mum nodded, and continued, "Now back to Metamorph Magic… It is a branch of Transfiguration Magic, that said, Metamorph Magic is quite different and quite special.

First and foremost, unlike most of the other branches of Transfiguration magic, Animagus for instance, Metamorph Magic cannot be learned just because someone wants to learn it… A practitioner of Metamorph Magic… or a Metamorphmagus… is born with said ability… and all they need to do is to learn to control this ability through practice.

Secondly, Metamorph Magic allows a person to copy almost everything… even the 'voice' of another person or creature can be copied as a different form is acquired. Metamorph Magic is unique since a Metamorphmagus does not need a wand to transform, and unlike transformation through Polyjuice Potion, a Metamorphmagus' transformation does not wear off with time. A practitioner of Metamorph Magic can remain transformed for months if not years in another form as long as they are able to maintain their said form. Do you understand Theo?"

"Yes, Mum." I nodded with a thoughtful expression.

Angelina nodded, "Very good." And added, "So, it won't be wrong to say that Metamorphmagus is a very special gift, and it will be a great advantage for you in the future if you use it well."

Theo nodded proudly, "I will." The proud expression looked cute on his face, and it was funny considering his hair colour had changed to purple without him even realizing it.

Looking at her son, Angelina smiled, and said, "Well… now that you know what a Metamorphmagus is… and what is Metamorph Magic, let's start with your training."

Theodore's POV

'Damn it! This isn't going anywhere!' I cursed, holding my head in frustration and anger.

It has been 2 months since I started to learn how to control my Metamorphmagus ability. It was a surprise when Mum told me that I am probably a Metamorphmagus, after the initial shock came the excitement.

The innate ability to be able to transform into anyone is a desirable power. There is no doubt that this ability will be of great help to me in the future. Therefore, I have more than enough reason to learn how to control my powers as soon as possible.

Ever since I realized that I am in the Wizarding World, and my father is one of the first death eaters, I have been living on the edge, Shadows of Voldemort, Dumbledore, and Dementors are constantly haunting my dreams, and there is always a sense of urgency in my heart as if death or worse Azkaban is already upon me, it's a miracle that I haven't died already due to panic attack.

'Only power can help me feel secure.' Such a thought is constantly buzzing in my mind.

Currently, I am only two years old, and 'He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named' will return by the time I turn fifteen, which means I have more than a decade to myself. If I dedicate myself to Magic, there is a strong possibility that I might have a chance to protect myself by that time. Therefore, I must work hard and learn magic.

With such determination, I thought of starting my magical studies, and even devised a thorough plan… but all that planning turned out to be useless because Mum refused to allow me to practice magic. Her reason was, 'I am too young to learn magic!' A solid reason I couldn't counter with any excuse. Even acting cute did not work. She was adamant about her decision and refused to budge.

With my plan finished before I could even start, I fell into panic… and that's when these unusual happenings became frequent. Whenever I panicked thinking of my bleak future, my physical appearance started to distort. I didn't realize what was happening to me, but Mum seemed to know and concluded these distortions of my physical appearance as bursts of Accidental Magic and told me not to worry about it and that they will be over before I knew it.

She couldn't have been more wrong. Rather than stopping, these incidents of 'Accidental Magic' became more and more frequent, so much so that Mum had to put me to sleep using her magic every time my body started distorting.

I don't understand what happened after that, but one day, Mum told me the possibility that I might be a Metamorphmagus, and if I want, she will teach me how to control it.

The fact that Mum was willing to teach me Magic–it didn't matter what kind of magic it is–was a godsend opportunity for me. And I had planned to fully utilize this opportunity.

I believed that as long as I show my high understanding, intelligence, and grasping power she would agree to teach me, other disciplines of magic, as well, however, things once again did not go as I had wished.

I have been practising under Mum's watch for the past two months, but I haven't shown any progress. Let alone gaining complete control over my physical transformation to the point that I can transform into anyone, I can't even resist these distortions that often occur to me.

Mum believes that the reason I haven't been able to make any progress despite putting in the constant effort is that my connection with my Magic Core is too weak because of my young age.

Magic Core is the container in which a Wizard's magic energy is stored, and only through this connection with his core can a Wizard summon the required Magical Energy in order to cast any spell they desire.

Because I am too young, my connection with my Magic Core had yet to develop completely, therefore, I am unable to call upon my magic.

Now the obvious question is, if my connection with the Magic Core isn't developed yet, then how come these distortion incidents?

According to Mum's explanation, 'Emotional Excitement/Stress' makes the connection unusually strong for some reason hence those distortions, but when I am not 'Emotionally Excited' and I am trying to consciously transform, it becomes rather difficult.

Problem is, there is no shortcut. And I have only two ways before me, either wait until I turn seven years old–by which time the connection would be developed enough–or constantly practice until I learn to consciously establish the connection.

Waiting for the next five years is naturally out of the question, so the only option I have is to continue my training.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Novachrono_Agarescreators' thoughts