
Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Wizard

So, a boy finds himself in the World of Wizards as a baby. He is part of a Wizard family, however, soon he realizes that his life won't be all sunshine. ****************************************************************************************************** Everything belongs to JKR, I am just here to add some twists and turns to satisfy my fantasies. Yeah, this is just Wish-Fulfillment.

Novachrono_Agares · Book&Literature
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Chapter – 1 ‘Harry Potter’?

'Sigh… Life as a baby is difficult.' I couldn't help but think to myself.

The reason I 'thought' and not 'muttered' is because currently I am incapable of speech. It's not that I was born as a mute or something, rather, it's yet to develop in my young body, for I am but a baby. It will take–at the very least–a few months for the voice box in my body to develop enough so that I can speak coherent words.

'Still, though, it's a relief that she is always available whenever I need her.' I thought as I looked at the creature before me. She has large bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis balls. She is small–definitely bigger than me in size–shrivelled, and bony, wearing what looked like an old pillowcase. Her name's Winky… I don't know what the hell she is… but is something.

The first time I had seen Winky, I had wet my already shitty diapers because of fright. Several encounters later I got used to her sight, however, these encounters were not very pleasant either as I started to fear that I too am a creature of her breed. It took me some time and a lot of mental damage to realize that I am not one of her, and she is just a servant in service to my family.

Now that I was a bit relieved… another question popped into my baby mind, 'Where have I reincarnated?'

Creatures that are humanoid but not exactly humans exist in this world… and certainly, humans too live in this world. For one, I am a human. But still, I couldn't help but wonder, 'What kind of world is this?"

Not that I could say for sure, but my surroundings looked somewhat medieval… sort of… but that wasn't enough to determine where I had reincarnated, or what kind of world this is. Of course, even if I did not know where have I reincarnated… one thing is certain… It seems to be a world of Magic and Wonder.

I am sure that this is a World of Magic and Wonder… because… well… Winky can appear and disappear as if teleporting… moreover… she just flicks her finger and things happen… it has to be magic… nothing else fits!

In any case… I will have my answers in the future.

Having finished replacing my dirty diapers, Winky said to the woman not far away, "Master An… little master is clean."

The woman called An–who seemed to be reading a book–raised her head and nodded, "You may leave." There was no 'thank you' from the woman, but this is not odd considering Winky is a servant and An is Winky's master.


With a 'Pop', Winky disappeared from the room.

With Winky's departure, An closed her book after placing a marker on it and came beside my crib. She looked at me lovingly as she scooped me off my crib and started to tickle me. The woman wants to play with me it seems.

And being the baby that I am right now, I couldn't help but go with the flow, after all, there is no harm in doing so for An–is my mother. Or perhaps the mother of this baby whose body I have taken over after reincarnating in this world.

Yeah… I might have been the cause of a baby's death… but I am already over the guilt trip and have fully accepted that I have been reborn into this new world as a baby. I mean… I can't remain guilty forever, can I? Besides, there is also a possibility that I might not have killed this baby… and I am the baby, to begin with.

As absurd as it sounds, nothing is impossible when we talk about Magic.

So yeah… I am a baby in a World filled with magic, and for one, I am really grateful to have a loving and caring mother in this life. As someone who did not experience a mother's love in his previous life, this is rare and precious to me.

As for my father? Well… I don't know who my father is. It's not that he is dead or anything… it's just that I haven't had the opportunity to see him.

Or wait I guess I did have the opportunity at the time of my birth.

My Father was beside my mother on the day I was born, but unfortunately, a baby is not capable of seeing his surroundings just after his birth. It takes a week at the very least to develop visual senses, so, even if he was there, I couldn't see him… and by the time I could see things around me, he had gone God knows where.

From what little information I have been able to gather so far from my mother and Winky, my father has been extremely busy these past few months–because of some war or whatever thing.

Apparently, some sort of war is being fought for the past decade or so, and recently, the said war has taken another turn and suddenly intensified to an unnatural degree… my supposed father seems to be involved in this war. That's why he doesn't come home.

Or rather… it's not that he doesn't come home… it's just that we are far from home. In order to make sure that the war doesn't affect me and my mother, my father sent us to a different country.

Truth be told, I don't have any attachment towards my father… for one… I haven't seen the man, and secondly, I just can't accept anyone as my father. The one who raised me in my last life–my father from my previous life–I can't forget him and accept just about anyone so easily… It's fine in the case of my mother since I did not have a mother in my previous life, however, when it comes to my father, that's a completely different story.

'Well, whatever… As long as he doesn't die in the war, I will see him one day… probably.' I thought as I sucked on my mother's breast.

And before anyone says anything, yeah, I do feel a bit embarrassed about having to drink milk this way, but do I really have any other option? A baby's got to survive, after all, nutrition is very important.

After finishing up my meal, I played with my mother, or was it the other way around? Then was put to sleep.

'Perhaps I will learn something interesting tomorrow.' These were my last thoughts for the day.

'You have got to be shitting me!' I thought in shock as I finally come to realize the world that I am living in.

I had known for a while that this is not a simple world… it has house elves, dragons, unicorns… MAGIC… and so much more… based on the stories that my mum told me and the literature that I read, but damn! I hadn't expected this world to be, 'The world of Wizards!'

Looking at the familiar name, I couldn't help but exclaim in shock, "Harry Potter!"

'Oops!' I quickly shut my mouth. I was so surprised by the realization that I had inadvertently blurted out the golden boy's name despite Mum sitting beside me!

"Huh? Theo… are you interested in the news about Harry Potter?" asked my mother curiously, waiting for my response.

"Y… yes mum." I quickly calmed down, and answered her while pointing at the heading of the Daily Prophet that she was reading, "It says here that 'Harry Potter' put an end to the reign of 'You-Know-Who'… so… it got me curious… who are these two and why are you reading about them?"

Yeah, I am already over the baby crib phase… not just that… even the first word… crawling… and walking phases are finished. These days, not only can I hold proper conversations, but I can also read and write. Even so, my voice at this time is still childish, no surprise there considering that I am a child younger than two years old.

I had to say that my mother has been very accepting of my fast growth. But perhaps such a thing is not so surprising in the Wizarding World. I couldn't be sure… Apart from the very little information shown in the Harry Potter Movies… I don't know much about this world.

"I guess an explanation is in order." Muttered mum in response as she began to explain, "You-know-who is…"

Of course, she simplified things as much as possible so that the young me can understand easily.

The explanation itself lasted for more than half an hour as my mother went on to explain to me who 'you-know-who' or 'he-who-must-not-be-named' is… what he has been doing in the past decade. Then she went on to explain who 'Harry Potter' is.

At the mention of 'Harry Potter', Mother didn't sound too happy… rather… she seemed a bit disappointed.

It seemed she is not very happy with the fact that 'You-Know-Who' was defeated by the 'Boy-Who-Lived'.

No surprise there now that I have come to realize my identity.

Of course, I have known my name for a while now, but I didn't understand the significance of my name until a while ago.

I am Theo… or better yet… Theodore… Theodore Nott. A member of the House of Nott… one of the oldest and most powerful pure-blood Wizarding families in Britain.

But that's not the only thing… I am a child of a family that advocates pure-blood supremacy over the half-bloods and muggle-borns.

Based on what I could remember at the moment from the story of this world, Theodore did not play any crucial role in the Harry Potter movies, and there is not much information about him, however, his father was and is a Death Eater… one of the first to join the Dark Lord.

This world itself is not that bad, rather it's actually good… A world filled with fantasy and adventure on the bright side… however, my luck doesn't seem to be that good.

Being who I am, even if I want to, I wouldn't be able to stay on the bright side of this world thanks to my family and my father's history.

Don't get me wrong, while it's a boon to be born in a pure-blood wizarding family. I can start with things early, compared to the rest of my peers… I wouldn't have to worry about political insecurity, and I would not lack resources on my Quest for whatever I may want to accomplish in the future… however… my father's history as a Death Eater, and my family's ideology of pure-blood supremacy will continue to hound me.

'Sigh… this is going to be problematic…'