

Over the next couple weeks he stepped up the intensity of his training Erik made sure he pushed his limits every day. After his fight he started improving rapidly especially his body without even using any chakra he could easily lift over 100 kilos (200 pounds) and run faster than an Olympic athlete. With his increased physique his chakra also started growing far quicker and from what he could tell his chakra was finally enough to learn the technique he'd been yearning for, for years now.

what he wanted to learn was the "Shadow Clone" jutsu which was arguably the best support jutsu ever invented. It split the users chakra in half creating an exact clone the could act completely independently and the best part was that all of its memories and experience transferred to the original. It was actually one of the first jutsu he found while searching through the library, however he could never use before now.

Even before the jutsu spit your chakra in half it need to use a decent amount of it to actually make the clones body. When he tried using the jutsu before it only ended up making a pale anemic clone that collapsed as soon as it was summoned. After that he put the jutsu aside until he had more chakra and he had completely forgot about it until recently.

He remembered it when he started trying to change his chakra nature. Once he decided to learn Earth transformation he started spending hours every day channeling chakra into a leaf. It was the most boring training he ever did he wasted weeks trying to turn the leaf to dust with little success. The best result he had was when a tiny chunk of the leaf he was holding crumbles away, but he wasn't able to make it happen again so he wasn't even sure he caused it.

so to try and speed his training up by making a shadow clone and to his delight he could actually use it. If he used all his chakra he could barely manage to sustain two clones but, even that was more than enough. It tripled the chance that he would have a breakthrough in his training.

While he was working with his clones he had another idea if he could use his clones in the library he could finish organizing all the books there in only a few more years. Eager to try it out he went to bed early that night to try it out and to his excitement it worked.

Working with his clones he managed to go sort hundreds more book than he could before, now he was extremely close to organizing the entire library. The next day he trained as usual but, when he returned to the library he had the shock of his life his clones were still there.

"Your still here!"

" Yep. "

"We were just a surprised as you are."

" This incredible now we ca-. "

"Can stay in here to study while you train in the real world."

" We thought of that hours ago. I have been reading up on medical minute and that guy over there is looking through Orochimaru and Kabuto's research notes."

"Yeah and let me just say some of the stuff in here is super dark. I can't believe they just let both of those guys walk free."

"Ok then I'll k-."

"Keep researching seals we know."

After being interrupted for a second time Erik's eyebrow twitched and he began considering dismissing his clones.

"We know your pissed but, can you wait until we're finished with our books first it'd be a pain to have to start again later."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Doton: Dochū Eigyo no Jutsu" Erik spoke before sinking into the ground.

While underground everything was black and he lost all of his senses except for his sense of touch. Using his chakra he could propel himself forward but, he had no idea where he in relation to the surface.

It had been more than six months since his battle and he was practicing with his new earth style chakra. The jutsu he was using right now was one of the jutsu that appeared in the very first episodes of the show. It's name didn't sound very good in english so he just kept its japanese name.

This was the jutsu that the hidden rain village shinobi used to ambush Team 7 during the chunin exams. The reason Erik chose to learn this earth style jutsu before any other was because it wasn't just an amazing technique for abusing but, also for escaping. If he had know this when he was.fighting the monster he could.have just his underground and it would have had no way to find him.

The "Underground Fish Projection" Technique was one of the better C-rank jutsu and was originally a jutsu exclusive to Amegakure or The Hidden Rain Village. Even though the jutsu was good it still had some very exploitable flaws which was why it's rank wasn't higher.

The biggest flaw of technique was its slow movement speed it was impossible to quickly slip into the ground. Which would leave the user vulnerable to counter attacks while entering or leaving the earth. To slightly off set this flaw people using the jutsu were advised to be as creepy and mysterious as possible to make the enemy hesitate to attack but, that method only worked on inexperienced ninja.

The jutsu's user also wasn't completely hidden while underground if an enemy was a sensory ninja they would easily be found and killed. The final flaw was that the user could.only pass through pure earth and things such a tree roots or concrete were immovable walls.

Coming back to the surface Erik found that he had only moved forward half the distance he thought he could cover. He signed and moved on to the next jutsu he wanted to try.

"Doton: Doroku Gaeshi(Earth Release: Earth Shore Return)" Erik slammed his palms into the ground and a 3 meter wall of earth rose.up from the ground. It was half a meter thick and was strong enough to stop other C-rank jutsu once before breaking.

After admiring the wall for a moment before taking out and explosive tag and placing it on the wall. He retreated back to a safe distance and formed the snake seal to detonate it. The explosion was far larger then his first attempts it shook the ground and three up a huge cloud of dust.

Once the dust cleared Erik smiled the earth wall he summoned was blown to pieces and only scattered piles of debris remained. Know he knew that explosive tags he created with all of his chakra could explode with force around a B-rank jutsu. The only problem was he could only make one a day and it would leave him completely exhausted.

Seeing the damage he gripped his fist and knew if he met that monster again he could blow it to pieces before it even got close to him.

While he basking in his achievements a squaking sound woke him up. He then to find its source and his smile turned to a sneer. It was an owl he had been seeing them almost everyday recently and he hated them. If it wasn't for that stupid white owl he wouldn't have almost died.

It wasn't all bad though he just so happened to need a live test subject right now. He activated his sharingan and cast a genjutsu on it completely paralysing it and seeing that it worked he laughed. He had first discovered his sharingan a week after his fight when he was woken up by a nightmare. He went to get a drink and saw his reflection in a mirror.

It let him understand the reason behind most of his recent changes. His awakened sharingan only had one tomoe in each eye and from what he could tell he had the eyes of insight. Which gave him enhanced dynamic vision and an near eidetic memory of everything he saw when his eyes were activated.

As opposed to the eyes of hypnosis which would have let his easily was Fujitsu with his eyes. Even if his eyes weren't the eyes of hypnosis he could still learn to cast genius with his sharingan, they just wouldn't be as effective.

The owl was completely frozen in its branch unable to move. Normally he would freeze them for a bit to mess with the a bit before letting them go he wasn't a psychopath after all. This time though he hesitated to set it free the reason being it seemed to be holding it in its claws.

He grabbed the owl off its branch and it seemed surprisingly calm considering. Looking at its feet there was a letter, opening the birds claws he took out the letter. It was yellowing and the paper seemed extremely old.

Erik turned the letter over curious to open it after owls don't usually go around with letters. The front of the letter had no writing on it but, it did have an old school was seal keeping it closed. The wax seal had some kind of crest imprinted on it. The crest was in the shape of a shield and separated into four sections each with a different animal in them namely being a lion, a snake, a type of mouse or shrew he didn't recognise, and a bird.

It looked familiar but, he couldn't put his finger on exactly what it represented. Unable to stop his curiosity he ripped open to envelop to what was inside.

Page 1

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr.Asher ,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Page 2

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



First-year students will require:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)

2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear

3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)

4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)

Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.


All students should have a copy of each of the following:

The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)

by Miranda Goshawk

A History of Magic

by Bathilda Bagshot

Magical Theory

by Adalbert Waffling

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration

by Emeric Switch

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi

by Phyllida Spore

Magical Drafts and Potions

by Arsenius Jigger

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection

by Quentin Trimble


1 wand

1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set brass scales

Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.



Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus

Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

Special Note:

To Mr. Erik Asher as you are a muggle born and have relatives to help you with this process we will send a teacher to be your guide and escort you to our premises please be ready by 8:00 P.M. July 31.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Erik re-read the paper over and over for two hours until it finally sank in that this was real.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

7:59 P.M.

Erik was waiting out in front of the orphanage he was sitting on a bench by the street and was extremely nervous. Even at this point he still didn't know if this was real but, he felt that it was true. He went to the library not the one in his mind but, an actual public one and he checked.To see if there were any Harry potter books.

There were non and he remembered that the first Harry potter book came out in the late 90's and right now it was only 91. Plus the fact the he had reincarnated and already had supernatural powers made him more open to unbelievable things.

Which was why he was completely prepared to head off to Hogwarts he even made a list of all the major plot points of the story he could remember. Everything from the different things that happened each year to where Voldomort's horcruxes's were hidden.

8:00 P.M.

Erik was ready he was expecting someone to teleport in from of him or jump out of a fire place but, none of those things happened.

8:15 P.M.

He was getting scared and wasn't sure how to feel if this really wasn't Harry potter's world he would be relieved because he wouldn't have to worry about an power crazed maniacs. On the other hand as much as he hated it in those moments he was fighting that monster he truly felt alive and if it was true he would be able to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

8:45 P.M.

Erik had given up hope and was about to head inside to go to sleep when he heard a strange sound. It was a loud grumbling coming from several blocks away and as it approached it almost deafened him. A bright light blinded him as a motorcycle pulled up next to him on the street.

"Ah you must Erik right" the man said stepping off of his bike.

"H-hello" Erik said while trying to catch his breath after the shock of seeing the man before him.

"Right you can call me Hagrid" he walk up puffing our his chest and beating it.

"Nice to meet you Hagrid" Erik said while jumping into the sidecar.

"What about your luggage?"

" Don't worry I have everything with me. "



"But it though you we're a muggleborn not to mention you don't even have yer wand yet."

"I found an old book that used to belong to my great grandpa who was a wizard."

"Hmm" Hagrid mumbled not quite trusting him but, he was in a hurry and Dumbledore did say he was special and he even wanted him to be picked up along with potter. "All right I'll believe you we 're in a rush anyway."

Harris for back into his bike and revved it up. He drive along the streets and to Erika surprise actually knew and even obeyed all the traffic laws. As they arrived at the edge of town he checked to make sure there were no other cars around and flipped a switch on his bike.