
Harry Potter

In a small house on a rock island somewhere out at sea Harry was lying on the cold dirt floor. He had drawn a small birthday cake on the ground and wrote "Happy Birthday Harry". Taking a look at Dudly's watch which was on his wrist hanging off the side of his bed.

Harry watched until the time changed to 12:00 A.M. It was now July 31st, 1991 Harry's 11th birthday.

"Make a wish harry" he whispered before blowing in his drawing and scattering it away.

Suddenly a loud bang rang out from the front door. Harry jumped up moving away and Dudly panicked falling out bed. His aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon rush out from there room as a second bang echoed through the house.

"Who's there" Vernon yells as a final bang struck the door and it flew from its hinges.

"Ah, my apologies" Hagrid said as he walked into the house followed by Erik who wanted to get out of the storm.

Hagrid picked up the remains of the door and gently placed it against the door frame blocking our the wind.

Vernon ran up to Hagrid brandishing a rifle and began shouting.

"I demand that you leave this instant sir, this is private property and you are breaking and entering."

"Oh dry up Dursley you great prune" Hagrid said as he grabbed the barrel of the gun crushing it in his hand.

When he saw that Erik saw that he was seriously impressed by Hagrid's strength he was still far from crushing steel with his bare hands.

Hearing Hagrid insult him Vernon was furious and fired his gun not noticing that the barrel was crushed. The gun malfunctioned and Vernon got a face full of hot soot.

Everyone screamed and retreated away from Hagrid looking at him like he was a monster. Harris's eyes scanned passed everyone in the room until they came upon Dudly.

"Mind I haven't seen you since you was a baby but, your quote a bit farther along than I would expect particularly 'round the middle!"

After being eyed by the giant Dusky almost pee'd his pants from fear as he stuttered out.

"I-I-I'm not Harry."

After that Harry summoned up all his courage and spoke "I-I am sir."

"Well course you are spitting image of your father. Here I got something for you" Hagrid said as he passed Harry a small box he took out from his trench coat. "Afraid I might have sat on it at some point but, it should taste good just the same. I baked it myself words and all."

Harry had already realised that the giant was actually a nice person and lost his fear of him. He opened up the box to see a cake it was small and looked poorly made with even happy birthday being misspelled Happee Birdae. But Harry didn't care it the first came he had ever been given in his entire life and he almost broke into tears at the sight of it.

"Thank You" Harry shouted out the most excited he had been in years.

"Your welcome, it's not every day a young man turns eleven, now is it?"

Hagrid walked over and plopped down on the Dursley's couch making it squeal out struggling to support his massive weight. He took his wand out and waved it at the fire place causing sparks to shoot out and the fire to spark to life.

Seeing that Petunia and Vernon frowned, while Harry and Dudly's mouths were gaping at the sight.

Harry placed the cake aside and asked "Excuse me but, who are you and how do you know me?"

Hagrid laughed "Excuse my poor manners I am Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. Course, you'll know all about Hogwarts."

" Sorry I've no idea what a hogwart is."

"No, Blimey Harry didn't you ever wonder where you parents learned it all?"

"Learned what" Harry cocked his head and asked?

Astonished by what he just heard Hagrid squinted his eyes and spoke in the most serious voice he could muster.

"Your a wizard Harry."

"A what" Harry asked thinking he misheard.

"A wizard and a thumping good one at that I'd wager, once you train up a little."

"Impossible no, you've made a mistake. I can't be...a-a wizard. I mean, I'm just... Harry. Just Harry" he said with a look of melancholy while gradually looking down at the floor.

"Well, Just Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or . . . scared?" Hagrid asked him while looking at the young child with a tender look.

Harry didn't immediately answer his question as he was thinking about his life, and that there really were several strange things that happened to him that he couldn't quite explain.

Hagrid seeing his look knew Harry had figured out that he really was special. Hagrid then took a crumpled up letter out of his pocket and handed it to him.

Harry immediately recognized the letter as one of the same ones his family had been getting for weeks now.

"Go on Harry open it."

Listening to Hagrid Harry ripped open the letter and started reading.

"Dear, Mr. Potter. We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts' School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Hearing that Vernon shouted at the top of his lungs "He'll not be going! We swore when we took him in wed put an end to this rubbish!"

Harry looked up at his adoptive family and screamed "You knew! You knew all along and you never told me!"

Petunia looked enraged at Harry's outburst towards them "Of course we knew. How could we not know? My perfect sister being who she was. Oh, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was. A freak! And then she met that Potter, then she had you, and I knew you'd be just the same, just as strange, just as ... abnormal. And then, if you please, she went and got herself blown up! And we got landed with you."

"Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash!'

Hearing that Hagrid stood up towering over everyone in the room looking extremely intimidating.

"A car crash? A car crash kill James and Lily Potter!"

"We had to tell him something" Petunia argued.

"It's outrageous, It's a scandel" Hagrid raved.

"He'll not be going" Vernon butted in again.

"Oh and I suppose a great muggle like yourself is going to stop him, are you" Hagrid spat in contempt.

"Muggle" Harry questioned?

"Non magic folk" Hagrid explained to Harry before turning his attention back to Vernon."This boy's had his name down to go ever since he was born! He's going to the finest school of witchcraft and wizardry in the world, and he'll be under the greatest headmaster Hogwarts' has ever seen Albus Dumbledore."

"I'll not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks!" Vernon raged.

Hagrid whipped up his umbrella and pointed it at Vernon's throat. "Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me again, you got that."

Right when Hagrid was prepared to go at it with Vernon again he heard a faint sound. Look behind Vernon he could see Dudly who had stolen Harry's cake. Hagrid had seen how happy Harry was when he got that cake and seeing this far out gorging himself like that pissed him off.

Hagrid was just about to turn his umbrella on the kid and teach him what it really means to be a lot when he felt a hand on his umbrella pulling it away. Hagrid looked down and saw it was Erik who stopped him he wanted to scold him but before he could Erik started talking.

"Hagrid you can't do that it's illegal you'd get in trouble and these people aren't worth it. Besides even if you don't care about getting in trouble don't you think this might reflect badly on Dumbledore."

Hagrid started sweating when he heard that Erik was right what would the Magic Council think about Dumbledore when they find out one of his subordinates used magic in an innocent Muggle child, they would eat that up.

"Just let me handle it" Erik spoke as he walked out from behind Hagrid.

At this point everyone one in the room was looking at him curious about what he wanted to do. Truthfully Erik didn't really stop Hagrid because he didnt want him to get in trouble, he wanted a human subject to test out his sharingan's genjutsu on. And who better than Harry's bully of a brother.

Erik locked eyes with Dudly and activated his jutsu, he didn't use his sharingan as the was no need to and only relied on his usual eyes.

In the split second he locked eyes with the strange kid in front of him Dudly felt the entire world change. Everyone disappeared and the world turned red as if that wasn't enough strange spikes shot out from nowhere and impaled him. Even if there was no pain Dudly was terrified and wanted to scream but, was unable to move.

Back in the real world no one else noticed anything strange but, after a few moments Dudly lost his balance and started falling backwards. Petunia screamed catching Dudly and realised that he wasn't moving. Vernon also ran over to his son and started grabbing and shaking him.

"Dudly, Dudly wake up my boy" Vernon shook him.

"Ooh my baby" Petunia cried holding Dudly in her arms.

Vernon looked towards Erik "You! What did you do to Dudly you animal?"

"That's a good question what did you do to him" Hagrid asked suspiciously?

"You all can relax he isn't hurt he just won't be able to move for a little while."

"Are you sure he'll be fine" Hagrid questioned me?

"Positive" I replied with a nod.

"Alright I'll let it slide" Hagrid sighed then looked over at Harry " we're a bit behind schedule. Best be off so you should come along Harry. Unless you'd rather stay, of course."

Hagrid then moved the door aside and headed back out into the storm. Harry was dumbfounded for a moment before Erik walked up to him with his hand out.

"Hi my name's Erik nice to meet you" he smiled

" oh um I'm Harry, Harry Potter" he answered before nervously shaking Erik 's hand.

"Believe me I know" Erik laughed silently to himself. " We'll we should go catch up to Hagrid if we don't want to be left behind."

Harry nodded and ran out the door with Erik not far behind but, stopped in the door frame remembering one last thing he had to do before he left.

"Release" Erik spoke as he undid the jutsu on Dudly.

Dudly gasped and started crying.

"Mummy it was terrible everything was red and I was stabbed by spikes and couldn't move it was terrible."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After leaving the Dursley's the group headed off to London. It was windy and cold not to mention that Erik and Harry had to squeeze into the sidecar together. While sitting next to Harry Erik had a good chance to examine him up close.

He was extremely pale even for a british kid and was so skinny he probably weighed less than 45 kilos(100 pounds). He must have been that way from constantly being unseeded and trapped inside under the Dursley's stairs. When he thought of that he started to really hate them and vowed not to let them off so easy next time they met.

By the time they made it to London the sun was already well above the horizon and people were getting up to start their day. Hagrid had already landed his bike back in the ground and was navigating through the streets.

As they were driving Harry started reading from his letter.

"All students must be equipped with...one standard size two pewter cauldron and may bring if they desire either an owl, a cat or a toad. Can we find all this in London, Hagrid?"

"If you know where to go."

Hagrid drive them around for a couple more minutes. "We're here" he informed them.

It was an old bar named "The Leaky Cauldron" Hagrid led them into the bar where they were met a lovely atmosphere filled with music and laughter.

"It's a bit early for all these people to be drinking isn't it" Erik asked.

"They're all here waiting for their wives, or servants, or what have you to finish their children's back to school shoping.'

"So they're just here to drink and be lazy" Harry pointed out.

"Basically yes" Hagrid nervously laughed knowing full well he normally came here to drink with them every year.

Hagrid tried to lead them through the bar without being noticed but, were spotted by the bartender who called out to them.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?"

Hagrid blushed before responding "No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business today. Just helping the young ones here buy their school supplies."

"Oh and who might they be?"

"This one is named Erik and over here we have . . . " Hagrid leaned in closer to the bartender and whispered "Harry Potter."

"What Harry Potter!"

The bar fell completely silent as everyone turned to stare at Harry before a group of people clambered up to him trying to shake his hand.

"Welcome back, Mr. Potter, welcome back."

"Bless my soul. Harry Potter."

"Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter. I can't believe I'm meeting you at last."

Finaly after meeting over a dozen people a man in robes with a turban on his head appears before them and offered his hand to Harry for him to shake. Harry reluctantly shakes it feeling a bit burned out After meeting all those people.

"Harry P-potter. I C-can't tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you."

Hagrid recognising the person decides to introduce him. "Hello, Professor. I didn't see you there. Harry, this is Professor Quirrell. He'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts."

"Nice to meet you, sir" Harry responded.

"I-I'm looking forward to see you in class. F-fearfully fascinating subject. N-not that you need it, e-eh, Potter? Heheh.

Seeing that the conversation might be going in the wrong direction Hagrid interrupted them. "Yes, well, we best be going now. Lots to buy." He ushered Erik and Harry out.

"Good bye" Harry waved back at the Professor.

Hagrid led them out through the back door into and a n enclosed alleyway.

"See Harry your famous" Hagrid grinned at him.

"But why, why am I famous Hagrid? All those people back there, how is it they know who I am?

"It's because you survived" Erik said.

"Erik's right Harry it's because your a survivor."

"But, what did I survive" Harry begged.

"I'm not exactly sure I'm the right person to tell you that, Harry" Hagrid avoided the question "now let's forget about for that we have shopping to do."

Hagrid walked up to the brick wall and began tapping it with his umbrella.