
Harry Potter and the Golden & Red Badger

Aidan, a young Wizard came into the Harry Potter's World as the descendant of Helga Huffelpuff. With him entering one year before The chosen one you expect that his Years in Hogwarts would be rather calm and annoying right? .......Well let's just said that it just didn't happen once

Kid1412 · Book&Literature
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Aren't I a heir of Puffulpuff ?

As midday was coming in this first day of September, in the station 9.3/4, we could hear from the noisy and busy children their excitements to go as they were saying their farewell to their parents.

Inside the train, Aidan was busying himself putting his suitcase away. Being one of the first people who entered in the train, he made the choice to go at the back where few people will go to be quiet.

Having already made his farewell to his mother and sister, Aidan sat and start reading his favourite books of potions making as to wait for the departure. But not even five minutes later, the door from the compartment opened on two little teenager girls.

The first one was a brown hair girl a little taller than Aidan. Her bangs was covering a part of her face giving her a mysterious feeling. But it was partly broken when she started to look everywhere curiously. The other one was more shy in her behaviour and with her twin tail dark brown hair it resulted in a cute little girl who seems lost.

"Hey, you're alone right?" started the curious girl "can we stay here? 'name Katie Bell and she's Alicia Spinnet I think ?"

'what do you mean by I think?' Aidan wanted to ask but refrain.

"Well sur—" "Thanks... Hum, what's your name again?" she asked interrupting him while already installing her and Alicia's stuff.

"... Aidan Smith" Replied Aidan sweep dripping from her spontaneous personality. Alicia was a bit like his own sister but contrary to Aidan's sister here, he didn't have the time to finish that the girl was already into another subject!

'Why I am so unlucky with girls?' he thought depressingly while he watched Alicia waving her hand at her parents who were on the the station platform as the train start to move.

On the other hand, the other girl Alicia Spinnet was sitting quietly on the bench and trying to attract as little attention as possible. Which ironically made Aidan take notice at her. Having never interact with shy people before, it made him interested in her.

"Hi, Alicia right? Nice to meet you" he started extending his arm to her. Not being used by the enthusiastic Katie Bell, Alicia preferred much more interact with with a seemingly normal person like Aidan. So she eagerly shook his and replied with a fait smile "Nice to meet you too Aidan. And sorry if we disturb you in your reading time before"

"Oh it's OK" he wave his hand with dismissal as he said "I was just reading to wait for the train quit the station. So Alicia, is it your first time to Hogwarts?"

She nod and opened her mouth to follow up but Katie who was sitting beat her in that.

"Me too, me too! So we'll see each other daily Alie! Well that is if we are in the same house! But I hope we will! And you Aidan? Your smaller than me, but with your book and all it gave the impression that your older. So, are you a first or a second year?" she said in one breath giving for a person normal like Alicia, not the time to understand all the things she said. But for Aidan who deal with his little sister on a daily basis, that was easy. Even though he was a bit annoyed when she talked about his height.

"I'm a first year too"

"Oh, so we'll all be in the same house!"

"Huhh? How did you get to that conclusion? There's at least four house and seventy percent that I'll go to Puffulpuff. So if you're not fit for Puffulpuff, we won't be with each other" Aidan respond with deadpan eyes.

"Don't worry, I've got the feeling that we'll be together. Call that the female intuition!" said Katie proudly, causing Aidan to roll his eyes and refocusing on his book.

But he didn't have the time to read a line that the compartment open once again on two red-haired twins kid. What surprised Aidan was that he already knew them. But their apparently didn't seems to recall him.

"Sorry to bother but..." started one them.

"There's no place in other compartment except with the slytherin so, can we stay here?" finish the other one.

"Yeah, no problem" reply Aidan "you're the twins Weasley right? Fred and George if I recall correctly"

It was at this moment that the twins finally remembered who that boy was. "ohh, you're the kid of the 'Amazing witch'! Aidan is it? Well I'm Fred" said Fred shaking his hand "And I'm George. If you want our help to go out of the dormitory outside at night, call us" proposed George.

"Well that is if you're not going to Slytherin because we're from Gryffindor"

"And if you're not from Ravenclaw too, because guessing the password every time we'll be a tiring thing" conclude George smiling.

Their introduction gave a pleasing feeling from Katie and Aidan, but surprisingly, Alicia who never enter in the conversation on her own did so.

"But, isn't it forbidden to be out at these hour?" she asked innocently, causing Fred and George to smirk as they sit to her left and right.

"Newbie, if it was not forbidden by the rule, if wouldn't make sense to propose it" started Fred.

"Beside, a student who never get out at night can't possibly be a student. As model students not broking at least a rule or two is not acceptable" Continue George By pretending to be bummed

"Your life will so not interesting at all if you don't. Studying all days, for a first this is the only interesting thing they can do if they don't broke some rules" "So your only path to have an interesting first year is to not obey to everything. Trust your senior and enjoy life"

Not knowing why, hearing them and their discours didn't surprise Aidan. Like he expected them to say something like that. Or more like he knew what kind of attitude they had towards school. And for him who was planning to explore the school created by his ancestor, it please him to know that the school wasn't as rigid as his mother try to make it be.

After that, the five of them started to have a heated conversation while the train quit the station. Surprisingly, they all became close quickly and even Alicia who was rather shy at first start to participate actively. They were so immersed in their conversation that the hours in the train pass extremely quickly, and when they reached the castle they still had something to add.

But because the first year didn't follow the classic way to go the castle like the others years, they had to part away.

"Well, see you soon everyone" said George as he and Fred settled down in the carriage.

"Yeah, see you later" replied a smiling Katie.

"First Year! First year follow me!" started to shout a tall man with a rough voice.

When Aidan who was still wondering how to start his adventure in the school heard the voice, he wake up to see the taller man he never saw in his all life. And when he saw the big beard and shaggy long hair a thought immediately appeared in his head 'a Giant!'. The moment after, the visions who never appeared after his nine years reappear for the first time with a name accompanying it.

"Rubeus Hagrid, the Half-giant" murmured Aidan absent-mindedly as he stared at that said person. But he didn't notice that Katie Bell heard him.

"That person is a Half-Giant? Wow I didn't expect Hogwarts to even accept those who weren't completely wizard" She said in wonder. "I heard from my father that most of the wizards despise people who weren't wizard like giants and centaurs. So the fact that Hogwarts is unique and and special among the world is indeed true"

"Well, yes but what I said isn't something known to other people, so keep the secret" said Aidan as he follow the group of first year lead by Hagrid. "Even if the headmaster accept all sort of people, the same is not necessarily true for the parents of the students and the students themselves. Like you said, most of the wizards don't really like others 'magic people'"

Katie just as an understanding to finish the topic and started another one like nothing happened. Causing Aidan to more appreciative of her.

After passing the lake on boat, Aidan and the first year were welcome by Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy headmistress at the entrance of the school. At first glance, students could see that she wasn't someone to mess up with. As she stared at the students with some fierceness in her eyes, she made them involontary make a step back.

"Welcome first year, I hope that the seven years that we're going to spend together will pleasant. Apart from being your Deputy headmistress I'm also a teacher who will require discipline and seriousness in my classes. Now follow me" she said with some strictness in her tone as she head back to the castle without turning.

After Guiding us to the entrance of the Great Hall, she made us wait until they started the sorting. And they didn't have to wait too long. Soon we were gather behind an old hat which started to sing as a presentation of who it was: the Sorting Hat. After ending his song, McGonagall started the ceremony of sorting the first year to their houses. The process was done rather quickly, after the sorting hat was put on the student' head, few seconds were need to the sorting hat to find were to place them. And sometimes like with Katie Bell even a second wasn't needed. The sorting hat just touched her and..


And sometimes its need more time to decide were to put them. But every time a name was called the hall was always lively, that is until Aidan's name was called.

"Aidan Smith!" said McGonagall keeping the same expression, until she saw the face of Aidan and his atypical purple wavy hair dancing as walk towards the sorting hat. What was interesting was that the moment he walked, every professors had a shocked face at first before starting to whisper among themselves while peeping at Aidan from time to time. Even the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore raised his eyebrows a little before smiling. Only the students didn't have any change or at most some found Aidan good-looking.

The person concerned didn't even notice as he was a bit disappointed that his new friends were all at Gryffindor, and he'll be sent to Puffulpuff.

When he put the hat, it immediately became alive and started to talk in his head.

'Ooh, I see. What a strange heir we have here. You have most of the quality your ancestor wanted to have in her house, but you're too adventurous and fearless. Which is not in her requirements so...'


That annonce surprise most of the teachers in the Great Hall, but the most person surpise here, was Aidan.

"What Gryffindor?! Proffesor McGonagall are you sure that hat know what he's doing? I pretty sure I should go to Puffulpuff" he said, confused of his life.

Hearing that, McGonagall wake up from her surprise and smile gently to the boy "The sorting hat never made mistakes children. If you're worried about what your mother will say, you don't have to worry because your environment and parents doesn't necessarily decide your house and she know it too"

Hearing McGonagall Aidan nod while embarrassed and head towards the Gryffindor table while thinking 'well at least I'm not in the Ravenclaw or else I'm sure she would kill me'.

I'm back, enjoy ^^

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