
Harry Potter and the Golden & Red Badger

Aidan, a young Wizard came into the Harry Potter's World as the descendant of Helga Huffelpuff. With him entering one year before The chosen one you expect that his Years in Hogwarts would be rather calm and annoying right? .......Well let's just said that it just didn't happen once

Kid1412 · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

I just know

It will be midday soon, but the eleven years Aidan was still looking the ceiling in daze his mind full of denial.

'How could it be? I should have won dammit' he shout in his mind, still not accepting the truth in front of him, until he abruptly turn his head to face his opponent.

"You cheated, admit it. There's no way you could have won! There's no rule in the wizard chess that permits that sort of way to win!"

Aidan's opponent, a young girl not even ten was smiling smugly at him "Peasant, you can't just accept that the otaku way can always smash reality? Well see for yourself! Sora-sensei game master from the Kuhaku team, teach me how to win chess briantly! So, are you impressed by our superiority? Huh?"

"I would've been impressed Lindsey... if you were playing! In which rule did you see that you could give an encouragement speech to make your piece engage mine while discarding the rule for turns? This isn't fair at all!" By shouting at his adopted little sister indignantly, it could be seen that Aidan was truly unconvinced by her victory and so he keep bickering with her for almost ten minutes. We could say that it was a daily thing between brothers and sisters

But these seemingly normal siblings weren't what common people could describe as normal. And almost every thing in their house could prove it. For start near their seat in the living room was currently resting in a nest a pretty big blue and white bird with an imposing majestic aura. The bird and her kid were could at first passed as normal pretty birds, if not for the fact that from time to time some of them will release icy mist when they were still in summer and leave near London.

But that could still pass as a misconception or bad sight, but what about the moving painting who were talking amongst each other commenting on the game, or the Broom who was cleaning the floor without a soul holding it? What about the small human like living being with big pointy ears grey skin and a face only appearing in fantasy like story who was serving the tea to a purple hair woman holding a newspaper with moving pictures? And what about the children themselves who were playing chess with what it seems like living chess pieces?

All those abnormal things describe previously were what was in the living room only, without talking about the entire house ! With this, we could say without a doubt that this family wasn't normal.

And it wasn't without reason, because all of that was produced by magic! And following from the smug little blond adopted sister to the beautiful purple hair pale skin mother they were all used to see magic because they were all wizards.

And from what Aidan's mother claimed they were descendants of a powerful witch who was still famous, respected and remembered even thousands years after her death. Which according to her mother was very impressive.

And one the reason she was famous was because of the school she created with three other powerful wizard : Hogwarts deemed in the magic world as the best wizard school. And this year, Aidan was going to entry to this school.

All those information will make every child proud of their origin, and while Aidan was too, like always he has that sensation of already knowing those thing. And it wasn't the first time.

The purple wavy hair boy, wasn't what we could called a normal boy even in the wizard world standards.

Just a few weeks after being born, he could already understand clearly peoples. When he got his first year, he could already talk fluently and said some words that a normal one year old shouldn't know.

If it was just that Aidan could just pass as a genius child, but that's wasn't the end at all, only the beginning: one year after his born, Aidan's mother' best friend Lily was pregnant and ask her to be the godmother of. Naturally Amelia (Aidan's mother) accepted.

Unfortunately after giving birth to her child, Lily and her husband were murdered leaving alone their only child. Naturally Amelia didn't say anything to his child about that tragedy and wait until his third birthday before bringing him to see the baby. But when they went to see him, without knowing beforehand his name or anything, Aidan said while pointing the baby "Is he Harry Potter The boy who live?"

That sentence chocked her mother to the core because she was especially careful of never saying about the young Harry and family, let alone his circumstances Aidan shouldn't even know his name!

But as to prove her wrong Aidan approached the child to retraced with his finger the scar that the child parents murderer left on him. But what intrigued the mother was the fact that when she asked Aidan how did he know the child and his informations, he replied that he didn't know beforehand, he just knew it when he saw him.

Incidents like continue to happen, like when he was seven and his mother was making him learn all the old and noble wizard family. When his mother talk about the Weasley, he asked if everyone of them had ginger red hair. When they passed to the Malfoys, he asked what were Death Eaters, for the Black family it was the notorious Sirius Black and so on.

After a few years, stop asking were did get those news, because it was clear that he didn't know. But that was still a bit false. Since he was born, Aidan keep having flashes of a live that wasn't his, and what he saw not from this universe. Because in that life he saw, his world wasn't real it was a fiction. And those informations from those old family came from a story.

What makes Aidan feel strange was that his informations prove to be accurate, and that make him sad a little because it means that he maybe not real. But the fact that he is alive finally makes him believe that he was a variant of seers.

But after his nine years, his visions stop abruptly which make him kind of depressed.

In the middle of the living room, the siblings were still debating whether or not Lindsay victory account or not when a Golden Masked-Owl suddenly entered into the room from the window with an envelope in its beak. The entrance of that owl made everyone surprised because appart from the Daily Prophet delivered every morning, they generally didn't receive letters from owl. The interested didn't make them wait for a long time because it immediately released the letter from its beak on table were the pair of sibling were playing and fly back to the sky.

When the mother looked at the letter and saw the crest with a the H letter surround by a lion, a snake a Badger and an eagle, she knew who send the letter and smile.

"That letter is for you Aidan, it's from Hogwarts for your inscription. You should open it so we can know what are the supplies this year"

When Aidan heard his mother, he immediately comply with excitement and open the envelope to read the letter. And as expected it was his letter of registration.

{ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster : Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Mr Aidan Smith

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipments.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy headmistress}

When he finished reading his letter, Aidan had the impulse of shouting one of her sister chunbyou sentence like "Let's my Adventure begin" or something like that. And it wasn't without reasons: since he was a kid, her mother didn't stop speaking to him about Hogwarts. Like how there were so many secrets passages that it was doubtful if the founders themselves knew them all. Or the fact that many secret rooms were till today unfound. There was also the mysterious forbidden Forest who still unexplored because of how dangerous it was. It was rumored that some werewolves have made it their den.

For Aidan who like thrilling things, Hogwarts was his paradise, so wanting to go there, shouting wasn't that strange at all.

"Well you two, get prepared, we're going to Diagon Alley to buy his supplies" Said their mother as she stood up. Hearing her mother, Lindsey with glittering eyes wanted to say something, but her mother beat her into it.

"No Lindsey I won't buy you a wand"

Lindsey deadpaned while Aidan smirked adding in frustration for his sister.


In the middle of the crowd street in Diagon Alley a joyful family were wandering around. The mother, a tall pretty woman with purple straight hair green shiny eyes and red lips highlighting her pale skin and beauty, was trying with a headache to separate her children. One was a cute long blond hair and green eyes with a smug face and fair skin little girl and the other one, a bit taller than her sister was a teen boy with wavy purple hair, silver eyes and honey skin with a fearless aura surrounding him.

While that family seems to be the typical kind who's seen roaming in Diagon Alley, not talking about the mother the siblings having too much potential in their look where already too much eye-catching. Even with their behaviour, we could still feel the aura of a young master/mistress. And their mother, it was worst. Being too beautiful with an unusual hair colour (even for wizards) was already enough to attract people in the surrounding. But the contrast of the gentle way she rebuked her children and the harsh, cold and distant way she looked at the people who approached her for whatever reason make her more intriguing. And if you add the fact that she wasn't really a nobody in the wizard's world, that quickly give a pretty massive crowd surrounding her in awe.

The fact that the family didn't react that much to it prove that they were already used to it. And thankfully the people didn't prevent them from shopping. And so after two to three hours or so because her mother wasn't satisfied with the cauldron on the list or her sister with the adjustments for his sorcerer's dress robe, Aiden's family went to the penultimate destination : Ollivander's.

Because generally a wizard will have only once, there was normally, not much visitor in this small shop (despite having the best wand's craft master in the world), but when Aidan and co went inside, they saw an unusual amount of ginger hair people there.

This family was waiting for their twins to having their wand chosen them, and because they were chatting at the same time, Mr Ollivander didn't notice right away their arrival. That is until Aidan's mother, being not very patient decide to speak, causing the ginger hair family to turn their head to her.

"Well, hello mister Ollivander. I have to say that I'm a bit surprised that your shop is more busy than usual. Especially since it's you Molly, I thought that your twins were already at school since last year or maybe I'm wrong?"

When Molly Weasley saw who was talking to her, she was overjoyed and jumped on Amelia to tightly hug her startling the latter not used to such intimacy with someone other than her children.

"Amelia dear! I'm here because those two brat dare to broke their wand, but its not important. It's been such a long time since we last seen each other! I miss you so much, why did you never contact us? Everyone always asked for your news you know?"

That statement made Aidan's mother a bit embarrassed, but still replied with her usual cold tone but sincere "Sorry, I just didn't want my children to be exposed too much to the wizard world before entering to Hogwarts. Because of my ''popularity'', I didn't want them to suffer from it. Even among muggles, because my son look too much like me some wizards approaches him to inquire about me, let alone the few time in Diagon Alley or other wizard's place"

Seemingly convinced, Molly nodded recalcitrantly.

"Well if you say so, but if your kid is entering to Hogwarts this year then you must start to visit me from time to time now!"

To that, Amelia could only nod her hear head and accept. As their were discussing the twins were finished with their wands and their father who already paid was coming to greet Amelia with the children.

"Amelia, how are you doing since last time?" He said with a big smile.

"Great, thank you. Even if my children are a bit troublesome, but I manage, rather I don't how you manage with so much of them. You're too courageous for me" replied Amelia while trying to joke but failed and still talk codly.

"Haha, well we're doing what we can do right? That's right you still don't know those ones, the last time we only had Bill and Charlie! Well, the bigger one is Percy, those two Fred and George, they're the only one who will be in Hogwarts this year. Ron will enter next year and Ginny the year after him"

"Oh, it's like Harry and Lindsey then, I hope they will be great friends when they enter together. Unfortunately Aidan will be the only one alone but I'm sure he will manage".

"Well if he is like you, then it won't be long before the headmaster send you a letter to complain to you" joked Molly as she stare intensely at Aidan making him uncomfortable before saying "well Amelia, we still have other things to do so we will catch up later!"

And after she received a nod from Aidan's mother she left with her pack of children making the room suddenly empty and lonely.

"Ms Smith, it an honour to see you again, the wand that you ask for is already craft and here, I will give it to you" Not waiting for any reply, as soon as he spoke Ollivander disappeared from their view, but came back just as quick with a box in his hand. When, he opened it, he came out of it a wand in what it seem like a emerald crystal.

"10 inches, orichalcum with a primordial blood of a dragon and a tear of your Ice phoenix. Excellent for charms and silent curses. It was quite difficult to bring together all those precious materials, not to talk about creating a wand with its, but well I could still do it " said Ollivander proudly as he show off the wand to trio with proud before handing it over to Aidan.

Every step back a little when Aidan hold it, while waiting for something to happen, but to the disappointment of everyone, nothing happened.

While making a movement to take back the wand Ollivander started "Well... Its unfortunately happened that–"he didn't have the time to finish that Aidan was already casting a spell.

[Wingardium Leviosa]!

Instantaneously a box pointed by the wand started to float in the air, chocking all people present in shop, but it wasn't the end of their surprises. Like being finally awaken, the wand shoot two green light jet who took the form of a phoenix and dragon. Each creature started to Howl at each other overlaying to create something like a resonance. When it did, Aidan felt the wand vibrate before changing his original colour to silver crystal. After that, the two mythical beasts quickly return to the wand and every quiet. If not for the the new colour of the wand, those present in the room would think that everything came from their imaginations.

After that, it didn't take a genius to know that the wand chose Aidan as owner. And so after their initial chocks, Amelia quite Happy, pay double the initial price and left with her children.

While following them, Aidan started to ponder on what just happened 'Even though mom is used to my inexplicable knowledge, this time the spell didn't come from there. Even though I know that this Ron Weasley guy will have a though time with it, my knowledge is too fuzzy to be relying on to perform a spell' he thought without being able to explain himself.

As he was lowering his head, he didn't notice the man in front of him who was looking other way and so inevitably, they hit it each other.

"Ouch! Sorry sir, my head wasn't there, are you OK?" apologised Aidan to a tall skinny brown hair man. Because the seemingly lack of muscle in the arms, Aidan was afraid of having hitting that middle age man too hard.

But the guy wasn't at least worried about it because when he noticed Aidan, he kept staring at him with an unbelievable look like he seen a ghost.

"H.. Hey kid, is your mother named A..."

But he didn't have time to finish because at that moment Lindsey appears and grab Aidan's arm.

"Hurry up, mom is waiting for you"

Because she didn't see the interaction between the two, Lindsey didn't take notice of the man beside her, so she directly pulled her brother to catch up their mother without care.

So she didn't see what seems like a strange shiny pendant hanging on his neck with a yellow crest and an animal inside.

Lindsey didn't see it, but Aidan did. But because it was too fast and he didn't get a clear view, he wasn't sure of what he saw and didn't ponder too much on it and left.

Yeah kinda didn't know how write this one, and I was lazy too

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