
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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Chapter 11: A Bonk is Not Enough!

-Timeskip, 30 October 1991; 17:30 PM- A day before Halloween

The castle was getting ready for the big Halloween feast that would start tomorrow, but I very much knew that there would be no real feast but only real terror.

I was sitting in the library finishing my third-year transfiguration book, this year was focused on how to turn objects into living beings; in practicality, this would mean being able to turn a rock into spiders or snakes making my attacks trickier and stronger. In addition, it could also help me make more responsive Piertatum Golems (stone golems) like the one I had to make for professor Flitwick guidance; with enough practice, I could make multiple of those effectively helping me with hordes of enemies or even as a distraction against strong wizards.

Needless to say coupling this knowledge with my chemical and biological expertise, I was easily able to master this knowledge, however, mana consumption was still high, and the only way to reduce it is continuous training. Now I am only finishing the book for completeness' sake.

My dueling improved a lot, especially my senses, the puppet was still too strong to beat but the experience gain has been incredible. I was now confident on lasting a few bouts against the professors. Even though beating them is still impossible for two reasons, my core is still level 1 and as big as a fourth/ fifth year and the professor's experience of one/two consecutive wars is enormous.

One has to know that Normally a core in this word evolves (after a few more investigation) at the sixth or seventh year in Hogwarts; comparing my self to Draco it is evident that my talent at birth was weaker than his: if he would have evolved his on the sixth year mine would have normally evolved in the seventh! (a/n there is a reason for this I will explain later when mc himself will make a theory about it). This means that in theory (thanks to my tricks speeding up the process) I can evolve the core in one year and a half more.

There are however two buts: 1) The core acts a bit like the human body when exposed multiple times to poison: It gains resistance!... let me explain, the act of emptying the core is like poison to the core, because at that moment it becomes absolutely weak and can be easily destroyed; like the body becomes stronger resisting the poison at the same time no more of the same poison has any effect, or at least it has its effects reduced! The same happens with the core, the more I empty the core the more the core gains resistance to it, the effects are two: on one hand, the core strengthens itself meaning that it is able to control the mana better making me use less mana for a spell, on the other hand, it becomes harder to grow using the same technique for it gains resistance to it...

2) I have been preparing to do the core enhancing ritual, and to my calculations, I will be able to perform it in January the earliest. This will speed things up a lot I may even be able to have a whole second tier core by this summer, or even ready for the fight against Lord Egghead. Needless to say, Magic is not simple, obtaining power easily is a mere dream... This is reality... Reality is often disappointing, but in a sense also very fair...

I was mulling over this while opening the last chapter about the book I am reading when I spot a red-haired studious walking here with 4 books in hand; she decided to sit beside me at the table, and not in front. As someone trained to see all these unconscious/unconscious movements I am left a bit surprised, one has to know that when you sit with someone face to face most of the time it is your subconscious telling you to have a formal relationship/conversation in that particular occasion, while if you decide to sit side by side it is normally your subconscious telling you to have more of a close and intimate conversation/relationship... This is also why normally when you try to console your friend you sit beside them, maybe having your harm around their shoulder while saying comforting words to their ear... Of course, this is just talking generally, and it will always be different case by case; it is, however, a good place to start to analyze someones' behavior.

He has not seen her much these weeks since they have different plans and stuff to do, but every time they read and talked with each other in the library it was always him sitting beside her since he was always late, never the opposite... So either she wants to maintain the status quo, or she has some request to make...

''Hey Hermione, you are late today'' he says with a smile

She answers with a smile of hers while maintaining her superior-like tone (although I have to say she has been doing that a lot less lately when talking with me) ''Yes I have been kind of stuck on potions... It seems to me that what professor Snape teaches is different from what the book says... It was driving me crazy in the common room before I noticed the time and decided to see if I am able to find something to help me in the library''

Ah now I see what's happening, she wanted me to help her, however, her pride is not allowing her to do so... this is also the reason why she used her ''i-am-superior'' tone again, it is an involuntary action to protect herself from whatever she thinks I would think of her if she was to ask help from me. 'you idiot... like my opinion of you would change only because of a question...'''

''Ahahah of course it is different, professor Snape's ability in potion-making is of a higher level than those in the books; he wants to show us that every potion can be improved with as much as a few touches and that is why he makes us study both ways...'' I chuckle before continuing ''if you are stuck do you want me to help you integrate your notes with the books? I already studied this part and it would be a good way to review since the exams are coming soon'' I suggest with a smile

she probably did not expect this from me seeing her eyes widens before saying in her less-prideful and a bit ashamed tone ''well if you need to review the material I guess there is no helping it...'' she then continues with every concerned tone and expression as if she was stealing my most valuable thing under my nose ''are you sure you want to help me with my notes as well? After all, it is your work...''

I reply matter of factly '' for my friends this and much more, it is not like I'm going to die if I share some notes anyways'' with a big reassuring smile

At the word friend, she widens her eyes a bit more and looks away with a blush after I finish talking while muttering ''...friend...'' 'did not think Hermione could blush like that... I don't remember her blushing much if at all in her first year... just how much is there hidden in this girl' i think

After a few seconds, she looks back at me with the best smile I have seen yet and says ''sure! lets get to work then!''

We pass the best afternoon since Hogwarts started, like this; studying, laughing at some bad jokes and genuinely enjoying the time we have with each other.

-Halloween, Great Hall, DinnerTime-

Hermione is still missing

Seems like the plot did not change even after I told her she was my friend, as I could see her going away crying after listening to Ron's words...phew... I almost fucked up a bit there... anyway, any moment now the door should ope-

''Troooool... in the dungeons...I thought you should know'' Says Professor Quirrel before fainting

The whole Hall turned in an uproar, everyone was ready to scramble when they heard the loud voice of Dumbledore

''Prefects, take your Houses back to their dormitories immediately1''

'idiocy' i think 'pure idiocy but now is not the time for that'

I was able to sneak away from the group and hastened my steps to the girl's bathroom just in time to see Harry and Ron in front of the door they previously closed to trap the monster in

''Ahhhhhhh'' I hear a scream, and I knew whos' it was... Without even thinking my body moved on its own and I quickly reach Ron and Harry in front of the door

Catching both of their surprised faces seeing me I scream ''MOVE!'' with my wand pointed close to them

Seeing my wand pointed they immediately move to the side

''Bombarda'' I chant against the innocent door trying to get the monster attention

and it does the job, while entering the bathroom I can see the monster stopping his attack and a lot of debris, coming probably from sinks and walls the monster stupidly destroyed, scattered around the room... 'this is my playground now, I think'

I find Hermione hiding under a sink overtaken by fear, my first priority is her the battleplan is formed now I just need to execute it

I transfigured some of the debris into a Piertatum Golem Hand grabbing a screaming Hermione and pulling her to me, needless to say, the mana consumption was big

''Raon!'' was all she could say, her face filled with tears and her expression a mix of fear and relief that I was there to save her

when I saw that expression, my heart started beating faster, my mind was filled with rage and my eyes became red remembering how powerless I was my first life when I saw my mother die. My rage was directed at the Troll, even though I wanted to kill the mastermind of this, the immediate enemy to relieve myself from anger was this huge green idiot. And so be it, a Wingardium Leviosa bonk is not good enough in my book not in this state!

The Troll looking at his prey escape to me started running towards me, Hermione still close to me for some reason hugged my waist why screaming a bit her head onto my shoulder.

First thing I do is casting Bombarda at his feed making him lose his footing and fall down very close to us while I retreat back with Hermione still attached to me like a mussel to its rock till I touch the farthest wall with my back. Ron and Harry were absolutely terrified, standing on the door like idiots forgetting to even take out their wands...

The troll was trying to get back up but I did not leave him the time to do so

I use all my mana... yes... I'm angry... I transfigure all the debris into sharp kunais I take them all in the air with Wingardium Leviosa and using my intent to make those kunais spin like the dummy in the RoR suggested me to.

Under the wide eyes and stupefied expressions of Hermione, Ron, Harry and the green dude I show no mercy making them fall one by one at extreme speed towards the troll hitting all the weak points I studied.

Every hit you could hear the Troll screaming, finally the last kunai pierces his skull side to side and my anger finally subside.

''Let's get out of here'' I say tired having lost 99.99% of my mana in one go

Harry was the first to come back to his senses while I sat down, Hermione hurriedly checks me out trying to see if I had injuries or something...

''What was that...'' was finally able to say Harry ''Raon are you all right

''A Troll'' I nonchalantly continue matter of factly ''a dead one, and yes I'm alright what about you Hermione?''

''That's not what I..'' says Harry, our conversation was stopped by the hurried steps of the professors coming our way

I stand up and tell them ''we will continue later, for now let me talk and don't say a word''

Hearing no answer I turn back to them and ask again ''Are we clear?'' all of them answer by nodding

''What is happening here? Why are you all not in your dormitories? Where is the Troll?''

I calmly answer the professor ''whoa whoa, professor, one question at a time please... so, for the first question: we are talking to each other, for the second: we were trying to save our friend Hermione from the troll, for the third: the troll is in the now destroyed girl's bathroom dead''

All the professors widen their eyes before confirming my facts and the first thing they see is the horrible state of the Troll calmly sleeping (forever) inside

Professor McGonagall turns to us and says ''I don't know what happened here but that was very irresponsible of you four... A mountain Troll is not an enemy first years should face-'' I did not let her continue as my rage was surging again

''RESPONSIBILITY?'' I scream shutting her up in surprise

''You are talking about responsibility now?!?!'' I continue ''Then let me ask you a question professor, whose responsibility is it that a Troll was able to enter the castle? Whose responsibility is it that 3 students had to risk their lives to save their friend that got attacked by a beast that should not be in the castle in the first place? And whose responsibility is it that our DaDa professor, who should be teaching us to protect from the dark arts faints at the sight of a mere Troll?'' I ask leaving all the professors dumbfounded, Snape included.

''Instead of questioning us professor, I will take the liberty to question you: How is it possible that a mountain Troll, mind you the stupidest being in existence, is able to go down the mountains, find the castle, bypass the wards put in place by the Headmaster, go down in the dungeons and THEN unluckily reach a lonely girl in the bathroom? What are the odds??'' I pause for a moment, seeing the professors faces frowning I continue

''The strangest thing is yet to come though why did the headmaster send all the students to their dormitories? If a Troll is in the castle then what safer place is there than the Great Hall? Where a thousand wizards are together and coupled to the professor they can maul a single troll to death with a huge amount of spells if it dared to enter?'' The professor's faces frowned even deeper thinking about my words

''We are 4 students professor... we just wanted to save our friend from certain death, an assurance that should, at the very least, be guaranteed by the school and the teaching body that today failed to uphold... So now professor, while you think about whose responsibility is this, we ask your permission to go back to the dorms.. you see.. almost facing death is tiresome'' I say ending my speech, if I had a mic I would have probably dropped it right now...

A heavily thinking McGonagall was still dazed and surprised by my words, with a face you almost never see in her perfectly stoic face.

''...tomorrow you will go to the Headmaster's office... all four of you... for today go back to your dorms...'' she was finally able to say

I grab Hermione's hand since she was not moving from the spot probably also thinking about my words ''thank you professor''

I accompany all of them to the Gryffins common room in silence everyone thinking their stuff in their head

Ron: that was terrifying---- why is he still holding Hermione's hand---- If it was not for my words nothing would have happened---- what was that magic---- STOP HOLDING HER HAND----

(A/N) ---- means scattered thoughts, a brief visualization of everything that is passing through their head

Harry: I'm glad Hermione is ok---- that troll was definitely fishy---- and what was that magic, Raon is really amazing---- will I be able to do that as well?---- Will he teach me?

Hermione: I was so scared---- thank god Raon was here---- he is still holding my hand---- he saved me---- the way he protected me in the face of that monster... his hug was warm and reassuring---- what was that magic it was amazing, I need to ask him about it---- that was really scary----

We finally arrive at the common room I say goodbye to all of them

''Thanks Raon for today, if it wasn't for you I'm afraid we would have died'' says harry with a bitter smile

''Don't mention it Harry, we are friends, after all... get a good rest'' I say with a small smile

''Yea thanks again'' he says before entering the room with Ron that briefly says thanks as well very stiffly while looking at my hand locked with Hermione's

I release my grip o Hermione's hand and ask with a smile ''You don't wanna go?

She goes in front of me and hugs me saying ''Thank you... I was so scared... I-I...'' I feel my chest getting a bit wet 'she is probably crying a little'

I never expected her to hug me like that, I admit that I was the closest thing to a friend to her, I was the only one to have such conversations with her since (even Ron and Harry a little bit) everyone else avoided her a bit thanks to her tone when speaking and the I-Know-Everything act she sported in class. Also the trio's reaction to encountering a troll in the movie was really lukewarm, none was really that scared and Hermione did not even let a single tear in that situation (probably empty after the prior crying). However right now I was seeing the weak side of Hermione, the one she has almost never shown in the films (i was comparing the films since my memory is freshest on those)

I give a big hug and started comforting here

After a while, that felt like hours but was probably not even a minute, we departed, and while showing me a big and warm smile she says

''Goodnight Raon''

''Goodnight Hermione'' I reply with a genuine smile


'And so this is done.... now comes the challenging part, will my occlumancy be able to defend myself against the second coming of Merlin?' i think before closing my eyes in my bed


Tell me if there are some grammar mistakes and such

I hope you enjoyed 3148 words... im beat lel