
Harry Potter and House Atreides

Paul Atreides, a brilliant and gifted young man born with a destiny beyond his understanding, is forced to unite the three worlds - the non-magical world, the magical world, and Caladan - to secure the future of his family and people. When a conflict breaks out between the forces of evil to take over the world as he knows it, he will discover a secret that will change the way he sees the world and begin the beginning of the end. Warning: This is a story between the Harry Potter and Dune franchises, here you will see a lot of Dune history merged as best I could with Harry Potter, all of this takes place in a slightly changed world but all the main characters will still be in the story with a changed development. The central world is Harry Potter, the Atreides house is set in his universe. Therefore, all the events of Harry Potter before Hogwarts happened in an equal but different way.

SrCuervo · Book&Literature
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75 Chs

The beginning part 1

December 14, 1989

Caladan Dimension.

Ancestral Atreides Island.

In a rather large and almost unfurnished room, a young man of apparently ten years of age slept peacefully on a large white bed.

His body was trembling slightly as his muscles were bathed in a cold sweat. When it looked as if he was going to sleep a little longer, his eyes suddenly opened showing that unnatural and almost magical color that captivated anyone who stared at him.

His eyes were so blue that both his iris and sclera glowed, his black, long, curly hair reached the edge of his lips, while his skin of a white color glistened under the bath of light that came out of an object suspended in the air.

"That same dream again..." The boy muttered as he slightly lifted his tired face from the pillow.

After awakening his accidental magic talent at the age of 10, the dreams were successive each day after going to sleep. Being the first descendant of the Atreides family to have three lineages with such deep power in his body, the awakening of his magic could be the catalyst that ignited those strange dreams he had so often.

It was very confusing, at first I was sure those dreams were from the non-magical world. But after watching current videos about the human world outside of the Caladan dimension, he was sure that was not the case.

He was sure that the cars and knowledge he was getting from the dreams was something that had no relation to the three worlds. Knowledge that he had never studied or learned before permeated his memory quickly after each strange dream.

As he awoke each morning, new knowledge, wisdom and above all his personality were being forged more and more into something completely new. All after he awakened his accidental magic.

All he could know was that the dreams enhanced her body and expanded her memory's ability to digest information.


After taking a light bath, the young man headed for the dining room where he usually had breakfast with his mother.

When he arrived, a tall, thin woman with bronze-colored hair was sitting reading some strange documents while having breakfast. The content of the documents was something the young man was not the least bit interested in.

"It's a good thing you woke up early Paul, your father will introduce you to the weapons master who will teach you to control your inner power." Jessica Atreides said as she ate fruit. Her gaze did not stray from the documents she was reviewing, as if every action she will take will have a use.

"Finally my father decided to start my training, now he will know that I am better than he imagines." The young man named Paul Atreides replied with an almost unchanged expression, his voice slightly hoarse, echoed around the table where only his mother and he were sitting.

From a young age, the royal children descended from each head of the Atreides family, are trained in different types of behaviors, to forge a temperament and mentality fit for a leader. Over time, their dignity is influenced by their family name and what their responsibilities entail, as the next leader of the Atreides family and lord of Caladan.

The training of each heir fell to great masters who specialize in different doctrines such as: Arts of war, political and military strategy, leadership and in the arts of Ginaz weapons.

Letting out a sigh, Jessica Atreides looked away from the documents and looked at her son, then replied in a calm voice. "The Ginaz fighting style takes years to develop Paul, remember that your priorities lie elsewhere and you must not underestimate your future potential. Both your father and I are confident that your accomplishments will be unimaginable."

"I understand mother." Paul said before continuing to eat in silence. After every morning, he didn't have the strength to argue where he knew he was wrong.

"You look tired Paul, is it the dreams again?" Asked Jessica as she put the silverware down. Her blue eyes roamed over Paul, within her gaze was a concern that very few people could recognize.

"No." Paul shook his head.

After a while, Paul finished his breakfast and headed to the locker room to change out of his clothes into training clothes. He had reached the age where he was old enough to be taught Ginaz fighting techniques and the Art of controlling his internal energy.

The complaints he had with his father stemmed from his future training, true warriors with the title Ginaz, trained from the age of five and finished until they were twenty-five. However, the heirs of House Atreides trained only when they were ten years old.

This behavior was pointed out by his master Thufir Hawat, saying that he was the first heir to complain about not being able to train his occult power at a young age. Even Paul didn't know where the hunger for knowledge and power came from, only within his heart he wanted to be strong so he wouldn't be overwhelmed by things he couldn't handle.

Thufir Hawat was the current teacher who was in charge of training Paul, his high skills in politics and military strategy made him the current advisor to the head of the Atreides family and Paul's main teacher.

Paul just didn't see himself as the one to inherit the family legacy, that immense responsibility of choosing the future of all the people of Caladan. Without knowing of course that this thought went through all the heads of families when they were his age throughout history.

Paul made his way to the private training room after changing into proper training attire. His gaze showed absolute confidence, displaying the face that an heir of the Atreides family should exhibit.

After arriving at the room where his future master was located, Paul sighed a murky wind anxiously and opened the wooden door slowly. Inside the training room, Paul's father was talking to a rather tall and intimidating man. At first glance, he appeared to be a rather powerful warrior who exhibited an exorbitant aura.

"Paul, come closer!" Leto Atreides, the supreme leader of the Caladan dimension and the Atreides family, shouted as he saw Paul enter the room.

After hearing his father's call, Paul nodded his head and approached the duo quickly. "Good morning father, I heard you prepared a master to learn how to fight." Paul's gaze fell on the strange man standing next to him and said, "You must be my teacher, it's nice to be able to meet you."

"My lord, if I may ask, how do you know I will be your master at arms?" The man asked with a smile.

"There are rumors of a powerful Ginaz, impressive enough to become a master of war, looking around, you are the only one who can meet those requirements." Paul explained.

"Truly brilliant, you are worthy son of your father." He turned to Leto Atreides. "My lord, it is my honor to be able to teach my humble techniques to your only son. You can rest assured that he will become the finest warrior in Caladan." Said the man as he bowed slightly.

"Don't be a modest Ducan, it is my good fortune to find a weapons master more than worthy to train my son." Leto Atreides shook his head and looked at Paul. "Son, this is Duncan Idaho, your future master from whom you must learn and strictly follow his training methods and teachings."

"It is my honor to learn under his teaching Duncan, I will depend on you to make me stronger." Paul said as he shook Duncan's hand with a smile. He was truly happy to be able to have a teacher impressive enough as Duncan is.

Duncan shook his head and said, "No need for so many manners my lord, as time is money and you are eager to learn, we will begin your training immediately."

Leto Atreides looked at his son and smiled proudly. "Learn well my son, Duncan is one of the strongest warriors, once you master your inner power, we can discuss the magic you are curious about."

"I understand father." Paul replied with determination and seriousness.

Once Leto had left the room, Duncan brought two medium sized black knives and two Holtzman shield bracelets.

These shields are one of Caladan's most powerful defensive weapons, the effect allowed the creation of a shield that repelled most fast moving projectile methods, but allowed slower moving objects such as hand knives to pass through.

This completely disabled projectile weapons and made laser attacks or explosive magic spells completely dangerous. Once a beam hits the shield, it repels it and increases the attack on the caster, damaging the mage and protecting the user of the Holtzman shield.

However, the energy Holtzman shields possess in the human body is limited. In a long battle, Holtzman shields slowly lose their protective effect leaving the user unprotected.

After much research, the use of the Holtzman shield became increasingly impressive. Being able to expand its use to shields so large that they can protect a city, a fighter plane and a mothership of war.

"Here you go my lord." Duncan handed him a Holtzman shield and a long black knife.

"Shall we not fight with our power?" Asked Paul, puzzled. Then he said, "My controlling art is electricity, if I put on the Holtzman shield I will explode from the shock of the outgoing energy from my body."

"I am aware of the dangers you have with the Holtzman shield my lord, for now we will just train with basic sparring and improve your fighting style first." Duncan said as he moved into a fighting stance.

"Right, I understand." Paul replied as he placed the Holtzman shield in his left hand and turned it on. Suddenly, a thin energy expanded throughout Paul's body in a red color, and when it stabilized, the energy took on a pale blue color that stayed all over his body forming an outer shield.

Paul held his knife tightly in his right hand and looked at Duncan with excitement and nervousness, his heart slowly began to beat rapidly and he tried to steady his breathing with a method his mother taught him to keep himself serene and calm.

Maybe it's a crazy idea to merge Harry Potter and Dune, but I'll see what you think of the idea later.

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