
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Trip to Hogwarts

It's been a few weeks since summer break started, and, well, let's just say it has not been good.

Firstly, all of my attempts to get Sirius Black exonerated have been unsuccessful. Nothing works, and there is always some problem every time we try something. I somehow managed to get Dumbledore to notice that Sirius was unjustly put in Azkaban, but even he couldn't do anything, as there was no concrete way to get the Ministry to agree to a trial for Sirius. In their opinion, they did the right thing, and there was no need to question their decision. So, Longbottom, Dumbledore, and the rest of the Order members and the Light faction were involved, but I knew Dumbledore was scheming something.

Well, I didn't dwell on things too much. Currently, I am working on a concept that I think might work. It's thought casting, working on the same principle as my telekinesis. I don't use my hand or look at an object to levitate it. What if I can use the same function and principle to cause a magical effect with just a thought? But that is a work in progress.

I am currently sitting in the Leaky Cauldron, waiting for Michael and Anthony to arrive.

As I was waiting, I noticed Harry coming downstairs. He looked a bit taller and healthier. As he saw me, he waved, and I just nodded back. "So how are you, Solaris?" he asked as he sat at the table. "I am doing well, but I didn't expect you to be here," he smiled a bit nervously and said, "Well, there was sort of an accident, and I ran away from the house. I have been staying here." I raised my eyebrows and said, "You are acting as if you blew somebody up or something." He looked at me in shock, and I said, while acting like I am baffled, "You did blow somebody up, didn't you?" He said, "My Aunt Marge," and I just started to laugh. Even if you know the events that have transpired, it's still funny.

After chatting a bit, Michael and Anthony showed up, and I told them about what Harry had done. Anthony was laughing uncontrollably, and Michael just found it amusing. 'He is slowly becoming a male Morag,' I thought, as he and her have been getting quite close.

We then asked Harry to join us as we explored Diagon Alley, and after a bit, we came back to have our lunch. I asked, "So what are you guys taking as this year's elective?" As they were Divination, Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies. Harry answered, "Well, I was going to take Divination and COMC, but I decided to go for Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, and COMC as they are helpful subjects." I nodded, and Michael and Anthony both took Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. I said, "I am going for Ancient Runes and Divination," and three of them looked at me as if I was an alien creature. I clarified, "Listen, I wanna slack off a bit, and, well, I don't need to take the elective to give the exams. Even the elective you choose is not something that is set in stone." Michael asked, "So I can give the exams of the elective of the subjects I have not selected?" I nodded, and then Harry asked, "But if you don't take the elective, then how will you study the subjects?" I said, "Well, that's the thing. There is no restriction on the number of subjects one can give exams on, but the professors won't help. All you could do is either self-study or ask for somebody to help."

We chatted for a bit and went back to our respective houses, and I invited Harry to my house, but he declined and said he might go tomorrow.

The next day, I came to the Leaky Cauldron and waited for Harry. I saw that Michael and Morag were walking through the fireplace, and they both looked at me. We started at each other for a few minutes, then decided to ignore my existence and walk away.

Harry finally came, and I took him to Eldervale Castle and introduced everyone to him. Dad and Astoria were pretty thrilled to meet Harry, both for completely different reasons.

My dad and James Potter were apparently good friends, and thus he was happy to meet his friend's son. Astoria, on the other hand, thinks this Harry and storybook Harry are the same. It took Daphne, Harry, and me an entire afternoon to make her believe that those are just stories. She was sulking till Harry decided to tell her stories from the Muggle world and his own adventures in Hogwarts.

I also showed him Everret and Eleanor as both of them can crawl a bit. Sometimes, mom asks Daphne and me to take care of them. She says it's called training for the future.

As days passed and finally the time to go to Hogwarts came, it was a very gloomy day, and I mean that's saying something because it rains all the time. For some reason, today feels a bit sad. I sent a ML (A/N: Mental Link) to Daphne;

Solaris: {Do you feel like today is a very odd and kinda very sad day}

Daphne: {OH! I have been feeling the same. I don't know why. When I asked Tracy about it, she didn't understand}

Solaris: {And I am feeling it not just in my mind but from my soul as well}

Daphne: {What do you think is the reason}

Solaris: {Well, you do know who escaped from Azkaban, right?}

Daphne was reading a book and looked to the side. Her eyes widened in realization;

Daphne: {No. You don't think the Ministry is stupid enough to let Dementors near Hogwarts and just assume that Black will come after Harry}

Solaris: {Well, if my guess is correct, be ready to cast Patronus, and then we can discuss the Ministry's competence}

Daphne readied her wand, so did I, and Astoria and Luna noticed us. Luna asked, "Why are you two so agitated? Did something happen?"

"Nothing, Luna. It's just that I was thinking about something, and how was your Holidays?" I said, trying to deflect the topic.

All of them looked at us with skepticism and turned to do their own things. Astoria said, "I will accept that answer for now," and I handed her some chocolate so she would shut up. Yes, just like Pudding is the kryptonite of Daphne, any kind of chocolate, as long as it's chocolate, is the kryptonite for Astoria. At least she has diversity unlike her sister.

As the train approached near Hogwarts, I could feel the cold rising. Others also felt the cold, but Daphne and I not only felt the cold but the sense of Death, the lingering Dread.

I just knew something bad was going to happen when we saw Dementors outside. The train stopped, and I saw outside our compartment a shadow, a skeletal hand opening the door. I quickly picked up my wand and was ready to cast Patronus.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Daphne screamed, more affected than others, and I casted, "Expecto Patronum!" I shouted. A white, slightly golden-hued Griffin emerged, its light spreading throughout the train. Then, a wolf, a raven, and multiple other people who knew the Patronus charm shouted out, clearing the train and the nearby area of Dementors.

As I sat down, I moved over to Daphne and asked, "Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Let me check!" She turned to me and in a loving voice said, "I am fine, but I know it affected me as much as it affected you, and you were much closer to it." I nodded, and she said through the Mental Link;

Daphne: {It affected my soul.}

And that just confirmed my worst fear; we are very weak against Dementors.

Solaris: {Yes, due to us passively enhancing and strengthening our soul, the natural protection that one has over the soul is gone, and we are very vulnerable to a soul attack, especially to Dementors who can suck our soul out with much ease. So from this point onwards, we need to be very careful, and you are not going out of my sight as I am not taking any chances with you.}

I could see genuine fear in her eyes. Here I thought I was not going to be stupid and always be cautious, but I almost died because of a floating cloth hanger.

I looked over to my side, Luna is stuck to my side, and I am comforting her. Daphne is taking care of Astoria.

Sometime later, Professor Lupin came by, gave us chocolates, and then the train started to move. Finally, we could see Hogwarts, which looked very gloomy with the rain and cold. I hate that everything is wet all the time, but what can I do?

As our carriage stops in front of Hogwarts, I heard Daphne say, "Another year is about to begin, huh? Let's just hope nothing crazy happens." I said, "You just jinxed it, you know that right?" She was quiet for a bit and said, "Then we face any problem together." I smiled, grabbed her hand, and walked inside Hogwarts.


I apologise for the delay I was honestly enjoying the holidays after such a long time so I was not writing anything.