
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs


Well, today is another gloomy day. I am currently heading for our first Divination class, and I am the only one who has taken Divination in the entirety of Ravenclaw.

I am currently seated with Ron, and I casually observe that if he doesn't have a biased opinion towards you, he is a tolerable guy. He would like to be better, but his stupidity and laziness stop him from doing anything.

The first class was a bit meh, but I managed to give Hermione a good scare by being right next to her when she used her Time Turner. I calculated which classes are when, and just by being in one position all the time, it was funny seeing her rack her head at what I was doing and how I was scaring her all the time.

Anyway, I am currently hiding near where Hippogriffs are kept, and I watched Harry having a great time flying. I mean, I also like flying, but not as much as him. It's probably due to his natural aptitude.

After his turn, Malfoy wanted to be a brat, so I used telekinesis to stop him in place and gave Buckbeak a mental probe to go away. One plot point solved, but fate really pulled a fast one on me, and this time Crabbe and Goyle decided to run up to another Hippogriff. It literally almost sliced through them. I just sighed and thought, 'I will just buy the Hippogriff from the Ministry and pay some money to both of the Trolls in human skin.'

Night came, and I took Daphne to the Room of Requirement, and I called "Effy," and my little elf came with a pop.

"Daphne, let's go. We are moving to a new location."

"Why? What's wrong with this place?" she asked.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with it. We will still come here, but that place is inaccessible by anybody, even the Headmaster."

"I am hoping you didn't do anything stupid to get this place," she said in a worried tone.

"You did something stupid and dangerous, didn't you?" she said while I could do nothing but divert the topic.

"Let's go, Effy. Transport us," I said to him.

We apparated inside the Slytherin's chamber. "Welcome to the Chambers of Secrets, my love," I said, hugging her from behind.

"Basilisk! What is your hand in Harry defeating the Basilisk?" she asked, burying her head in my chest. She said, "Please don't do anything like this, and if you are doing it, just tell me at least. I just worry about you."

Now, I am feeling guilty to make her feel that way. "Don't worry, darling. It was pretty easy to deal with. Just blind it first, then kill it." And that's when I knew I messed up.

"So you did fight that thing," she said in a very loud voice.

Her eyes turned red. "You fought it alone, didn't you? Tell me, Solaris, did you or not?" I just nodded and thought, 'Congratulations, Solaris, you played yourself.'

After what felt like an eternity of a lecture, I was finally allowed to show her the rest of the chambers. First, we visited the ritual room. "See, a perfect place for you to practice rituals and for our own ritual as well."

"Yes, the gold floor has almost 99% purity, and this is right in the middle of one of the minor magic ley lines as well," she said as she was studying the rest of the room.

After that, we went to the Vault room. "This is locked with, from what I have recognized, Nordic and Egyptian ruins, but the rest I am thinking of some unknown esoteric ruins," I said.

"There are some Mayan ruins, and some look a bit Sanskrit, but I can't be sure," she gave her insight.

"Do you think Salazar Slytherin was trying to create a new Runic Language?" she asked.

"I can't be too sure, but it looks like he failed at it. I mean, look, even though ruins are doing their job, they are very chaotic," I said.

We then moved on to different rooms and reached the library. She spent three hours in the library.

We reached the bedroom and drifted off to sleep.

After an hour or two of rest, we once again started to explore the chambers, and this time we were in the potion-making room. Daphne was gushing like a fangirl about all the equipment and the ancient and rare ingredients. Well, they are kept. I really wish we could spend a lot of time here, but alas, there is no way that is happening. This ain't Konoha ninja academy where you send a shadow clone and no one suspects. This is Hogwarts, and believe it or not, every professor here is a master of their fields, and they can easily discern a real from a fake. I was so happy to be able to create a shadow clone with the help of illusion.

Well, we returned before anybody has woken up and acted like we usually do.

It's been three days since our first visit to the chambers, and today we are going into the next step of our body and mind training.

For our bodies, we will continue those exercises, but they are not necessary, as doing those exercises and continuously passing magic through our body has hardened those muscles. I mean, I am a thirteen-year-old with well-defined muscles, and Daphne is not far behind. Her physical capabilities exceed anybody our age. Heck, most won't even be able to compete with us in terms of physical capabilities.

And this next step will take our bodies to peak human level, and after the ritual, we will reach superhuman levels, but not very high, like a lower version of Captain America.

Anyway, Daphne is currently preparing the medicinal bath for both of us. The longer we stay inside, the better, but apparently, Daphne disagrees. We need to stay in until we don't feel any changes and constantly move our magic throughout our body, and I am going to believe her in that regard.

Both went into different bathrooms, and Daphne created them with much more powerful and rarer herbs, so it's supposedly four to five times stronger than the original.

I stepped in, and after my body was fully submerged, it started to hurt. I gritted my teeth, and I could hear Daphne scream loudly, and then she stopped, probably getting adjusted to the pain.

It's been three hours for me, and I have stopped feeling any changes in my body, but I will wait for about an hour. If nothing happens, I will get up.

I am finally out of that bath, and this water will remain the same, as the next one is in a week, and at the end of the year, one will probably be the most painful one we would have.

After I freshen up, I wear some clothes, and as I go inside the bedroom, I see Daphne sitting at the edge of the bed looking at some notes. Well, my notes or Bellatrix Lestrange's notes.

She saw me walking in and commented, "She could have been so much more, wouldn't she? Probably the best duelist of her generation, but she went down a dark path."

"Yeah, she probably would have been the best," I said.

"Do you have a style you use from here?" she asked.

"Yes, I use mostly the elemental spells and a heavily defensive-focused style," I answered.

"Well, I am going to practice this battle transfiguration style and this fast capture style," she said, a bit excited about it.

"Do you mind if I borrow it?" She asked.

I just shook my head, and she started to copy those two styles on her personal notes.

With that, another long day was over.

Days have gone by since then, and we are currently in the Great Hall having lunch. The next period is Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA), where Professor Lupin will show us a Boggart.

We are currently in his class, and in the middle of the room, there was a box that was shaking violently. "Now I am assuming that everyone is wondering what is inside this box. Inside here is a dark creature called Boggarts. Now, can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?"

Everybody was putting their hands up, and the Professor said, "Yes, Ms. Turnip."

"A Boggart is an amortal shape-shifting non-being that took on the form of its observer's worst fear. Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knew what a Boggart looked like when it was alone, as it changed shape instantly upon encountering someone," Lisa answered.

"Very good, Ms. Turnip. Five points to Ravenclaw." Then he continued, "So, the Boggart sitting in the darkness within has not yet assumed a form. It does not yet know what will frighten the person on the other side of the door. Nobody knows what a Boggart looks like when he is alone, but when I let him out, he will immediately become whatever each of us most fears."

"Now the charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing."

"The incantation for the Boggart-Banishing Spell was Riddikulus."

"Now everyone will practice without the wands at first place. Now say Riddikulus, and remember, wand movement should be precise."

Then we all stood in one line, and everyone had their turn. Michele is afraid of "dark jungles," and then came Anthony, who is afraid of "empty rooms." That was a weird one. Everybody came and went, and everyone had some generic fear. Morag's turn came, and it transformed into a Hooded figure. I looked over at Michael, and he had a solemn look, and I thought, 'Probably something related to her past, huh? A very bad experience as well.'

Anyway, my turn came, and it transformed into a deep dark ocean with something moving around in the water. I immediately said, "Riddikulus," and it transformed into a water bubble. 'So even though this is a different world, my fear remained the same,' I thought. Finally, Daphne's turn came. She was the last one, and for her, it turned into a mirror with a man there. His face was obscure, but from his eyes, I could tell it was me. The mirror broke and shattered into pieces, and she changed it to a beautiful mosaic piece.

After the class was over, she ran away, and I followed her into an abandoned classroom where she was sobbing quietly. "You know it was ridiculous to think you can escape from me," I said as I brought her into a hug.

"Are you that afraid of losing me?"

"Not just you, but this family of ours. I am afraid of losing it. I am deathly afraid of losing you, and I am afraid I will lose you. I am sorry; I just..."

I didn't let her say anything, just brought her closer to me and let her stay that way. I held her face and said, "Fine now," and she nodded. I said, kissing her forehead, "I am never leaving you alone. I promise to always be with you."