
Harry Potter: An Exception Side Character

Note :- This is my first time writing a HP fanfiction. This is a story not about a dark lord or he wants to become an all powerful wizard or will he will have ever girl out there and create a harem,No he just wants to grow up to be very strong and survive the impending war with all of his loved ones and friends still alive and happy. Disclaimer:- i do not own any related to Harry Potter they belong to their respective owners. Note:- Mc x Daphne Greengass

Soulderean · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Abnormal and End of Year

Today is January 2nd and tomorrow we leave for Hogwarts.

Currently we are in my father's office and I am sitting beside Daphne and opposite to us are

Mr.& Mrs. Greengrass as they want to talk about something serious " So i assume you are comfortable living here Daphne " asked Cyrus and Daphne nodded in confirmation and then he asked " we have decided to take a drastic step " he takes a deep breath and continues " we are moving to different country " and Daphne and even I was very shock as the announcement was very sudden and Daphne asked " Wha-....What do you mean you are moving is somebody targeting our family or something we can work toge-" and her mother Adorabella just glares at her husband and we see him holding back his laughter,said cutting Daphne " We are not in any sort of problem dear, you know we were in America for almost a year right and there we decided that when you have Graduated Hogwarts you will be given effectively the control of the Greengrass family as our stay there we met a few of our friends and after talking to them we will take retirement like move to a country side and live a very secluded and leisure life " and hearing this Daphne eyes went from teary to absolute rage and started throwing Pinching Hex at her father with wandless magic and seeing this her mother and my parents who were also in the room also astonished and Daphne started to run after her father.

Adorabella turned to me " How is she able to perform wandless magic" she asked and i just said " she cand do wandless magic for upto 3rd year and if the spells and jinx are not too complicated " and my mother remarked " and here i thought you were the only abnormal one " and i turned to her with a raised eyebrows in a question manner and she clarified " you see we thought only you could do wandless magic but it looks like you turned your Daphne into a abnormal as well" and i asked"what do you mean abnormal" and Adorabella answered" Solaris the wizard or witch need to cross a certain threshold of magical , physical and mental capacity to be able to perform wandless magic and that is also one of the reasons why chantless casting is taught only to the sixth year and even then very few have a disposition for it " she pause for a bit and says " you see there is a term for children like you and looks like Daphne as well we call them abnormal or in other terms unique as children like you are the people who end up like Dumbledore, and Leon Devon etc. these are currently top of the Magical society power wise and were abnormals, you were a born abnormal and with traning with you Daphne became a made abnormal " i thought for a bit and asked " what is a born and made abnormal " and this time my father answered " you see Sol you had a absurd amount of talent and after you unlocked our ancestral abilities you became an abnormal and in Daphne case she was also a very talented child but her talent would not have bloomed properly and there are two ways to become an abnormal you see you were one from birth and Daphne is very close to maximizing her full talent capacity as that is also one way to become an abnormal and somebody needs to have a very high talent along with a lot of work put into polishing their talent and looks like Daphne has done that " and then my mother spoke " Sol it's not a bad thing it was just somewhat worrying as most if not all abnormal tend to become very lonely but looks like that will not be the case for you as Daphne is also the same as you so I am very happy for you " and i thought about asking " were there any beside us "

Adorabella smiled a bit and said " in our time we only knew Bellatrix Lestrange was abnormal due to her high combat prowess and due to her spells being more powerful than average, Severus Snape and Lily Potter came close to becoming one as well and if we talk about recent years then Nymphdora Tonks due to being a Metamorphmagus, Alvin Whitlock due to his pure magic it is a unique type of magic only he can use and Nadia Bagshot due to her completely polishing and mastering her talents and Daphne will be similar to her and you also being born highly talented and unlocking your families ansestral powers " and then I asked " are all abnormal the same " and she said " no some may be just become generally powerful in magic like Dumbledore but some gravitate towards their own field of magic like for Leon Devon is known as a pioneer in the fields of space and time magic just like you in the field of Healing and Mindarts and most tend to just be powerful witches and wizards of their time".

After that conversation I fell into contemplation 'so in that case Morag could be considered one due to her large Magic reserves and probably Harry and Hermione but that is a bit of a stretch' i thought as I was laying down in the bed after an hour or so Daphne came and sat near me " what happened after I left ?" and I told her everything and then she smiled and said "that means I am also weird like my Sol" and i just said sarcastically "Oh so I am your Sol now huh now that you are also a weirdo at first I was just your weird Sol you know how much explanation i needed to give everyone that thought I was creepy or something and it was horrible the looks the girls gave me like I was a disgusting waste of space " I was almost raging and she just leans in and gives me a peck on the lips and said" I know I also said sorry as well, anyway I am very happy " she was giggling and i asked " why what's the occasion" and she smiled and said "well did you see my father today it was the first time he made a joke and my mother had genuine emotions on her face they are not cold anymore and we actually feel like a genuine family" she shed a few tears, I just held her tight just let her relieve all of her emotions.

Today we are going back to Hogwarts and surprisingly we had a chance encounter with Luna Lovegood who is surprisingly easy to talk to if you leave her snarcles and other imaginary things and she genuinely got along with Daphne, Lisa and Su and is just confusing to the rest of us anyway today's trip to Hogwarts was intresting to say the least.

We reached the school and one of the first pieces of information or as girls call juicey news was Hermione being turned into a cat girl and a few boys genuinely interested in looking at a cat girl and there was a bit of a crowd as well .

Anyway months went by and well febuary 14th came around and it was the worst day of my life Lockhart's Very Special Valentine's Day Charms was horrible and like I am really contemplating how my life would have been if I was just a single normie instead of have a beautiful fiancé who burns every letter which questioning every one that gives me a choclate or a letter like the entire week except for bathroom and in the boys dormitory she didn't leave me alone and protected me like I was her treasure and she was a greedy dragon hoarding her treasure.

I have seen Harry with the diary and now I am thinking my plans worked or the Voldebrats plan worked as i changed his soul and memory to make it seem it was his idea to use the fear of Chamber of Secrets and now I am genuinely worried about our society almost everybody knows what could be in the Chambers and they have a very good proof of Harry being a Parcelmouth and every attack has left victims petrified like what more proof one needs to figure out the creature.

There are some deviation in this time line as a lot more kids got petrified and not just petrified but some where sevierly injured.

Today was supposed to be Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match which was cancelled

fourth attack on Hermione Granger and yes she still looked for the information about the Basilisk as according to her it must be a creature not the little sister of a friend and Penelope Clearwater was not petrified as Hermione got attacked in a secluded corridor and Dumbledore was still removed as headmaster and Hagrid was taken to Azkaban.

A good news came that mandrakes are ready for cutting so they mean Ginny will be taken into the Chamber and I am preparing to go with Harry as I have already planted some hints and suggestions of where the entrance might be he already thinks it's a Basilisk due to Hermione.

It's about afternoon and Ginny has just been taken to the chamber's and i sneaked into the Chamber and waited for Harry to arrive at save the Damsel in distress.

After some time they came and this time the team consisted of Harry, Neville, Ron and Lockhart .

As Harry walk towards the chambers and he makes Ron and Neville watch Lockhart, I sneaked near Lockhart and just Obliviate him so both of them don't have any problem and as i catch up to Harry he is very confused as he sees Ginny laying there near a large snake carcass and he looks over to the side and we see The Volde Brat emerging from the darkness and he introduced himself very polite and proceeded to show that he is voldemort and then Harry asks " if the Basilisk is dead then who petrified people" and Voldebrat chuckle and said " Well me or when I possessed her i mean she has such pitiful magic that i can't even use any powerful spells so I had to stick to petrifying people one at a time" then Harry asked " Then why open the chambers " he said arrogance " well I was going to release the Basilisk but the useless thing was already dead and it also destroyed most of the chamber but mainly due to fear Harry fear just these chambers of secrets command respect among the Purebloods and Fear among Blood Traitors, Halfblood and Mudbloods" and He turned a bit serious but he still had a smirk on his face said "Now, Harry, I'm going to teach you a little lesson. Let's match the powers of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin, against famous Harry Potter, and the best weapons Dumbledore can give him..." and the fight started I was putting up shield whenever I thought Harry would not be able to handle an attack or dodge it and by some miracle one of spells stray off and hit the skeleton causing one Basilisk fang break off and Harry doge another spell picked up the fang and stabbed the diary with it and I was like that was Plot armour working at it's finest as i thought I would have to get involved but Fawkes still arrived, Ginny woke up and then the Fawkes was about to take everyone and fly away but I sent a compulsion to Harry to pick up the fang and the diary and they went away.

I called Lammy and asked her to apprate me out of here and i just went to my dormetory and just went to sleep as I may not have been the one fighting but I was stressed out.

Highlights for the next few days were Lucius Malfoy sacked as school governor and Dobby was freed as I asked Lammy about it and she said Dobby is in the kitchen and a feast was held for the victims who were un-petrified and Hagrid also returns to Hogwarts and during the feast exams were cancelled upto fourth year but rest for the rest of the students they have to give the exams.

I went to the Chamber's and picked out all of the books related to Ruins and Potions and i also found a book on elemental spells so I took that as well and focused on those studies for the rest of the days till we eventually leave Hogwarts.


I know I rushed it a lot and i apologise for it as i didn't have any idea how to proceed so I decided to end the second year on this chapter and if you have any recommendations for what I should do for the next year then please do comment.