
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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51 Chs

An unfinished story! Part-2

{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{09:24 PM, 30th Sept 1991}

It was a quiet couple of seconds as Harry and Lily stared at each other, Lily in an awkward manner, her desire and guilt cumulating into her hesitant steps, and Harry as he stared at his mother while figuring out how best to escape this situation. He settled with a nod as Dumbledore stopped casting whatever spell he was using.

James asked, "How is he Professor," Dumbledore hummed, the twinkle back in his eyes as he stared at Harry, "It's remarkable really," Harry raised his eyebrows in question, so he explained, "You see Harry, I examined your magical core almost a decade ago, due to the events that transpired that night, your core was almost left broken, but now it has completely healed, although it is very different from before..." he went back to his own thoughts as he stared at Harry.

'What does he mean by that, I had a broken magical core?' Harry stared at Dumbledore for a second but upon receiving no answer he figured out what the old man was trying to do, deciding to give him the win for the moment he turned towards Lily and asked, "What happened that night?"

Lily seemed to be in a bind but then she decided to push through it now that Harry actually spoke to her for the first time, "when Voldemort attacked us on Halloween in 1981, he used the killing curse on Charlus after both James and I were incapacitated, I-" her voice broke down for a bit before she continued, "I watched the killing curse strike Charlus before a magical discharge left me unconscious, Albus" she indicated to Dumbledore, "...checked both you and Charlus afterward, while you were drained of all mana, Charlus was overflowing with it, which led to both of you getting sick, Charlus managed to breeze through it after the access mana left his system, but your core was b-broken" her voice stuttered, "you were not able to interact with even a basic warming charm, the magic seemed to harm you and we couldn't even get you into a magical building because the ambient mana in the air seemed to attack you, I-i couldn't even hold you..." Lily walked a few steps closer, for some reason, Harry neither felt uncomfortable nor did he had the urge to run away. Seeing Harry not resist Lily sat down on the bed beside him and gently cupped his cheeks.

"Since we couldn't keep you close, and Albus..." Harry noted as she almost spat out Dumbledore's name, "concluded that you would never be able to use magic, your core almost seemed to be rejecting magic, we decided to let you grow up in the muggle world, where you won't have to face all the dark wizards after your life and..." she sighed and stopped, Harry sensed her emotions going into a turmoil again, "I watched you for years growing up, going to school and you seemed okay, healthy without any blisters..." Lily watched as Harry's skin didn't react negatively to her touch anymore.

Seeing Lily lost in thought James continued, "Your mother was going crazy, just watching you and being unable to hold you or talk to you, so we hired Mrs. Figg, the cat lady that lived in the house opposite to yours, to watch out for you, she provided us with regular pictures and to see if you are doing okay... that's where all these photos come from." he pointed to the showcase that Harry was browsing hours ago.

"She was my sister, I trusted her with you..." Lily whispered, Harry turned to his mother who now looked angry, "Mrs. Figg told us that the Dursley's were murdered one night when you were about 8, we rushed there as soon as we could, at first we thought that a family of the Dark Lord found you and that they kidnapped you, but no ransom came and..." Lily tried not to cry, she was sitting beside her son for the first time in a decade, she could touch him and he wasn't in any danger, his skin didn't react negatively to her touch but she couldn't stop herself from sobbing slightly, the rage and fear that Harry would never understand and forgive her was too much to bear.

'Yeah HYDRA would have sent their most competent of agents for that, maybe even the winter soldier to clean everything up, there was no way anyone could have tracked me, not with all the wards Hydra got when fighting alongside Gellert in World War 2.'

Dumbledore finally spoke now that he thought he had given Lily a fair shot, "There were no traces, we used illegal blood magic to trace you but all results came out negative, so there were just two options, you either died in that attack or that you were kidnapped and placed under powerful wards that prevent scrying methods. James searched for months under the pretense of capturing the Dark artifacts but no results..." Dumbledore finished.

"That's when we decided to stop looking, it was almost 4 months of constant search across Britain but we couldn't find anything, your mother was beating herself for trusting you with Petunia," Harry noticed for the first time the advanced Occlumency his father was using, but even his mask cracked at his late aunt's name, "and I for leading a never-ending search that ruffled a lot of feathers, our family was breaking apart," he paused for a bit before continuing, ", so we moved on," his tone bitter he shook his head, Harry saw him clench his hand.

All this was now turning a little bit too weird for him, Lily's hands holding his arms were feeling a little restrictive and James' stare felt a little too heavy, Harry didn't care for these people's feelings and now it was turning into a clusterfuck that he did not like being a part off. So he stood up and walked away for a second, he walked out of the room as he sensed several gazes at his back, as he realized he wasn't wearing his robes he conjured some glass beads and transfigured them into a makeshift robe.

Harry once again found himself on the balcony staring at the impressive estate. With a familiar presence hovering behind him, he activated Gamer's mind to calm down his nerves then turned back towards the little redhead who was staring at his back.

"Hello again, Ivy!"


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